Wetter in Vaitape (Insel Bora-Bora)

Mi. 15.01.2025
leichter Regen
Mi. 15.01.2025
leichter Regen
Mi. 15.01.2025
mäßiger Regen
Mi. 15.01.2025
mäßiger Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
mäßiger Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Fr. 17.01.2025
leichter Regen

Hafenkarte: Vaitape (Insel Bora-Bora)

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Vaitape (Insel Bora-Bora)

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Vaitape (Insel Bora-Bora) mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Azamara Onward Sa. 25.01.2025 08:00 17:00
Silver Shadow So. 02.02.2025 00:30 00:00
Silver Shadow Mo. 03.02.2025 00:00 23:00
MS Amadea Di. 04.02.2025 08:00 18:00
Silver Shadow Do. 13.02.2025 00:30 22:00
MS Artania Di. 25.02.2025 08:00 18:00
Silver Shadow Mi. 26.02.2025 00:30 00:00
Silver Shadow Do. 27.02.2025 00:00 23:00
Silver Shadow So. 09.03.2025 00:30 00:00
Silver Shadow Mo. 10.03.2025 00:00 23:00
Silver Shadow Do. 20.03.2025 00:30 22:00
Silver Shadow Di. 01.04.2025 00:30 00:00
Silver Shadow Mi. 02.04.2025 00:00 23:00
Silver Shadow So. 13.04.2025 00:30 00:00
Silver Shadow Mo. 14.04.2025 00:00 23:00
Silver Shadow Fr. 18.04.2025 08:00 23:00
Silver Cloud Fr. 25.04.2025 06:30 17:30
Norwegian Sun So. 18.05.2025 07:00 20:00
Norwegian Sun So. 25.05.2025 07:00
Norwegian Sun Mo. 26.05.2025 12:00
Norwegian Sun So. 20.07.2025 07:00 20:00
Norwegian Sun So. 27.07.2025 07:00 17:00
Norwegian Sun So. 14.09.2025 07:00 20:00
Norwegian Sun Sa. 20.09.2025 07:00 20:00
Silver Cloud Do. 09.10.2025 09:30 18:00
HANSEATIC Spirit Mo. 24.11.2025
MS Amera Mi. 04.02.2026 08:00 18:00
Silver Dawn Fr. 06.02.2026 08:00 17:00
MS Amera Mo. 09.02.2026 08:00 18:00
MS Europa 2 Do. 12.02.2026 8:00 18:00
MS Europa 2 Mi. 18.02.2026 8:00 18:00
Silver Whisper Fr. 03.04.2026 08:00 19:30
Silver Whisper Fr. 10.04.2026 08:00
Silver Whisper Sa. 11.04.2026 08:00 16:00
Silver Whisper So. 12.04.2026 00:00 16:00
Silver Whisper Sa. 18.04.2026 08:00 00:00
Silver Whisper So. 19.04.2026 00:00 16:00
Silver Whisper Do. 23.04.2026 08:00 23:00
Silver Whisper Di. 05.05.2026 08:00 20:00
Norwegian Spirit Di. 12.05.2026 07:00 20:00
Norwegian Spirit Mo. 18.05.2026 07:00 19:00
Norwegian Spirit Fr. 05.06.2026 10:00 20:00
Norwegian Spirit Do. 11.06.2026 07:00 17:00
Norwegian Spirit Di. 30.06.2026 07:00 20:00
Norwegian Spirit Mo. 06.07.2026 07:00 19:00

Landausflüge in Vaitape (Insel Bora-Bora)

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Aquasafari Bora Bora
ca. 1,5h

ca. 1,5 Std.
Ein besonderer Ausflugsspaß, bei dem Sie neben dem normalen Schnorcheln mit einem Taucherhelm auf den Meeresgrund abtauchen können. Die Lagune von Bora Bora ist Lebensraum unzähliger tropischer Fische. Kurze Bootsfahrt zum Ankerplatz. Die maximale Teilnehmerzahl von 12 Personen wird in 2 Gruppen aufgeteilt. Während die erste Gruppe an der Wasseroberfläche schnorchelt, wird die zweite Gruppe mit Taucherhelmen ausgestattet, die durch Frischluftschläuche fest mit dem Boot verbunden sind. Der Kopf bleibt trocken, man kann auch mit Brille "abtauchen". Während Ihres Unterwasserspaziergangs auf dem sandigen Meeresboden (bis maximal 3,5 m Tiefe) können Sie die bunten Fische und die Korallenwelt bewundern. Nach ca. 30 Min. tauschen die beiden Gruppen. Die Schnorchelausrüstung wird an Bord zur Verfügung gestellt.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit Herzleiden, Asthma oder Klaustrophobie sowie für Schwangere nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Wenige Informationen in englischer Sprache. Badesachen, Badeschuhe, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen. Ein- und Ausstieg erfolgt über eine Leiter am Boot.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Bergtour Bora Bora im Geländewagen
ca. 3,5h

