Wetter in Antwerpen

Mi. 15.01.2025
Mi. 15.01.2025
Mi. 15.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Mi. 15.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Do. 16.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Do. 16.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Fr. 17.01.2025
klarer Himmel

Hafenkarte: Antwerpen

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Antwerpen

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Antwerpen mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
MS Europa 2 Mi. 09.07.2025 8:00 19:00
HANSEATIC nature So. 12.10.2025 8:00 18:00
MS Europa So. 26.10.2025 8:00 18:00
MS Europa 2 Di. 12.05.2026 16:00
MS Europa 2 Mi. 13.05.2026 19:00
HANSEATIC Spirit Do. 21.05.2026 9:00 23:59
MS Europa Mi. 10.06.2026 7:00 18:00
Silver Spirit Fr. 03.07.2026 09:00 00:00
Silver Spirit Sa. 04.07.2026 00:00 19:00
Silver Spirit Mo. 20.07.2026 08:00 00:00
Silver Spirit Di. 21.07.2026 00:00 18:00
MS Deutschland Do. 03.09.2026 08:00 18:00

Landausflüge in Antwerpen

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Antwerpen zu Fuß
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Die Hafenstadt ist eine der bedeutendsten Kunststädte Europas. Hier findet der Barock in der Malerei des Malerfürsten Peter Paul Rubens seinen Höhepunkt. Der Reichtum der Handelsstadt spiegelt sich in den prächtigen Stadtpalästen und Kirchen wider. Auch wenn das goldene Zeitalter vorbei ist, Weltspitze bleibt Antwerpen im Diamantenhandel. Das Herz der Hafenstadt schlägt auf dem Großen Markt, der von schönen Gildehäusern aus dem 16. und 17. Jh. umgeben ist. Das Rathaus aus dem 15. Jh. ist eine gelungene Kombination aus flämischem Baustil und italienischer Renaissance. Auf dem Platz steht das Standbild des "handwerfenden Brabos", von dem sich der Name Antwerpen ableiten soll. Die Liebfrauenkathedrale ist die größte gotische Kirche Belgiens und mit ihrem filigranen weißen Turm das weithin sichtbare Wahrzeichen Antwerpens (Innenbesichtigung). 
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Die Kathedrale kann sonntags und während festlicher Zeremonien nicht besichtigt werden. Für die Besichtigung der Liebfrauenkathedrale tragen Sie bitte entsprechende Kleidung.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std.
Von der Anlegestelle fahren Sie etwa 1 Std. nach Brüssel, Sitz des Europarates und der NATO. Während einer Panoramafahrt sehen Sie zahlreiche Jugendstilhäuser, das 102 m hohe Atomium (Weltausstellung 1958), den Schlosspark Laeken, den Chinesischen Pavillon, die Japanische Pagode und das Parlament. Es folgt ein Rundgang durch den historischen Teil der Stadt mit Besuch des mittelalterlichen Marktplatzes (Grande Place). Hier befinden sich die goldverzierten Gildehäuser, das gotische Rathaus und unweit davon der berühmte "Manneken Pis". Nach etwa 1 Std. Freizeit für eigene Erkundungen, Rückfahrt zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Gent und Kanalfahrt
ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std.
Etwa einstündiger Bustransfer von Antwerpen nach Gent, eine der schönsten Städte Europas mit sehenswertem Altstadtkern. Nach Ankunft kurzer Spaziergang zu Ihrem Kanalboot. Während Ihrer etwa 45-minütigen Grachtenfahrt durch den historischen Kern Gents sehen Sie u.a. die beeindruckende Grafenburg, den Fischmarkt, Klöster aus dem 13. Jahrhundert sowie den alten Hafen mit seinen Handelshäusern. Anschließend haben Sie eine gute 1 Stunde Freizeit für eigene Erkundungen. Bevor es zurück zum Schiff geht, geniessen Sie Ihren zweiten, etwa 15-minütigen Teil, Ihrer Grachtenfahrt. Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
An Antwerp Pub Crawl
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 2.5 Stunden
Code: ANR-N

To paraphrase UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage site, “The making and appreciation of beer is part of the living heritage of communities throughout Belgium, playing a role in daily life as well as festive occasions.” Plus, it tends to taste seriously delicious – though that last bit is not UNESCO talking.

