Dunmore East
Wetter in Dunmore East
Hafenkarte: Dunmore East
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Dunmore East
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Dunmore East mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Schiff | Datum | Ankunft | Abfahrt | |||
Silver Dawn | Do. | 11.09.2025 | 08:00 | 19:30 | |
MS Deutschland | Sa. | 23.05.2026 | 08:00 | 18:00 |
Landausflüge in Dunmore East
ca. 8,5 Std. mit Essen
Während Sie gut 1,5 Stunden Richtung Kilkenny fahren, gibt Ihnen Ihr Reiseleiter Informationen über die Grafschaft Waterford und ihre geschichtlichen Wurzeln. Sie erreichen die Stadt Kilkenny in der gleichnamigen Grafschaft mit der imposanten Sankt-Cainnech-Kathedrale aus dem 13. Jh. Während einer individuellen Besichtigung des Kilkenny Castle sehen Sie einige besonders schöne Räumlichkeiten sowie die beeindruckende Bildergalerie. Der großzügige Garten lädt zu einem Spaziergang ein. Im Anschluss fahren Sie für Ihr Mittagessen zum nahegelegenen Langton's Pub. Anschließend haben Sie etwas Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um die Stadt Kilkenny mit ihrer sehenswerten mittelalterlichen Altstadt und den kleinen Gässchen individuell zu erkunden. Ihre Rückfahrt führt durch die fruchtbare Landschaft der Grafschaft mit Fotostopp an dem pittoresken Ort Inistioge. In der Stadt New Ross (Grafschaft Wexford) sehen Sie die Replik der dreimastigen Bark "Dunbrody" (Fotostopp) aus dem 19.Jh., ein Emigrantenschiff, mit dem viele Iren aufgrund der damals herrschenden Hungersnot unter schwierigsten Bedingungen nach Amerika ausgewandert sind. Weiterfahrt zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: April 2018)
ca. 3 Std.
Sie verlassen den Hafen Dunmore East und genießen auf der Fahrt nach Waterford teils spektakuläre Aussichten über die schöne Flusslandschaft. In Waterford angekommen, passieren Sie zunächst den größten öffentlichen Park, den über 6 ha großen People's Park. Ehemals war dies Sumpfland, das 1855 im Auftrag des damaligen Bürgermeisters trockengelegt und als Landschaftspark gestaltet wurde. Sie fahren die Hauptstraße "The Mall" entlang, passieren den Bishop's Palace (ein elegantes Stadthaus aus dem 18.Jh., in dem heute ein Museum untergebracht ist) sowie das namhafte House of Waterford Crystal, das seit seiner Gründung 1783 für seine hochwertigen Kristall- und Glaswaren geschätzt wird. Sie sehen den ehrwürdigen Reginald's Tower, das älteste Gebäude der Stadt mit wehrhaftem Mauerwerk, das heute ebenfalls ein Museum beherbergt. Waterford ist die älteste Stadt Irlands, von den Wikingern 914 gegründet, und es können noch zahlreiche Spuren ihrer Vergangenheit entdeckt werden. Sie fahren den Kai hinunter, ehemals als "edelster Kai in Europa" bezeichnet. Einst war hier ein florierender Hafen mit bedeutendem Weinimport, heute erinnert noch ein großer Kran an diese Zeit. Sie haben ein wenig Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um das als Viking Triangle bezeichnete Areal ("Wikingerdreieck") und seine historischen Gebäude individuell zu erkunden. Waterford ist umgeben von Bergen, Flüssen, Seen, und auf Ihrer Rückfahrt genießen Sie die herrliche Sicht auf den Zusammenfluss der drei Flüsse ("The Three Sisters") Barrow, Nore und Suir. Sie legen noch einen kurzen Fotostopp in Passage East ein und fahren dann mit schönen landschaftlichen Eindrücken zurück nach Dunmore East.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: April 2018)
ca. 3 Std.
Die Fahrt zum Ort Mullinavat führt Sie entlang des Belle Lake und durch fruchtbares Farmland. In Mullinavat besuchen Sie einen lokalen traditionellen Pub, wo Sie herzlich willkommen geheißen werden (Aufenthalt etwa 1 Stunde). Hier werden Sie schon von Musikern und preisgekrönten Tänzern erwartet, die Ihnen in nationalen Kostümen mitreißende Folklore darbieten. Genießen Sie bei irischen Klängen und einem Pint Bier (inklusive) das fröhliche Miteinander. Die gut einstündige Rückfahrt führt über eine andere reizvolle Route, auf der Sie den kleinen, an den Ufern des Flusses Suir gelegenen Ort Passage East passieren und einen Fotostopp am weitläufigen Strand von Woodstown einlegen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: April 2018)
Experience the spectacular, Old World beauty, glamour and refinement of Curraghmore House & Gardens during this exclusive, half-day sightseeing excursion.
Dunmore East, Waterford Countryside, Curraghmore House, Keep, Courtyard, Victorian Mansion
Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour drive through the beautiful countryside of Waterford en route to Curraghmore House, home of the 9th Marquis of Waterford. The house is a remarkable sight, with its architecture being part 12th-century and part 18th-century, with strong French lines. Unlike other grand houses of this period, the 1176 keep of the Le Poer family has been incorporated into the 18th century house. Of the many curious and interesting features of Curraghmore, the most striking is the courtyard front of the house, where the original Castle is encased in a spectacular Victorian mansion with flanking Georgian ranges.
