Wetter in Acapulco

Mi. 15.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Do. 16.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Do. 16.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Fr. 17.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen

Hafenkarte: Acapulco

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Acapulco

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Acapulco mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Norwegian Jade Mo. 14.04.2025 08:00 17:00
Norwegian Joy Do. 09.10.2025 09:00 18:00
Norwegian Encore Di. 28.10.2025 09:00 18:00
MS Europa 2 Fr. 16.01.2026 12:00 19:00
MS Amera Di. 20.01.2026 09:00 18:00
MS Amadea Mi. 28.01.2026 13:00 20:00
Norwegian Jade Mo. 16.02.2026 09:00 18:00
Norwegian Jade Mo. 23.03.2026 08:30 16:00
Norwegian Encore Mi. 22.04.2026 07:00 18:00
Norwegian Bliss Sa. 17.10.2026 07:30 18:00
Norwegian Star Di. 15.12.2026 07:00 17:00
Norwegian Star Mi. 07.04.2027 08:00 17:00
MS Amadea Mo. 12.04.2027 08:00 17:00

Landausflüge in Acapulco

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Acapulco im Minibus
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Die Durchführung des Ausfluges erfolgt in Kleinbussen. Wissenswertes zu Acapulco erfahren Sie an den einzelnen Haltepunkten in englischer Sprache. Sie sehen die Strände Caleta und Caletilla, den Platz Zocalo im kolonialen Stadtteil, den Zentralmarkt, das Universitätsgelände und andere Sehenswürdigkeiten. Unterwegs kurze Spaziergänge. Keine Innenbesichtigungen.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Wenige Informationen unterwegs vom englischsprechenden Fahrer. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Acapulco und Felsenspringer
ca. 3,5h

ca. 3,5 Std.
Acapulco liegt 400 km südlich von Mexiko-Stadt, am Fuß der Sierra Madre del Sur. Das sonnenreiche Seebad erstreckt sich entlang einer großen halbmondförmigen Bucht. Ihre Rundfahrt bringt Sie durch die Altstadt von Acapulco zur Küstenstraße, die entlang der Bucht durch die Hotelzone führt. Über den Stadtteil Las Brisas gelangen Sie zu einem Aussichtspunkt. Nach etwas Freizeit zum Souvenirkauf passieren Sie Zocalo, den alten historischen Teil von Acapulco, und besuchen die Felsenspringer von Quebrada. Aus schwindelerregender Höhe stürzen sich die jungen Männer kopfüber in die Brandung. Nach der Vorführung kehren Sie zum Schiff zurück. 
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet(viele Treppenstufen). Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

La Quebrada und Felsenspringer
ca. 1,5h

ca. 1,5 Std.
Kurzer Bustransfer vom Schiff zum Felsen La Quebrada, wo seit 1934 traditionell die mutigen Klippenspringer aus knapp 30 Meter Höhe ins Wasser springen. Genießen Sie zunächst eine Erfrischung und etwas Freizeit, bevor die etwa 20-minütige Show der Felsenspringer beginnt - erleben Sie eine der bekanntesten Attraktionen Acapulcos. Nach der Vorführung kehren Sie zum Schiff zurück.  
Bitte beachten:
 Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet (viele Treppenstufen). Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Lagune von Coyuca
ca. 4,5h

ca. 4,5 Std.
Per Bus gelangen Sie entlang der zerklüfteten Felsenküste zur Lagune von Coyuca, umgeben von riesigen Palmenhainen und Brutstätte vieler Vogelarten, darunter Pelikane, Wildenten und Reiher. Hier startet Ihre etwa einstündige Bootsfahrt durch die Mangrovengebiete. Anschließend Weiterfahrt zu einem schönen Strand für einen Spaziergang oder zum Sonnenbaden (aufgrund der starken Brandung ist Schwimmen nicht gestattet). In einem rustikalen Open-Air-Restaurant werden mexikanische Snacks serviert (2 Getränke pro Person eingeschlossen). Anschließend Rückkehr zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit ist der Ein- und Ausstieg in das Boot beschwerlich. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Badesachen, Handtuch und Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen. Wenige Informationen unterwegs in englischer Sprache.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Schildkrötenfarm und Bootsfahrt
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Zunächst fahren Sie etwa 30 Min. zum Stadtteil Las Brisas und genießen von einer Anhöhe schöne Ausblicke. Weiterfahrt zum Strand von Barra Vieja, wo Sie eine Schildkrötenfarm besuchen. Danach geht es zur Tres Palos Lagune. Hier unternehmen Sie eine etwa 45-minütige Fahrt mit dem Boot, auf der Sie die Schönheit der Region hautnah erfahren. Danach erfolgt dann die etwa 1-stündige Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Stadtrundgang historisches Acapulco
ca. 2,5h

ca. 2,5 Std.
Erkunden Sie das historische Acapulco zu Fuß. Gleich neben dem Schiffsterminal führt eine Brücke zum sternförmigen Fort San Diego. Bei einer Außenbesichtigung erfahren Sie mehr über die Geschichte Acapulcos. Um 1617 erbaut, war das Fort San Diego einst die wichtigste spanische Festung im Pazifik und schützte die Stadt vor Piratenangriffen. Anschließend besuchen Sie das Maskenmuseum. Die beinahe 1000 Masken stammen aus verschiedenen Teilen des mexikanischen Bundesstaates Guerrero sowie den Kontinenten Amerika, Europa und Asien. Die Ausstellung spiegelt die Traditionen unterschiedlicher Kulturen wider. Im Anschluss erfolgt der Besuch des Marinemuseums, dessen Ausstellung die maritime Geschichte des mexikanischen Pazifiks behandelt. Danach schlendern Sie entlang der Costera Miguel Aleman Avenue zum zentralen Platz Zocalo in der Innenstadt, wo Sie die Kathedrale "Nuestra señora de la Soledad" sehen und um in einer Cafeteria eine Tasse Kaffee oder ein Erfrischungsgetränk zu sich nehmen. Nach dieser Rast spazieren Sie zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Acapulco Beach Day
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 134€ / Kinder ab 95€

Board your bus for a 1 1/4 hour ride to the beach, past Acapulco’s most notable points of interest. There’ll be a series of scenic photo stops throughout the ride. During your drive up the southern hillside of Acapulco, enjoy unique views of the bays of Acapulco, Puerto Marquez and of the city. Upon arrival at the beach, the party begins complete with an open bar of Mexican beer (soda and water are available) and plenty of snacks. Enjoy the beauty of the beach, the swimming pool and the Pacific Ocean, or relax at the bar and listen to the music.

Acapulco City With Cliff Divers
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 47€

Travel along the coastline while you learn about the history and culture of Acapulco. Stop at El Mirador, above La Quebrada to enjoy a drink while admiring the world-famous cliff divers. From a vantage point near Las Brisas Hotel, marvel at the incredible beauty of the panoramic landscape and the bays of Acapulco and Puerto Marques. Continue to the outskirts of town and pass by one of the most impressive hotels in the Acapulco Diamante hotel zone, the Acapulco Princess Hotel, constructed to resemble an Aztec Pyramid.

Acapulco Cliff Divers & San Diego Fort
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 66€

Visit the San Diego Fort, once the most important Spanish fortress on the Pacific coast and today is home to the Acapulco Historic Museum. You’ll learn about the history of the city, the important role the fortress played and the culture of early inhabitants.

You’ll also visit the cliffside at La Quebrada cove and witness a performance presented by the world famous cliff divers of Acapulco. Using skill and experience, these divers have to time the beginning of their dive so that the waters in the cove are deep enough when they hit them. The breathtaking highlight of the show will be when the master diver plunges headlong over 130 feet into the ocean waters below from the uppermost level of the jagged cliff.

Acapulco Cliff Divers Express
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 66€ / Kinder ab 47€

Visit the cliffside at La Quebrada cove and witness a performance presented by the world famous cliff divers of Acapulco. Using skill and experience, the divers have to time the beginning of their dive so that the waters in the cove are deep enough when they hit them. The breathtaking highlight of the show will be when the master diver plunges headlong over 130 feet into the ocean waters below from the uppermost level of the jagged cliff.

Aztec Lunch & Cliff Divers
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 76€

Experience an unforgettable lunch with genuine Mexican entertainment. Departing the pier, you’ll be transported to La Quebrada to watch the world-famous cliff divers leap 110 feet into the Pacific Ocean while you enjoy a welcome drink. Browse for souvenirs at a nearby shop before boarding your bus for a scenic drive along La Costera, en route to a restaurant with a fabulous view. A special Mexican lunch will be served while you relax and admire Acapulco’s skyline.

Bay Cruise and Cliff Divers
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
3 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 76€

On this tour you’ll experience Acapulco from a unique perspective, as you cruise through one of the most beautiful bays in the region. Your transfer boat will take you to your vessel on which you’ll set sail for La Quebrada to view the world famous cliff divers as they plunge nearly 130 feet into the ocean below. Continue sailing along the coast, passing by the million dollar mansions of the rich and famous perched on the Acapulco hills. Taste an array of Mexican appetizers and beverages while you enjoy the sights from the bay.

Botanical Gardens & Tropical Aviary
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 134€ / Kinder ab 95€

If you're a nature lover, this is your perfect opportunity to explore the wonders of a unique tropical nature preserve and a botanical garden. Enjoy a lovely ride along Acapulco Bay as you head towards the coast to Tres Palos Lagoon. During your scenic drive you’ll see Acapulco’s points of interest, including stunning views of the bays, resort and residential areas. Upon arrival at Tres Palos Lagoon, you’ll board your motorboat to begin a breathtaking exploration of the lagoon, home to many species of tropical birds. See mangrove tunnels, virgin lagoons, a natural garden of wild flowers and more.

Then, travel up into the cool hills surrounding the bay and stop to visit the Botanical Gardens. Here, you’ll walk through exotic and amazing tropical flora. The vegetation is typical of a lower deciduous jungle as it contains a great variety of hardwood trees, as well as a variety of cacti, palms and fruit trees.

Captain's Choice Snorkel
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 143€

Enjoy a cruise to the best snorkeling location of the day, selected by your Captain and dive master. Water conditions vary from site to site, so this tour is designed for you to be able to snorkel at the best site possible. The location varies but the content of the tour will remain the same.

You’ll stop for an hour of easy snorkeling at a spot with calm, clear, warm waters under the supervision of experienced instructors. The tour includes an open bar, soft drinks, snorkeling and all the Mexican beer you can drink, after snorkeling. Then, enjoy beautiful views of the bay during the relaxing cruise back to the pier.

Coyuca Speedboat Adventure
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 85€

Depart from the pier in your air conditioned transportation en route to the small resort town of Pie de la Cuesta, located 14 miles/23 km west of Acapulco Bay. Upon arrival, you’ll board your speedboat for an hour’s ride where you’ll see the mangrove swamp and all of the vegetation.

Visit Bird Island where you may see diver ducks, pelicans, white and black herons as well as seagulls. During the trip observe tropical lush vegetation, a coconut plantation and a sanctuary of typical birds. After your return, you can enjoy free time on your own. You can take a swim in the pool or a walk on the beach before returning to your ship.

Create Your Own Pescado A La Talla
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 85€


Learn to prepare a traditional grilled fish dish under the watchful eye of a master chef and enjoy it for lunch afterwards. The venue for your culinary immersion will be Bonfil Beach, a beautiful stretch of sand just south of Acapulco. Although the recipes for Pescado a la Talla vary, in the Mexican state of Guerrero – where Acapulco is located and the dish was born – the fish is typically butterflied and grilled over an open flame right on the beach. It is prepared with a green chili sauce on one side and a red chili sauce on the other The chef will offer tips to ensure that your fish is grilled to perfection. After dining on your concoction, you will visit a farm for crocodiles that have been rescued. While observing these fearsome-looking reptiles up-close, you will learn about the unusual circumstances that brought them to the farm.