This fun, flavorful beer tour through central Antwerp is curated to prove that point. You’ll visit three authentic local pubs to savor Belgium's world-renowned brews, drinking a different style at each stop. It might be a rich Trappist ale made under the supervision of monks, a refreshing witbier, a tripel, golden ale, or simply a favored local pilsner. The one ingredient they all share is the inviting atmosphere of the Antwerp beer spots where you find them. These places are truly an institution in this country.

With the help of your expert guide and assorted pub proprietors, you’ll learn much about the brewing traditions and ingredients that help make Belgian beer so special – and acquire a taste for how Antwerp’s lively pub culture finds its way into the hearts of locals and visitors alike. Come on the crawl and say “Cheers” to a perfect evening of walking and tasting. Or, as they do around here, raise your glass twice and say, “Santé!”   

Please note: This moderately active pedestrian excursion includes about 800m /0.5 mi of walking over paved and cobblestone surfaces in Antwerp city center. Guests must be able to keep up with the group, and those with limited mobility should carefully consider suitability before booking. Comfortable clothing and walking shoes are recommended. Bring your preferred sun and rain protection. Exact route and selection of pubs visited may vary.

Antwerp By Bike
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: ANR-L

There are few more enjoyable ways to experience a European city than on two wheels, from the vantage point of a bicycle seat. The ride puts you up close, in the streets, among the people and places – and this guided spin through Antwerp is no exception. Your immersion begins with a bike fitting, gear-up, and all-important safety briefing. Then you’re off for a freewheeling adventure as you tour this city filled with stunning architecture and famous landmarks.

First up is Steenplein, a charming square nestled along the Scheldt River with the turreted fortress Het Steen as its medieval backdrop. Next, marvel at the soaring spire of the Cathedral of Our Lady; begun in 1352, it’s still Belgium’s largest Gothic church despite never having been completed to plan. A pedal past the red sandstone-and-glass MAS Museum with its striking "stacked" design leads to a pedestrian tunnel that brings you to the Linkeroever viewpoint for a panoramic peek back at your ship in the cruise harbor. Two standouts among the other iconic sights seen are the breathtakingly beautiful Antwerpen-Centraal railway station, often considered one of the most impressive on the planet; and the diamond district, aka the ‘Diamond Square Mile,’ where billions of dollars in sparklers are cut and polished per annum.

By the halfway point of your 3-hour ride, you’ll definitely have earned a Belgian waffle and coffee break. And you’ll have it – at a local spot beloved for its take on these luscious, deep-pocketed treats.

Please note: This active excursion involves considerable time cycling along city streets and should not be undertaken by those uncomfortable with urban riding. The tour is not suitable for those who utilise a wheelchair or have limited mobility. A waiver must be signed to participate. Lightweight, comfortable clothing and flat, closed-toe shoes are recommended. Bring your preferred sun and rain protection. Exact route and order of sights may vary.

Antwerp Diamond Workshop
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 2.5 Stunden
Code: ANR-M

There’s no other place like it. A collection of bustling central Antwerp blocks semi-officially designated as the “Diamond Square Mile” – where upwards of 80% of the world’s diamonds are handled at some point during their journey from mine to market, and where billions of dollars change hands annually.

Join us for an immersive two-hour workshop experience here in this capital of carats and gain an inside view on how it all works. After a brief drive from the pier, you’ll step inside the fascinating world of stone grading and valuation under the guidance of a seasoned expert with over 40 years of experience.

Discover how raw diamonds are transformed into faceted, polished gems. Learn how to handle these precious stones and gain valuable insights on how best to care for your own diamond jewelry. Get acquainted with how seasoned industry experts master the art of grading diamonds using the famous 4 C’s – Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat weight system.

And celebrate all that new knowledge with a playful sip of a ‘diamond cocktail.’ Perhaps you’ll spot – or even be holding – the one that contains the real gem. Either way, the taste will be sparkling. As will the scenery.  

Please note: This moderate excursion includes about 500m /0.3 mi of walking over paved and cobblestone surfaces. Tour coaches are not wheelchair accessible. Guests with limited mobility must be able to enter/exit the vehicle independently and navigate steps in some locations. Lightweight, comfortable clothing and walking shoes are recommended. Bring your preferred sun and rain protection. The order of sights and activities may vary.

