Wetter in Andalsnes
Hafenkarte: Andalsnes
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Andalsnes
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Andalsnes mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Landausflüge in Andalsnes
ca. 3 Std.
Der Ausflug bietet Ihnen Landschaftseindrücke wie aus dem Bilder(foto)buch. Ausgangspunkt für Ihre Fahrt ist Åndalsnes an der Mündung des Flusses Rauma, umgeben von einer beeindruckenden Bergwelt, weshalb die Stadt oft als Norwegens "Alpenstadt" bezeichnet wird. Ihre Fahrt führt Sie durch das enge Romsdal, eine etwa 60 km lange Talschlucht, vom Rauma durchzogen und mit bis 1.800 m hohen Bergen. Besonders sehenswert sind das 1.555 m emporragende Romsdalshorn und die imposante Trollwand ("Trollveggen"), mit bis zu 1.000 m Europas steilste Steilwand. Genießen Sie die Fahrt durch die beeindruckende Bergwelt mit ihren Wasserfällen und teils schroffen Felsformationen, die schöne Fotomotive bietet. Sie erreichen Bjorli auf etwa 600 m Höhe, wo Ihnen in einem Restaurant Kaffee und Kuchen serviert werden. Anschließend Rückfahrt nach Åndalsnes zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2017)
ca. 2,5 Std.
Sie spazieren zunächst etwa fünf Minuten vom Anleger zur Fjordstation der Romsdal Gondel. Die neueste Attraktion in Åndalsnes wurde erst im Mai 2021 eröffnet. Während der 5-minütigen Fahrt in der hochmodernen Gondelbahn genießen Sie die atemberaubende Aussicht auf die umliegende Landschaft. Sie erreichen die Bergstation auf dem Berg Nesaksla (708 ü.d.M.). Spektakuläre Ausblicke erwarten Sie. Bei guter Wetterlage sehen Sie den Romsdalsfjord, die Stadt Åndalsnes, Isfjorden, Isterdalen, Kirketaket, den Fluss Rauma und Trollveggen. Genießen Sie etwa 40 Minuten Freizeit und erkunden Sie die umliegenden Wanderwege und Aussichtspunkte bei Spaziergängen. Anschließend fahren Sie mit der Gondelbahn wieder zurück zur Talstation. Anschließend besuchen das nahebei gelegene Tindemuseum. Åndalsnes ist die Bergsteigerhauptstadt Norwegens, und dieses Erlebnis- und Ausstellungszentrum mit modernen Installationen bietet Ihnen einen umfassenden Einblick in die Geschichte des Bergsports. Die Führung endet im Museum. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, sich individuell noch ein wenig umzuschauen oder zu Fuß zum Schiff zurückzukehren.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2024)
ca. 3 Std.
Åndalsnes liegt direkt am Isfjord und ist von einer beeindruckenden Bergwelt umgeben, weshalb es oft als Norwegens "Alpenstadt" bezeichnet wird. Insgesamt 87 Berge dieser Gegend ragen über 1.500 m in die Höhe. Die Fahrt führt in südlicher Richtung am Fluss Rauma entlang zur berühmten Trollstigstraße. Über elf atemberaubende Serpentinen schraubt sich die Straße mit 10% Steigung den Berg hinauf. Beim Wasserfall Stegfossen können Sie den Blick über das Istertal und die umliegende Bergwelt genießen, und auch vom Aussichtspunkt Trollstigen beeindruckt bei klarer Sicht der Blick auf die norwegische Landschaft. Danach fahren Sie wieder zurück ins Tal und erreichen die mit über 1.000 m höchste Steilwand Europas, die Trollwand. Nach einem Fotostopp fahren Sie zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2024)
ca. 4 Std.