• Learn to prepare a favorite Acapulco fish dish on beautiful Bonfil Beach.
• Follow the master chef’s tips to ensure that the fish is grilled perfectly.
• Enjoy the dish – Pescado a la Talla – for lunch.
• Observe rescued crocodiles that are now cared for at a farm in the countryside.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Endangered Baby Sea Turtles & City Drive
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
4 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 66€

Take a scenic ride through downtown Acapulco and along the coast, heading south. About 20 miles away, on a tranquil beach, is the Sea Turtle Rescue Center. Operated by a local environmentalist, the center works to improve the chances of survival for the endangered species of Golfina sea turtles. Learn how the program works and see the baby turtles in various stages of development, from their eggs to the holding tanks where the hatchlings are ready to return to the sea.

Walk down to the shoreline where the turtles will be named before they are released into the water. The number of turtles that are ready for release may not always match the number of participants. A short shopping stop will be made on the way back to your ship.

Glass Bottom Boat
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 85€


Cruise through the sheltered waters of Acapulco Bay in a glass-bottom boat that allows you to clearly see the underwater wonders without getting wet. You can expect to observe an ever-changing parade of colorful marine life that may include bright-blue Cortez damselfish, banded wrasses, queen angelfish and neon-colored parrotfish. You may even spot sea turtles gracefully swimming by. Near the entrance to the bay, you will pause for a good look at the Virgin of the Seas, a sculpture of the revered Virgin of Guadalupe that was submerged there in 1959. You will disembark at Palmitas Beach on the neighboring island of La Roqueta, where you will be free to relax however you wish. You might take a refreshing swim in the crystalline waters and snorkel if you want to continue exploring the marine life. As an leisurely alternative, you can just walk along the shore and admire the gorgeous scenery.


• Observe the bountiful marine life in Acapulco Bay while cruising in a glass-bottom boat.
• Look for schools of brightly colored fish and perhaps even a sea turtle or two.
• Stop at the submerged statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe, a beloved symbol of Mexico.
• Enjoy free time snorkeling, swimming or simply relaxing on Palmitas Beach.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Highlights, Shopping & Cliff Divers
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 3
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 82€ / Kinder ab 53€

View the famous cliff divers at La Quebrada while enjoying a complimentary drink. Tour main avenue and stop near Las Brisas area for stunning panoramic views. Shop for handcrafted items or jewelry. Stop at the Hotel Los Flamingos, where you can enjoy a drink while you travel back through history and visit the home of movie legend Tarzan in its original setting.

The tour ends with an outside visit to the Fort of San Diego, the most important museum in the state and a testament to Acapulco's history.

Tehuacalco Archaeological Site
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 85€


Explore the ruins of Tehuacalco, the first excavated archaeological site of the Yope, a pre-Columbian people that were known to be fierce warriors. While walking among the remains of the Tehuacalco ceremonial site, you will see pyramids clustered around a central plaza, a Mesoamerican ball court and a number of temples where sacred rituals were held. You will notice that many of the buildings were constructed with large stones separated by flat rocks and clay, a design that helped the structures withstand earthquakes. More than a dozen buildings at Tehuacalco have been excavated, some of them with staircases and sunken patios. The guide will describe the key points of interest, which include symbolic petroglyphs that were carved into the rocks with stone chisels. The name Tehuacalco is derived from the Nahuatl language and means “place of the stone box,” which is appropriate due to the simply designed stone buildings.


• Wander among the excavated ruins of Tehuacalco, an ancient ceremonial site.
• Discover what life was like for the Yope people that held trituals in Tehuacalco.
• See stone pyramids, a ball court and petrogylphs carved into the rocks.
• Hear theories about why the Yopes left Tehuacalco and their enigmatic legacy.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

The Different Faces Of Acapulco
Acapulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 66€

Discover the real Acapulco! Departing from the pier, you'll be driven to the newest part of Acapulco, Punta Diamante, where you can admire the Mayan Palace Condo Hotel. Stop for some pictures at Santa Lucia Bay and Puerto Marques. Pass by the town of Tres Palos, where the lifestyles and traditions of Mexico are closely guarded.

A scenic drive along one of the most important avenues in town will take you to the zone where the hospital and universities are located and to the central farmer's market. Enjoy a welcome drink as you browse a nearby shop for souvenirs. Finally and before returning to your ship, experience the most spectacular show in town, the world-famous Acapulco High Cliff Divers jumping from La Quebrada, at a height of over 110 feet.

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