Brussels Sightseeing Drive & Walk
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: ANR-P

Just an hour by coach from Antwerp, Brussels is the official seat of Belgium, the EU, and the Royal Family. And unofficial HQ of easygoing cafés, chocolate, lace, and other temptations.

Among the key sights you’ll encounter on the drive are Belgium’s national sports arena, King Boudewijn Stadium, and the 1930 Palais du Centenaire exhibition hall – an Art Deco show-stopper built for Belgium’s centennial. An awe-inducing photo stop is made at the iconic Atomium, a 300-ft stainless steel model of an iron molecule left over from the 1958 World’s Fair. Other landmarks seen as you enter the city proper include the ornate Chinese Pavilion, tiered Japanese Tower, and Royal Residence at Laken.

Having arrived in central Brussels, step out on foot for a 45-minute guided walk through Old Town. Window-shop the elegant St. Hubert Arcades. Stroll down the Rue de Bouchers, known for its restaurants and cafés. And be utterly stunned by the Baroque beauty of Grand Place, often considered the most beautiful square in the world. Winding up the walk is a visit to the little boy who’s always first in the hearts of Brusseleers – the bronze Manneken Pis statue, unashamedly relieving himself of water for centuries.

Your next hour is for independent exploring in and around Grand Place – where classic Belgian indulgences abound in the streetside cafés, chocolate shops, brewery pubs, and lace emporia. At the appointed time, reassemble with your escort for the coach drive back to Antwerp.

Please note: This moderate excursion involves walking over flat and cobbled streets, and entry/exit of the coach at several points. It is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair, and those with limited mobility must be able to board the coach independently. Comfortable walking shoes and weather-appropriate attire are recommended. Bring your preferred sun and rain protection. A chocolate praline snack is provided on the coach. Exact route, order of sights, and activities may vary.

Culinary Walk of Antwerp
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: ANR-Q

Much has been written and said about Belgium’s most-known edible treats. And it’s true. But as iconically delicious as waffles and chocolates are, this country’s Top Tastes list encompasses so much more. As you explore Antwerp’s picturesque historic center on this small-group guided walk, your knowledgeable guide will do their utmost to introduce you to the full range of delicacies available along these streets, squares, and medieval lanes.

Providing insights on the traditions and ingredients involved, they’ll lead you to sampling stops at multiple on-the-go spots for bites of everything from pralines to fries, biscuits to teas, and yes, chocolates and waffles, too. The exact route, stops, and items tasted can vary based on proprietors’ whims and the Flemish weather – but over the three-plus hours of this excursion, there will be plenty to appreciate. There will also be the marvelous eye-candy of Antwerp’s landmark architecture to savor – from Grote Markt’s intricate detailed guild houses and ornate Brabo Fountain to cozily atmospheric Pie Alley (aka Vlaeykensgang), oozing charm and reached by means of a hidden arched doorway.

After all is said, seen, and tasted, accompany your guide on a 30-minute walk back to the pier or stay on awhile in the city center on your own to seek further mouthwatering treats and eye-opening sights.

Please note: This moderate excursion involves walking from venue to venue over uneven and cobblestone surfaces. It is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair, and those with limited mobility must be able to keep pace with the group. Comfortable walking shoes and weather-appropriate attire are recommended. Bring your preferred sun and rain protection. Exact route, order of venues, and items tasted may vary.

Fort Breendonk SS Transit Camp
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: ANR-R

It’s barely a 45-minute drive from Antwerp pier to Fort Breendonk. But the journey carries you back some 85 years in time, to when this well-preserved historical site was better known as “The Hell of Breendonk.”

During World War II, the invading German army that arrived in Belgium found itself confronted by civil disobedience and resistance from the local population. Those who refused to cooperate were sent to prison in Breendonk, once a Belgian army base but now in Nazi hands. As the war evolved, circumstances grew far darker as the prison transformed into a transit camp used by the SS to hold prisoners for transport to Auschwitz. And four hellish years of vicious forced labor, wanton executions, and relentless cruelty commenced.

Some 3,532 unlucky souls entered this moated fortress during that period. Half of them never made it out alive – perishing under the inhuman conditions and extreme maltreatment.

For a brief time after Liberation in 1944, the Allies used Breendonk to hold Flemish collaborators who had abetted the Nazi cause. Today the preserved fort serves as a chilling record of the horrors the Nazi era once imposed across Western Europe. At the end of the two-hour visit, your guide will lead the group back to the coach for the return to Antwerp. It’s likely to be a quiet, though scenic, drive.

Please note: This moderately active excursion involves about 800 m/0.5 mi of walking over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with some stairs. Tour coaches are not wheelchair-accessible, and all guests must be able to enter/exit the vehicle independently. Those with limited mobility should carefully consider the tour’s suitability before booking. Comfortable walking shoes and attire appropriate to the venue are suggested. Bring along your preferred sun and rain protection. A chocolate praline snack is provided on the coach. The order of sights and activities may vary.

Panoramic Antwerp
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: ANR-T

Part industrial powerhouse, part cultural showplace, Antwerp defies simple categorization. Embark on a captivating panoramic drive through this port city on the River Scheldt and discover its dynamic character for yourself.

Commencing directly from the pier via comfortable coach, you’ll soon be immersed in landmark sights that perfectly reflect Antwerp’s equal allegiance to both the fiercely avant-garde and the intricately classical – sometimes in the same building. An especially stunning example is the Havenhuis (Port House), where you’ll stop for a memorable photo op; this now-iconic 2016 project, designed by the late superstar architect Zaha Hadid, steers the fusion of old and new to a boldly visionary outcome.

As the scenic town survey continues, your knowledgeable guide provides commentary to help you understand the mix of excitingly contemporary and richly antiquated structures that define the Antwerp skyline. Admire the impressive Palace of Justice, a symbol of the city’s legal power despite being known as the Butterfly Palace thanks to its multiple wing-like roofs. Catch a glimpse of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, suitably pillared Neoclassical home to a world-class trove of Flemish masterpieces. Compare the curvaceous Belle Epoque beauty of Antwerp Central Train Station to the geometric mass of MAS Museum, a thrilling block puzzle rendered in red sandstone and glass. Much more is seen before you find yourself returned to your ship – with a lasting impression of Antwerp’s unmistakable visual signature.

Please note: This panoramic excursion involves minimal walking and is suitable for guests with limited mobility, provided they are able to enter/exit the coach independently. The normal coach is not wheelchair accessible, but an adaptable vehicle may be available upon advance request. Comfortable walking shoes and weather-appropriate attire are recommended. Bring along your preferred sun and rain protection. A chocolate praline snack is provided on the coach. Exact route, order of sights, and activities may vary.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Full Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: ANR-W

Explore Antwerp at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your driver and English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Half Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: ANR-V

Explore Antwerp at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Full Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: ANR-Y

Explore Antwerp at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 5 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 5 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests.Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program.Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Half Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: ANR-X

Explore Antwerp at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 5 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port.Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 5 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle.Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests.Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program.Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
The Ruien: Underground Waterway Tour
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: ANR-O

Bizarre. Unexpected. Wildly fascinating. Cool! These are just a few of the adjectives takers of this guided walk through Antwerp’s underground “Ruien” waterways tend to use to describe their experience. Spend two hours strolling under the city on this tour, and add your adjectives to the list!

The hidden warren of vaults, bridges, corridors, and canals you’ll be exploring is a true time capsule of history. In the Middle Ages, Antwerp was crisscrossed by an intricate network of above-ground waterways. First dug as a defensive system, these canals later served as an inland harbor and for potable water transport. In time, they were covered over and repurposed as a closed sewer system. Eventually, they became obsolete and forgotten – hidden away, frozen in time. Thanks to recent city renovations, they’re now accessible to visitors, and the time capsule is reopened.  

Your experience begins with an escorted walk from the pier to the Ruien entrance, where you’ll receive an introductory briefing and be equipped with waterproof boots, protective pants and jacket, and a small backpack for personal belongings. The canals’ temperature averages 13°C to 16°C (55°F to 60°F), so dress for coolness and in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Leave behind anything extraneous – including your camera, since photography is not permitted. But by all means, remember to bring your imagination. And your taste for one-off adventure

Please note: This extensively active excursion includes 2-3km /1.25-1.85 mi of walking over paved and cobblestone streets and underground, with multiple stairways and slippery surfaces involved. The tour is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or have limited mobility. Wear clothing that can become dirty. Photography is NOT allowed when underground. In the event of heavy rain, this tour may be canceled for safety reasons.  

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