ca. 3,5 Std.
Ein Ausflug für sportliche Gäste. Entdecken Sie Bora Bora auf abenteuerliche Weise im Geländewagen mit Fahrer. Im Inselinneren erreichen Sie die Pistenstraßen und genießen aus der Höhe schöne Ausblicke auf Lagunen und Riffe. Kurzer Stopp an einem polynesischen Kunsthandwerksbetrieb. Hier wird Ihnen gezeigt, wie die farbenfrohen Pareos gebunden werden. Auf befestigten Straßen vorbei am Matira-Strand gelangen Sie zurück zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit oder Rückenleiden nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Wenige Informationen unterwegs vom englischsprechenden Fahrer. Straßen größtenteils sehr holprig. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Glasbodenbootfahrt Bora Bora
ca. 1,5h

ca. 1,5 Std.
Von der Pier starten Sie in einem 22-Sitzer-Glasbodenboot, um die Unterwasserwelt Bora Boras zu entdecken. Während das Boot durch die Lagune gleitet, beobachten Sie auf bequeme Weise durch das Glasfenster die Unterwasserwelt mit farbenprächtigen Papagei- und Schmetterlingsfischen. Auch über Wasser ist der Ausblick lohnenswert.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Übersetzung durch bordseitige Begleitung.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Helikopter-Rundflug Bora Bora
ca. 1h / ca. 20 Min. Rundflug

ca. 1 Std. / ca. 20 Min. Rundflug
Kurzer Transfer zum Heliport und etwa 20-minütiger Panorama-Rundflug über Bora Bora mit faszinierendem Blick auf die tropische Insel. Über der "schönsten Lagune der Welt" können Sie Mantarochen und Haie aus der Luft ausmachenm. Der Flug mit dem Helikopter ist spektakulär, vor allem für diejenigen, die gerne Luftaufnahmen machen.
Bitte beachten: 4-Sitzer Helikopter. Gewichtsangabe erforderlich. Die Sitzplatzvergabe erfolgt vor Abflug durch den Piloten. Wenige Erklärungen vom Piloten in englischer Sprache. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Ausflug ohne Phoenix Begleitung.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Inselrundfahrt Bora Bora
ca. 2,5h