Parterre, Tiered Lawns, Lake, Arboretum, Kitchen Gardens, Sitka Spruce, King John's Bridge
Formal parterre, tiered lawns, lake, arboretum, and kitchen gardens were all developed during the 19th century, and survive to this day. At this time, some of Ireland's most remarkable surviving trees were planted in the estate's arboretum. Today, these trees frame miles of beautiful river walks. A Sitka spruce overlooks King John's Bridge, and is one of the tallest trees in Ireland. King John's Bridge, a stone-arched structure built in 1205, spans the Clodagh River and is the oldest bridge in Ireland. Approximately 12 miles (about 19.3 kilometres) of famine relief boundary walls, and four sturdy wrought iron gates, surround the estate.
Exclusive Tour, Main Reception Rooms, Tea Room, Tea/Coffee with Scones, Copper Coast
Your exclusive, guided tour incorporates the main reception rooms of Curraghmore House, and includes tea or coffee served with scones in the Tea Room. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 45-minute drive back to the pier along Waterford's scenic Copper Coast.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 547 yards (about 500 metres), at times over uneven and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to get on/off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear warm, comfortable clothing in layers with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a weatherproof jacket, an umbrella, and credit cards or local currency for purchases from the ship. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The tour sequence may vary.
Discover the medieval city of Waterford City. Long coveted by Ireland's neighbours, the Vikings, Danes, Normans, and Anglo-Saxons have all held sway. The city of Waterford cascades to the banks of the River Suir. The city was founded in AD 850, and today retains its medieval charms as Ireland's oldest city.
Waterford City Centre and the House of Waterford Crystal
Depart Pier with luxury transport and local professional tour guide and enjoy the nice drive into Waterford City Centre. Arrive at the House of Waterford Crystal for a guided tour. This tour gives an up close insight into the centuries old tradition that has produced some of the finest crystal in the world. After the tour, indulge yourself in a lavish retail store, which houses the largest collection of Waterford Crystal found anywhere in the world.
Depart the House of Waterford Crystal and enjoy a refreshment stop for a wonderful Irish Coffe.
After your refreshment return to pier where the ship will be.
Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking. It is suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair who can embark and disembark the via the coach steps. While appropriate for those with limited mobility, these guests may require additional time at certain elements of the tour. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, a light sweater or jacket, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. The tour sequence may vary.
Experience the splendid beauty of Waterford and its surrounds in a unique new way during this half-day cycling excursion.
Waterford City, River Suir and Kilmeaden Village
Depart the pier and travel to Waterford City, situated at the head of Waterford Harbour. Upon arrival, receive your safety briefing and bicycle before setting off on your guided cycling tour from just outisde in Waterford City. Cycle alongside the River Suir, the best way to explore the most picturesque part of County Waterford, and follow the former Waterford-to-Dungarvan Railway line as far as the village of Kilmeaden.
Irish Countryside and Photo Stops
Your leisurely cycle along this line offers wonderful panoramic vistas of your surrounds, with photo stops along the way to take in the stunning beauty of the lush, green countryside. Upon arrival at Waterford City, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.
Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of bicycling for approximately 18.6 miles (30 kilometres). This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition, experienced and confident bicycle-riders, and comfortable with hand brakes and riding downhill. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear warm, layered clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and raingear from the ship. Helmets are provided, and must be worn throughout the riding portion of the tour. Guests must be at least 13 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by an adult. Due to the local climate, most of the coaches are air-cooled. The tour sequence may vary. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.
Indulge your senses with the magnificent beauty of the woodland gardens of Mount Congreve during this exclusive, half-day sightseeing excursion.
Dunmore East, Kilmeaden, Woodland Gardens of Mount Congreve
Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 45-minute drive inland to the townland of Kilmeaden. Upon arrival, a visit is made to the woodland gardens of Mount Congreve, an 18th-century Georgian estate and mansion situated near the village of Kilmeaden in County Waterford, Ireland. The architect was John Roberts, a Waterford-based architect who subsequently designed and built most of the 18th-century public buildings in Waterford, including both cathedrals. The woodland gardens of Mount Congreve were founded on the inspiration, generosity and encouragement of Mr. Lionel N. de Rothschild. He became arguably the greatest landscaper of the 20th century, and one of the cleverest hybridists.
About Mount Congreve Estate & Gardens
The gardens were created by Mr. Ambrose Congreve with the well-recognised assistance of Mr. Herman Dool, who came from Holland to work at Mount Congreve. Mr. Dool's achievements at Mount Congreve were recognised by the Dutch government, and he was awarded one of the highest honours possible in Holland, an extraordinary event. Situated at a sheltered bend along the Suir River, this magnificent estate covers over approximately 700 hundred acres (about 283 hectares), approximately 100 acres (about 40 hectares) of which comprise the most fantastic gardens imaginable. Expertly-designed and tended by these two gentlemen for over 60 years, this garden not only has a remarkable collection of rare and unusual plants and trees, but the landscape is one of the very few that has been designed for an estate of this scale.
Guided Walking Tour, Magnificent Gardens
Mr. Dool has never put in less than 25 plants of a variety because, he believes, the mass planting makes the proper statement when the garden matures. The work started by Mr. Congreve continues to-date. The collection is still expanding steadily under the encyclopaedic knowledge of Curator Mr. Michael White (recipient of the Waley Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain) with new additions and our own programme of breeding to create new hybrids of rhododendrons and magnolias, among others. Enjoy a guided stroll through a portion of the many miles of these magnificent gardens, and indulge your senses with this magical piece of garden heaven. At the conclusion of your tour, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 45-minute drive back to the pier
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.93 miles (about 1.5 kilometres), at times over uneven and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to get on/off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear warm, comfortable clothing in layers with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a weatherproof jacket, an umbrella, and credit cards or local currency for purchases from the ship. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The tour sequence may vary.