Åndalsnes, eine kleine Stadt direkt am Isfjord, ist von einer beeindruckenden Bergwelt umgeben und wird deshalb oft als Norwegens "Alpenstadt" bezeichnet. 87 Berge dieser Region ragen über 1.500 m in die Höhe. Sie fahren mit dem Bus in südlicher Richtung zur Trollwand, mit über 1.000 m höchste Steilwand Europas. Nach einem Fotostopp fahren Sie durch beeindruckende Landschaft entlang des Raumaflusses nach Bjorli, 600 m hoch gelegen. Bjorli ist für die Norweger ein beliebtes Skigebiet, und viele besitzen hier ein Wochenendhaus. Die Fahrt geht weiter nach Dombås, ein weiteres populäres Hüttengebiet. Nach etwas Freizeit in Dombås startet die Fahrt mit der bekannten Raumabahn zurück nach Åndalsnes. Sie ist eine eingleisige, nicht-elektrifizierte Bahnstrecke, die im Jahr 1924 fertiggestellt wurde. Genießen Sie die bequeme Fahrt durch die wunderschöne Landschaft. Unterwegs sehen Sie einige alte Steinbrücken, z.B. die Kyllingbrücke, eine der berühmtesten Bahnbrücken Norwegens und Wahrzeichen dieser Strecke. Sie ist 59 m hoch und 76 m lang und wurde von 1913 bis 1922 erbaut. Nach etwa 80-minütiger Bahnfahrt erreichen Sie Åndalsnes. Vom Bahnhof gehen Sie wenige Minuten zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Dieser Ausflug kann auch in umgekehrter Reihenfolge stattfinden.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2024)
Meet your guide at the pier and walk the short distance to the bike depot where you’ll be fitted with a helmet and e-bike. After an orientation and safety briefing, start your 15 km (9.3 miles) ride through Venjedalen Valley, heading towards Litlefjellet peak. Along the way, you’ll see well-known landmarks like Romsdalshorn, the Troll Wall, and Venjetindane.
Once the bike ride concludes, embark on a one-hour hike to the summit of Litlefjellet. At the top, take in the panoramic views, relax, and enjoy a selection of local snacks. Then, hop back on the bike and return the 15 km to Åndalsnes, completing a memorable journey through the valley.
Please note: Guests must be in excellent physical condition in order to participate in this tour. One need to know how to ride a bike and be comfortable with steep trails. Bike ride totals 30 km (18,6 miles); hike 2 km (1,2 miles). Wear light yet comfortable and warm clothing, preferably in layers. Windbreaker is recommended. Guests need to bring bottled water for own consumption.
After the short walk to the kayaking base in Åndalsnes, you will receive the equipment, be provided with a brief safety session, and details about the trip ahead.
While gliding on the calm waters, you’ll experience breathtaking views of the iconic Romsdal Alps. From your kayak, you’ll see famous peaks like Kirketaket, Loftsskarstind, and Klauva up close.
Kayaking is easy to get into, requires little time or effort, and offers an unforgettable way to connect with nature.
Please note: Guests should be comfortable around water and able to swim. Expect to get a little wet during the tour. Double kayaks will be used. Life jackets are provided and must be warn.
This hiking tour starts at the pier and follows a trail which ascends steeply until reaching the view point, Rampestreken, 537 metres above sea level. The locals love this hike, and they often do this as their daily exercise to be rewarded with a magnificent, breathtaking view.
Romsdalstrappa Steps
Altough considered as a moderate hike, \ the last part is quite steep. When you reach about 430m above sea level the trail steepens into stone steps, where the path is made durable thanks to wonderful pieces of stone construction works by Nepalese Sherpas. Worth a study itself, called Romsdalstrappa. The steps provide a solid path most of the way to the top. The path is well marked with signposts and red marks painted on trees and rocks.
Rampestreken View Point
From the Rampestreken view point, enjoy a 360 degrees view over the fjord, moutains and your ship.
Please note: This tour requires an extensive amount of activity and is recommended only for those guests who are physically fit and experienced at hiking. Wear hiking boots, dressing in layers and bringing along sun screen or rain gear if necessary. A little waist or back pack may be helpful to carry water from the ship, camera and clothing accessories as needed. Walking is on country road, hiking paths, grass and uneven surface, and uphill and downhill. The hike up to the view point will take approximately 90 minutes, while the walk back to the pier will take approximately one hour. Minimum age to participate is 12 years old.
Enjoy a spectaculr ride on The Romsdalen Gondola, Norway's longest cable car and continue with a scenic walk on the top of the Nesaksla mountain.