ca. 2,5 Std.
Während der Landschaftsfahrt in einfachen Fahrzeugen, genannt "Le Truck", bieten sich immer wieder herrliche Ausblicke auf das mächtige Vulkanmassiv im Inselzentrum und das Korallenriff der Lagune. Sie passieren typisch polynesische Dörfer und erleben bei einer Pareo-Vorführung, wie man die bunten Strandtücher auf unterschiedliche Weise binden kann. Sie passieren die Ostküste Bora Boras, wo sich die berühmten Resorts befinden und erreichen den Matira Point, mit dem schönsten Sandstrand der Insel, bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückkehren.
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Übersetzung durch bordseitige Begleitung.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Katamaranfahrt mit Badepause
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Ihr Segel-Katamaran hat nur geringen Tiefgang, so dass er besonders gut durch das flache Lagunenwasser dahingleiten kann. Dabei erleben Sie das wechselnde schillernde Farbenspiel des türkisblauen Wassers. Sie passieren das Riff, sehen die traumhaft direkt über dem Wasser erbauten Bungalows und können den herrlichen Blick auf den Mount Otemanu, die höchste Erhebung des Atolls, genießen. Nach der einstündigen Bootsfahrt haben Sie Gelegenheit, in einer Lagune zu schwimmen und zu schnorcheln und die wunderschöne Unterwasserwelt zu erkunden. Oder Sie faulenzen an Bord in einem Trampolinnetz und genießen eine Erfrischung.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Übersetzung durch bordseitige Begleitung. Badesachen, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen. Schnorchelausrüstung wird zur Verfügung gestellt. Ein- und Ausstieg über eine Leiter am Boot.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Lagunenfahrt Deluxe
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std.
Im komfortablen Bayliner-Motorboot erleben Sie eine Fahrt durch das glasklare Wasser entlang der Westküste Bora Boras. Ihr exklusives Ausflugsboot bietet maximal 20 Gästen Platz. Unterwegs genießen Sie Ausblicke auf die Insel Motutapu und die Bergspitze des Mount Otemanu. Erfrischende Bade- und Schnorchelpause unterwegs. Halten Sie Ausschau nach zahmen Stachelrochen, die in dieser Gegend häufig gesichtet werden. Kurze Pause an einer Sandbank, um ein Erfrischungsgetränk zu sich zu nehmen. Anschließend Rückkehr zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Übersetzung durch bordseitige Begleitung. Badesachen,Badeschuhe, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen. Ein- und Ausstieg über eine Leiter am Boot. Schnorchelausrüstung wird zur Verfügung gestellt.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Lagunenfahrt mit Badepause
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
In lokalen Motorbooten fahren Sie durch das glasklare Wasser der Lagune zu einer Stachelrochenkolonie. Gelegenheit, mit den eleganten Tieren zu schwimmen oder sie vom Boot aus zu beobachten. Anschließend Weiterfahrt zu einer kleinen Insel, die zu Spaziergängen und einer erholsamen Badepause einlädt. Aufenthalt am Strand etwa 1,5 Std.  Danach fahren Sie zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Übersetzung durch bordseitige Begleitung. Ein- und Ausstieg über eine Leiter am Boot. Badesachen, Badeschuhe, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen. Die Schnorchelausrüstung wird gestellt.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Rochenbeobachtung und Schnorcheln
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Mit einem überdachten Motorboot fahren Sie durch die Lagune und vorbei an kleinen Inselchen bis zu einer vorgelagerten Sandbank. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, den majestätischen Stachelrochen ganz nahe zu sein. Beobachten Sie, wie Ihr örtlicher Reiseleiter die Tiere füttert und mit ihnen spielt. Weiterfahrt zum "Korallengarten". Genießen Sie die Zeit zum Schnorcheln oder Schwimmen in der Lagune.
Bitte beachten:   Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Übersetzung durch bordseitige Begleitung. Ein- und Ausstieg über eine Leiter am Boot. Badesachen, Badeschuhe, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen.  Die Schnorchelausrüstung wird gestellt.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Schnorcheln und Baden in der Südsee
ca. 6h mit Essen

ca. 6 Std. mit Essen
Einstieg in Ihr Ausflugsboot direkt an der Pier. Sie genießen während dieser Lagunentour das faszinierende Farbenspiel der kristallklaren Gewässer. Sie erfahren mehr über das Ökosystem und erleben hautnah die einmalige Unterwasserwelt. So haben Sie Gelegenheit zum Schnorcheln in einem Korallengarten, sehen die hier beheimateten Stachelrochen und können am Riff – mit etwas Glück – Schwarzspitzenhaie und vielleicht auch Zitronenhaie erspähen. Nach diesen Eindrücken ankern Sie vor einer kleinen Riffinsel (Motu), wo Ihnen ein polynesisches Mittagessen serviert wird. Danach haben Sie etwa 1,5 Stunden Zeit, um am weitläufigen Strand zu entspannen und eine traditionelle Vorführung zu erleben. Rückkehr zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Wenige Informationen unterwegs vom englischsprachigem Bootsführer. Badesachen, Badeschuhe, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen. Ein- und Ausstieg über eine Leiter am Boot. Schnorchelausrüstung wird zur Verfügung gestellt. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Transfer Motu Beach
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Kurzer Transfer per Motorboot zu einem Motu Beach. Sie genießen einen 3-stündigen individuellen Aufenthalt am Strand, und das kristallklare Wasser lädt zum Schnorcheln und Schwimmen ein. Danach erfolgt dann wieder der Transfer zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Der Bootsein- und Ausstieg kann für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit beschwerlich sein. Badesachen, Handtuch und Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen. Keine Schnorchelausrüstung verfügbar. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Vielleicht haben Sie Freude daran, Land und Leute auf einer geführten Wanderung kennenzulernen. Ab der Pier gehen Sie entlang von malerischen Promenaden, entdecken kulturelle Sehenswürdigkeiten, wandern auf Berge und Aussichtspunkte oder genießen verschiedene Strände bis in das grüne Hinterland. Unsere Wanderungen sind eine Kombination aus verschiedenen Stopps fernab von touristischem Gedränge - seien Sie gewiss, dass Sie mit vielen neuen Eindrücken zurück an Bord kommen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Über den genauen Tourenverlauf, Distanzen und zu erwartende Höhenmeter informiert Sie Ihr Wanderguide an Bord. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Handtuch, Sonnenschutz, Wasser und Badesachen je nach Tour nicht vergessen. Je nach Wetterlage hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
2-Tank Scuba Diving for Certified Divers
Expedition – Optional Overland
Dauer: 1.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-EXP-98

Bora Bora's famous multi-coloured lagoon is world famous for many things, but especially its scuba diving.

The area's natural conditions create plentiful and regular growth of marine plankton in parts of Bora Bora's famous lagoon. The largest of the world's rays, the Manta Rays, are plankton eaters, and thus regularly reside in the waters of the lagoon, as well as outside in the open sea. Various other ray species such as leopardrays, batrays, eaglerays, and stingrays, are also common in Bora Bora waters.

Please note: This adventure tour for certified divers only, requires an extensive amount of activity. It must be reserved or cancelled by February 28, 2025 to avoid penalties. Guests must have been diving within the last year; please bring your dive log. Guests must present your certification card to participate and be able to complete a required medical questionnaire and liability waiver. The tour includes all scuba equipment, including wet suit. Guests may wish to bring your own mask and snorkel. Refresher Dive as well as Nitrox is available upon request. The actual dive site will be determined by the captain/dive master based on weather and sea conditions. The dive profile will be determined by the dive master. All dive activities are guided by a certified PADI Dive Master and or PADI Scuba Instructor. Wear a swimsuit under a cover-up, plenty of sun protection and bring a towel and water from the ship. The sighting of specific marine life cannot be guaranteed. A minimum number of guests is required to operate this tour. Please contact shoreconcierge@silversea.com in order to reserve this tour.

50 Shades of Colors in Submerible Boat
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: BOB-O

This tour is ideal for guests who are curious of the underwater life that surrounds Bora Bora but who prefer to stay dry. View the richness of Polynesian sea life without getting wet from the comfort of a submersible boat on the scenic cruise.

Submersible Boat Cruise, Lagoon

Meet your guide on the pier and sumersible boat. Begin your cruise into the Bora Bora lagoon with a view of the marina below. The boat has a comfortable a cabin at 1m50 below sea level where sections of glass below the waterline, providing views far better than simply looking in the water from above. The covered boat offers protection from the sun and eliminates glare, allowing you to take better photos.  

Tropical Fish, Coral and Marine Life

Become acquainted with the tropical fish, coral and marine life of the lagoon. While the main focus is the underwater sightseeing, the view from the boat of the lagoon and the island is outstanding.  

Returning to the island, the boat takes you to the tender pier.

Please note: This tour requires a minimal amount of activity and is suitable for guests with limited mobility, able to climb steep steps in and out of the boat. It is not wheelchair accessible. Lightweight clothing and non-slip soled shoes are suggested.  Remember to bring protection from the sun, bottled water and you camera from the ship.  Glass bottom boat seats up to 12 or 22 guests and is covered; all seats are utilised. As with all creatures in their natural environment, we cannot guarantee the presence of fish and animals.

Aquabike Adventure
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: BOB-I

Explore Bora Bora's Blue Lagoon during this fun-filled and exciting submersible scooter excursion.

Depart the pier for the brief transfer to the Aquabike Centre. Upon arrival, receive your safety and operating instructions before starting your private, 30-minute aquabike journey below the surface of the beautiful lagoon.

The underwater scooter has a transparent glass airlock with constant air supply, making it easy to breathe as you captain this unique vehicle. During your undersea experience, view a myriad of tropical fish, coral and marine life. Following the aquabike portion of the tour, (time and weather permitting) a stop is made for snorkelling and exploring more of the lagoon.

Your tour concludes with a transfer back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of activity, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach or embark/disembark the boat. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with reef or water shoes, and bring sun protection and a towel from the ship. Tour is with a double scooter therefore 2 guests per scooter.  Guests must be at least eight years old to participate on this tour, and at least 16 years old to drive the sub-scooter. Driving licence is not needed for this tour. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. The tour sequence may vary. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions.

Blue Lagoon & Motu Picnic
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 6.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-C

Discover the exquisite beauty of Bora Bora's Blue Lagoon, considered to be one of the world's most beautiful lagoon, during this snorkelling adventure and motu picnic outing.

Scenic Cruise, Blue Lagoon

Depart the pier aboard a private lagoon boat for a scenic cruise across Bora Bora's Blue Lagoon. The lagoon is three times larger than the island's land mass and offers an incomparable range of azure and turquoise colours.

Barrier Reef, Shark and Ray Watching

Your cruise proceeds along the island's coast, giving you superb views of Bora Bora's mountains. At a spot near the barrier reef, you can observe an unusual spectacle as the boat crew attracts harmless blacktip reef sharks and friendly rays. The show can be observed from the boat.

Private Coral Atoll, Picnic Style Lunch, Free Time (Swimming, Snorkelling), Pareo-Tying Demonstration  

Leaving the reef area, your cruise continues on to a private coral atoll, or motu, for a picnic-style lunch of local fare, followed by an opportunity to relax and unwind amidst this beautiful South Seas setting. After lunch, you can swim and snorkel in the turquoise waters and watch a pareo-tying demonstration.

Your blue lagoon and motu picnic concludes with the boat ride back to the tender pier.

Please note: This tour requires a limited amount of walking; however, guests must be agile and able to manoeuvre in and out of the boat using a two-step ladder should they wish to participate in water activities. Masks and snorkels (no fins) are provided but they are of a basic quality; we recommend guests bring their own.  Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with non-slip, rubber-soled shoes or aqua shoes, and bring a towel, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, bottled water and a camera from the ship. The size of the boat used will depend on participation, but a minimum number of guests are required to operate this tour. As with all creatures in their natural environment, we cannot guarantee the presence of fish and animals.

Bora Bora Aqua Safari
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: BOB-G

Discover the underwater world of Bora Bora on this Aqua Safari.  Wearing a wetsuit and helmet, walk on the ocean floor and take in the sites only usually seen by divers.

Depart the pier for the brief transfer to the Aqua Safari base.  Here you are fitted with a wet suit and specially-designed helmet.  After a safety information session and boat ride to the dive location, enter the water.  The weighted helmet with piped in oxygen is lowered onto your head before you submerge. Due to the buoyancy of the water, the helmet weight is hardly noticeable underwater.

Walk along the sandy ocean floor just as if you were on dry land; there is no swimming required. You are approximately 10-20 feet (3.5-6 metres) below the surface as you explore this incredible marine wonder. The crew will accompany the group as your presence attracts the myriad of multi-coloured tropical fish in the area. The dive site boasts a variety of fish and coral as you walk in a defined area. Your underwater experience is approximately 30 minutes, and time permitting you may have an opportunity to snorkel either before or afterwards.

Come to the surface and cruise the lagoon back to the dock before returning to the pier.

Please note:  This tour is recommended to guests who are physically fit and do not suffer from a heart condition, breathing issues such as asthma, claustrophobia or difficulties manoeuvring in or out of a boat using a ladder.  It is suitable for those who cannot swim; however, it is not recommended for pregnant women.  There is a moderate amount of walking required and this tour is not wheelchair accessible.  Wear a bathing suit under a cover-up and aqua shoes and bring a towel and sun protection from the ship.  All equipment is provided but guests may wish to bring their own mask and snorkel. Guests must be 8 years of age or older to participate. Itinerary and order of sites visited may change and operation of this tour is dependent upon favourable weather and sea conditions.  It can be cancelled on short notice.  We highly recommend you bring a waterproof disposable camera with you from home. Aqua Safari may offer a DVD of your underwater experience for an additional charge.  If the photographer was accompanying the group, you may purchase this directly (Euros, US Dollars, Pacific Francs, Credit Card). Space is limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Bora Bora by Local Truck
Expedition – Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.5 Stunden
Code: BOB-EXP-01

Experience spectacular beauty of Bora Bora's emerald-green hills and tranquil sapphire-blue lagoons. On this excursion take a leisurely ride on the open-air "Le Truck," a colorful, fun truck that takes you on a scenic tour of Bora Bora.  Enjoy the sights as you pass by groves of coconut palms and tiny villages hugging the shoreline on a narrated tour. Discover the villages of Farepiti, Faanui and Anau with their mysterious "Marae," the ancient stone temples.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and some driving on bumpy roads. Guests must be able to climb in and out of the touring vehicles. This tour is not suggested for guests with back or neck issues. Lightweight clothing, protection from the sun and closed-toe comfortable shoes are recommended. It is essential that guests bring bottled water from the ship.

Bora Bora Jet Ski
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-M

Bora Bora, Jet-Ski

Get your fill of adrenaline and thrills! At the controls of your jet-ski, set off on a 2-hour group adventure that will take you around the entire island of Bora Bora. Following your experienced guide, you will love the sensations of speed and gliding that the jet-ski provides but also the heavenly landscapes of the Pearl of the Pacific. Several stops are planned to allow you to refresh yourself in the waters of the lagoon and a relaxing stop on a private island will be the occasion for a cultural demonstration from your guide.

Your tour concludes with a transfer back to the pier.

Please note: This tour operates in two-passenger jet-skis. This tour involves an extensive amount of activity and a moderate amount of walking at times over uneven, sandy and slippery surfaces, inclines and declines, with a few steps to negotiate to embark/disembark the jet-ski. This tour is recommended for active guests who are in good physical condition, and can swim well in water too deep too stand. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with back and/or neck problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory problems, guests prone to seasickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with sandals or deck shoes you won't mind getting wet, and bring sun protection, a towel, sweater or light jacket, and change of clothing from the ship. Guests must be at least 8 years old to be a passenger on the jet-ski. Guests must be at least 16 years old to drive the jet-ski; no license is required, but a waiver must be completed and guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. The maximum weight per jet-ski is approximately 440 pounds (about 200 kilograms); the total weight of both guests must not exceed this amount if travelling in tandem). Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, wildlife, fish and marine life sightings are not guaranteed. Lifejackets, rash tops/thermal tops and wetsuit shorts are provided. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. If guests are under 18 years old, a signed waiver is required from their parent or guardian. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The route may vary due to weather conditions, and the operator reserved the right to cancel this tour without prior notice due to unsuitable water conditions. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Glass Bottom Boat Cruise
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: BOB-D

This tour is ideal for guests who are curious of the underwater life that surrounds Bora Bora but who prefer to stay dry. View the richness of Polynesian sea life without getting wet from the comfort of a glass bottom boat on the scenic cruise.

Glass Bottom Boat Cruise, Lagoon

Meet your guide on the pier and your glass bottom boat. Begin your cruise into the Bora Bora lagoon with a view of the marina below. The boat has sections of glass below the waterline, providing views far better than simply looking in the water from above. The covered boat offers protection from the sun and eliminates glare, allowing you to take better photos.  

Tropical Fish, Coral and Marine Life 

Become acquainted with parrot fish, snappers, trigger fish and other coral life. While the main focus is the underwater sightseeing, the view from the boat of the lagoon and the island is outstanding.  

Returning to the island, the glass bottom boat takes you to the tender pier.

Please note: This tour requires a minimal amount of activity and is suitable for guests with limited mobility, able to climb 2 steep steps in and out of the boat. It is not wheelchair accessible. Lightweight clothing and non-slip soled shoes are suggested.  Remember to bring protection from the sun, bottled water and you camera from the ship.  Glass bottom boat seats up to 12 or 22 guests and is covered; all seats are utilised. As with all creatures in their natural environment, we cannot guarantee the presence of fish and animals.

Land & Sea Discovery
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 7.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-H

Experience the stunning natural beauty of Bora Bora from above-and-below sea level during this exciting, full-day, off-road driving and snorkelling excursion.


Bora Bora, Off-Road, 4WD Tour, Mountain Trails, Lagoon, Vaitape Village, Cannons and Bunkers

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately three-hour, off-road tour by 4WD vehicle. Along the way, traverse mountain trails en route to several panoramic viewpoints at the lagoon and Vaitape Village, and the site of cannons and bunkers; remnants of World War II.

Lunch at Yacht Club Bora Bora, Lagoon Snorkelling, Sharks, Stingrays, Colourful Fish, Marine Life

Next, proceed for lunch at the Yacht Club Bora Bora. After lunch, embark the vessel from restaurant pontoon for a snorkelling safari in the beautiful lagoon of Bora Bora. Upon arrival, receive your safety and snorkelling instructions and equipment, then begin your guided snorkelling session. Along the way, see black-tipped sharks, stingrays, and colourful fish and marine life amidst the coral beds.

Tour ends directly at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of off-road driving, a moderate amount of boating and a minimal amount of walking, at times over bumpy, uneven, natural, and sandy surfaces and hills, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the 4WD vehicle and embark/disembark the boat. The ride may be rough at times, and guests will experience bumpy, jerking motions. This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition, and can swim in water too deep too stand. This tour is forbidden for pregnant guests & not suitable for guest with neck and/or back problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests who suffer from vertigo, guests prone to seasickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with flat, closed-toe boat or beach shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, a towel and change of clothing from the ship. Guests must be at least six years old; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 18 years or older to participate on this tour. Snorkelling equipment is provided. There are no changing facilities on board the boat. Waterproof cameras are highly recommended. On rainy days and for security reasons, some uphill stops can be replaced. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, fish and marine life sightings are not guaranteed. The tour may operate in reverse order. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions.

Off-Road Island Adventure
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-B

Discover Bora Bora, the 'Pearl of the Pacific', in an exciting new way during this exhilarating off-road island adventure. In addition to breath-taking panoramic vistas, this 4X4 trip features remnants of early Polynesian life and relics of the World War II presence of American forces.

World War II Cannons

Depart the pier with your driver/guide and follow along a trail to a pair of World War II cannons left by the U.S. military. Along the way, the guide elaborates on the presence of American forces on Bora Bora during World War II.

Faanui Valley, Tropical Flora and Fauna

Next, proceed driving through the Faanui Valley to view the lush, tropical nature of the island's interior. Photo stops en route allow you to take in spectacular vistas and learn about local customs, as well as its flora and fauna.

Fitii District, Pahonu Hill, Blue Lagoon

This scenic journey carries on through into the northern part of the island and the district of Fitii in the east. Heading toward the south side, the drive takes you past coastal hotels and up Pahonu Hill. Along the way, your guide points out sights of interests and stops are made for photo opportunities of the spectacular lagoon.

The tour concludes back at the pier. Weather and/or resulting adverse road conditions may affect tour routing and stops. Stops listed above may be changed on the day of tour.

Please note: This tour requires a minimal amount of walking is required; however, guests must be able to climb in and out of the vehicles.  It involves travel over bumpy, uneven terrain, and is not suitable for guests with back and neck problems.  It is not recommended for guests with limited mobility and those who utilise a wheelchair. Light-weight, comfortable clothing with closed-toe shoes for protection is suggested. Bring protection from the sun and insect repellent if susceptible to bites. Operation of this tour is subject to minimum participation; each vehicle carries a minimum of 6 guests. Weather and/or resulting adverse road conditions may affect tour routing and stops.

Private Tahitian Soirée, Legends Telling & Stargazing
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-L

Discover the exquisite beauty of Bora Bora's Blue Lagoon, considered to be one of the world's most beautiful lagoon for a sunset cruise and stargazing.

Scenic Cruise, Blue Lagoon, Motu

Leave on the evening for a sunset cruise aboard your private outrigger to admire the last rays of light on the Pearl of the Pacific. Smoothly cruise to a Motu at dawn, where a selection of gourmet appetizers and beverage will be waiting for you.

Wood Fire Stargazing, Bora Bora Stories and Legends

Sit around a wood fire, while you hear the legends and ancient stories of the people of Bora Bora.  you will be introduced to the navigational techniques that led the navigators at that time to our Fenua, to the history of the Polynesian settlements, and hear about the culture, the legends and ancient stories of our people. Once the stars are up in the clear sky, admire constellations of the Southern Hemisphere. Look through the available telescope to reveal the exceptional beauty of the milky-way, star clusters, and planets.

Your blue lagoon and motu campfire concludes with the boat ride back to the tender pier.