Romsdalen Gondola
The Romsdalen Gondola is Norway's longest cable car, and the bottom station is located right in the center of the mountaineering capital Åndalsnes. It has been built with innovative and sustainable solutions, and opened in May 2021.
Meet your guide on the pier, who will take you for a brief walk to the cable car station, where your short but incredible ride will begin.
Nesaksla Mountain Nature Walk
Upon arrival at the Nesaksla mountain, follow your guide thorugh some of the several hiking trails, featuring spectacular views of the fjords, your ship and majestic mountains. Walk for approximately 1 kilometre, while listening to your guides commentary. The hike ends at the gondola station at the top of the mountain, where you may choose to further enjoy the spectacular mountain views before taking the gondola down the mountain and returning to the pier.
Please note: This excursion involves an extensive amount of walking of approximately 2 kilometres, over uneven ground and natural surfaces. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are recommended to wear hiking boots and dress in layers.
Your adventure begins at the pier, where you'll take a short walk to your Rigid Inflatable Boat. After a brief safety briefing and some instructions, you’ll suit up in a windproof outfit and experience an exhilarating RIB ride through the Romsdalsfjord.
With its crystal-clear waters, towering mountains, and dramatic landscapes, this fjord is a true gem of Norway's west coast. As your Captain speeds through what appears to be a never-ending fjord you’ll be treated to stunning scenery and magnificent rock formations. The RIB boat ride will last approximately one hour.
Please note: We recommend dressing comfortably and according to the weather. Guests must be in good physical condition. Avoid wearing open-toe shoes. Guests will remain on the RIB for the entire duration of the tour.
Visit the agricultural Woldstad Farm, nestled within the stunning Kyrkjetaket and Gjuratinden mountains, just outside the village of Isfjorden.
The farm carries on its family traditions established in 1654, with consistent ownership and operation by the Woldstad family. Today the farm's campus is made up of 12 buildings, some of which date back to the 1500s. The farm's original main barn is now a restaurant, converted with careful attention to preserving its original beams and other charming details.
Woldstad Farm
Depart by coach and drive just a short distance (10 minutes) to the lovely Woldstad Farm. Your host awaits you with a warm Norwegian welcome. Receive an introduction to what life is like on an old family farm, with a window on its history as well as the chance to experience Norwegian culture for yourself. Your host encourages questions, as the farm owners are passionate about sharing how life in this challenging (yet scenically beautiful) place has changed over the centuries.
Local Tasting & Svele Baking
After a tour, enjoy a tasting of local specialties made on the farm as well as produce grown here. Try the svele (a traditional, thick pancake), or some apple or blueberry pie, along with locally-made cheese and homemade jams. For food-lovers, the highlight of this tour is learning how to bake your own svele.
Take some time to wander the agricultural farm on your own, taking pictures, visiting the farm shop, the local art gallery, or just absorbing the beauty of the setting. Return to the pier.
Please note: This excursion involves a moderate amount of walking, mainly at guests' discretion. The tour is suitable for guests with mobility difficulties and wheelchair users as long as they can negotiate the steps on and off the coach. Guests are recommended to wear comfortable flat shoes and dress in layers. Space on this tour is quite limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment. This is an agricultural farm, therefore visit does not include any animal viewing.
Experience the magnificent beauty of the expansive Romsdal range and fjord during this scenic, half-day excursion through the Rauma Valley.
Åndalsnes Village, Romsdalsfjord, Rauma Railway Station
Depart the pier for the short, guided walk to the Rauma Railway Station. Åndalsnes is a beautiful village situated on the Romsdalsfjord, and terminus for the Rauma Railway line connecting the Romsdal district with eastern Norway and the capital, Oslo. Åndalsnes Village was bombed and almost destroyed during World War II, but it has been rebuilt along modern lines. The scenery is a dramatic; high mountains with jagged peaks surrounds the village.