Please note: This tour requires a limited amount of walking; however, guests must be agile and able to manoeuvre in and out of the boat using a two-step ladder should they wish to participate in water activities. Guests are advised to wear non-slip, rubber-soled shoes.  The size of the boat used will depend on participation, but a minimum number of guests are required to operate this tour. 

Shark & Ray Snorkeling Adventure
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-E

Look beyond the boat cruise to the sharks and sting rays that dance beneath the surface. Combine wildlife viewing from the boat with snorkelling on this lagoon adventure.

Lagoon, Boat Cruise

Depart from the tender pier and meet your boat captain at the nearby wharf. Board your motorized boat and begin your adventure as you cruise into the lagoon. As you journey to deeper waters, listen as your guide tells you about the legendary animals of the sea. After about 10 minutes, your boat will stop in 25-foot-deep (eight-metre-deep) waters where shark are known to frequent. The covered boat offers protection from the sun. The most commonly sighted shark is the blacktip reef shark but lemon shark as also often seen here.

Snorkelling, Stingrays & Blacktip Reef Sharks, Tropical Fish, Coral

Your next stop is designed to give you the opportunity to view sting ray both from the boat and from within the water. A 30-minute snorkelling visit gives you the chance to swim with the stingray as well as the blacktip reef sharks and explore the surrounds from a more up-close vantage point.

Afterwards, the boat returns you to the wharf.  

Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking; however, guests must be physically fit, able to swim and able to manoeuvre in and out of the boat using a two-step ladder.  It is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair.  Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with non-slip, rubber-soled shoes or aqua shoes, and bring a towel, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, bottled water and underwater camera from the ship. Snorkels and masks are available for guest use; however, we recommend you bring your own equipment. Fins are not provided; please bring from home if desired. As with all creatures in their natural environment, we cannot guarantee the presence of fish and animals. Order of the stops and snorkelling sites can be modified depending the sea conditions and/or currents.

Shark & Ray Snorkeling Experience
Expedition – Included Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-EXP-03

Dance with the stingrays under the supervision of your guide and explore the intricate coral formations and colorful tropical fish of the coral gardens on this Bora Bora snorkeling safari. Glide across the lagoon aboard a covered lagoon cruiser. Drop anchor and look for stingrays and the harmless black tip sharks. Explore the unspoiled coral gardens by the barrier reef, where ideal conditions have encouraged maximum coral growth. Underwater sightings may include butterfly fish, groupers and hundreds of other rainbow-colored species.

Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking; however, guests must be physically fit, able to swim and able to manoeuvre in and out of the boat using a two-step ladder.  It is not suitable for guests with limited mobility. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with non-slip, rubber-soled shoes or aqua shoes, and bring a towel, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, bottled water and underwater camera from the ship. Snorkels and masks are available for guest use; however, we recommend you bring your own equipment. Fins are not provided; please bring from home if desired. As with all creatures in their natural environment, we cannot guarantee the presence of fish and animals. Order of the stops and snorkelling sites can be modified depending the sea conditions and/or currents.

Stargazing in Bora by Vavau
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BOB-N

Discover the exquisite beauty of Bora Bora's Blue Lagoon, considered to be one of the world's most beautiful lagoon for a sunset cruise and stargazing.

Scenic Cruise, Blue Lagoon, Motu

Leave on the evening for a sunset cruise aboard your private boat to admire the last rays of light on the Pearl of the Pacific. Smoothly cruise to a Motu at dusk, where a selection of bubbly, wine or beer  will be waiting for you.

Stargazing, Bora Bora Stories and Legends

The boat will carry you away to a private Motu (islet), where the stargazing will soon start. Speckles in the dusk sky soon become flickering stars that brighten as the minutes pass, before you know it the sky is filled with twinkling stars waiting for their story to be told. The Tahitian night sky will unravel before you, as the star-guide tells old stories and legends of the Polynesian people, explaining how they used storytelling to decode the night’s sky to help them with their travels throughout the great Pacific Ocean (Moana Nui).

Your blue lagoon and motu stargazing concludes with the boat ride back to the tender pier.

Please note: This tour requires a limited amount of walking; however, guests must be agile and able to manoeuvre in and out of the boat using a two-step ladder should they wish to participate in water activities. Guests are advised to wear non-slip, rubber-soled shoes.  The size of the boat used will depend on participation, but a minimum number of guests are required to operate this tour. Stargazing is dependent on waerther conditions.

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