Train-Ride, River Rauma, Mount Romsdalshorn, Trolltindane, Troll Wall
Upon arrival at the Rauma Railway Station, your tour begins with a panoramic train-ride. Your route follows the renowned River Rauma, which abounds with salmon and has been a favourite amongst English anglers for more than a century. To the left, take in splendid views of the approximately 5,085-foot-high (about 1,550-metre-high) Mount Romsdalshorn. To the right is the Trolltindane, whose towering peaks reach a height of approximately 6,168 feet (about 1800 meters), and the Trollveggen, or 'Troll Wall', whose vertical, overhanging wall is over 3,281 feet (about 1,000 metres) in height. A photo stop is made here on the return journey.
Lesjaskog Lake, Waterfalls, Kylling Bridge, Bjorli Railway Station, Valley, Troll Wall
Next, continue through the fascinating landscape along the River Rauma that descends from the Lesjaskog Lake, and forms many attractive waterfalls on the way. From here, cross over the Kylling Bridge, which offers a dramatic view down into the canyon approximately 180 feet (about 55 metres) below, with a foaming river at the bottom. Built exclusively from natural stone, this bridge is an impressive work of engineering. Upon arrival at the Bjorli Railway Station, which stands approximately 1,883 feet (about 574 metres) above sea level, board a coach and drive down one of Norway's most beautiful valleys, which features impressive peaks rising straight up from the valley floor. A photo stop is made at the 'Troll Wall' massif, which is popular among mountain-climbers. Afterward, re-board your coach and commence the short drive back to the pier.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 219 yards (about 200 metres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and board/de-board the train. This tour is not suitable for guests with a fear of heights, guests prone to motion sickness, guests with a fear of tunnels, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear warm, comfortable clothing in layers with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and a weatherproof jacket. One group starts out by train and returns by bus, whilst the second group leaves by bus and returns by train. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The train is a public service and train seats cannot be reserved in advance, window seats or seats next to each other may not be guaranteed.
Discover the spectacular natural topography and religious history of Norway during this picturesque, half-day sightseeing excursion.
Åndalsnes, Isfjorden Village, Leirheim Farm, Rødven Stave Church
Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 35-minute minute drive to the Rødven Stave Church. En route, pass by the village of Isfjorden, noted for its little clothing and woodworking factories, and Leirheim Farm. Upon arrival at the Rødven Stave Church, a visit is made to this historic building, which dates from the 14th century and is now in the possession of the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Norwegian Monuments.
The wooden stave churches of Norway are the most famous and characteristic achievements of medieval Norwegian architecture. The distinguishing feature of their construction is the use of vertical planks, or 'staves', which are either anchored in the ground or connected to a horizontal base.
River Rauma, Mount Romsdalshorn, Trolltindane, Troll Wall
Next, re-board your coach and head back towards Åndalsnes, then proceed along the renowned River Rauma, which abounds with salmon and has been a favourite amongst English anglers for more than a century. To the left, take in splendid views of we have views of the approximately 5,085-foot-high (about 1,550-metre-high) Mount Romsdalshorn. To the right is the Trolltindane, whose towering peaks reach a height of approximately 6,168 feet (about 1800 meters), and Trollveggen, or 'Troll Wall', whose vertical, overhanging wall is over 3,281 feet (about 1,000 metres) in height and popular among mountain-climbers.
Trollstigen Road and Viewpoint, Stigfoss Waterfall
After driving close to the Troll Wall, head further up the valley to the Trollstigen Road (Troll's Road), which winds its way around 11 narrow, hairpin bends blasted out of the mountainside. Halfway up, the Trollstigen Road crosses the Stigfoss Waterfall, which features a fall of approximately 590 feet (about 180 metres). Your last stop is at the Trollstigen Viewpoint, located at the top of Trollstigen Road. Upon arrival, you may opt to ascend the 81 steps to the viewing area for spectacular panoramic views of your surrounds. At the conclusion of your visit, commence the approximately 45-minute drive back to the pier via the same road.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 875 yards (about 800 metres), at times over uneven surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, ten steps at the Rødven Stave Church and 81 optional steps to access the Trollstigen Viewpoint. This tour is not suitable for guests with a fear of heights, guests prone to motion sickness, guests with a fear of tunnels. Guests with limited mobility and wheelchair users may opt out of the visit to the Stave Church. Guests are advised to wear warm, comfortable clothing in layers with flat, closed-toe walking shoes. The tour sequence may vary. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions.