East London
Wetter in East London
Hafenkarte: East London
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in East London
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in East London mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Schiff | Datum | Ankunft | Abfahrt | |||
Azamara Quest | So. | 19.01.2025 | 08:00 | 14:30 | |
MS Europa | Do. | 30.01.2025 | 8:00 | 18:00 | |
Azamara Quest | Fr. | 31.01.2025 | 08:00 | 14:30 | |
Silver Spirit | Sa. | 01.02.2025 | 08:00 | 23:00 | |
Azamara Quest | Mi. | 12.02.2025 | 08:00 | 14:30 | |
Silver Spirit | So. | 16.02.2025 | 08:00 | 23:00 | |
Silver Spirit | Mo. | 03.03.2025 | 08:00 | 23:00 | |
AIDAstella | Mo. | 17.11.2025 | 10:00 | 18:00 | |
AIDAstella | Mo. | 01.12.2025 | 09:00 | 17:30 | |
AIDAstella | Fr. | 16.01.2026 | 10:00 | 19:00 | |
AIDAstella | Mo. | 26.01.2026 | 08:00 | 16:00 | |
AIDAstella | So. | 08.02.2026 | 08:00 | ||
AIDAstella | Mo. | 09.02.2026 | 12:30 | ||
MS Amera | Di. | 19.01.2027 | 07:00 | 13:00 | |
MS Artania | Di. | 13.04.2027 | 12:00 | 19:00 |
Landausflüge in East London
ca. 4 Std.
East London wurde als Stützpunkt während der Xhosa-Kriege 1836 eingerichtet und liegt an der Mündung der Flüsse Buffalo und Nahoon in den Indischen Ozean. Ihr Wachstum verdankt die Stadt u.a. deutschen Siedlern, die sich um das historische Fort niederließen. Auf der Panoramafahrt gewinnen Sie einen Eindruck von einigen historischen Stätten der Stadt. Ihr erster Halt erfolgt am 19 m hohen Hood Point Leuchtturm (Fotostopp) Weiterfahrt zum Nahoon Point Schutzgebiet, das als eines der landschaftlich schönsten Küstenschutzgebiete des Landes bezeichnet wird. Darüber hinaus ist diese Landspitze auch von großer paläoanthroplogischer Bedeutung. Nach einem Fotostopp geht es zum German Settlers Memorial, das von Lippy Lipshitz gestaltet und 1961 enthüllt wurde. Dieses Denkmal, bestehend aus Granitfiguren von Vater, Mutter und Kind, ist "Den Deutschen Einwanderern" gewidmet. Fünf große Bronzetafeln geben Aufschluss über die Geschichte der deutschen Einwanderer (Fotostopp). Kurzer Fußweg zum "Heroes Park", der u.a. der Helden Südafrikas gedenkt. Fahrt zum East London Museum. Während Ihrer etwa einstündigen individuellen Besichtigung können Sie anhand der naturkundlichen und historischen Exponate über die Stadt und ihre Geschichte Wissenswertes erfahren. Zum Abschluss kurze Fahrt zum Rathaus, ein beeindruckendes Gebäude im viktorianischen Stil, 1899 fertiggestellt. Nach einem Fotostopp Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)
ca. 4 Std.
Etwa 1-stündige Busfahrt zum privaten Inkwenkwezi Naturreservat. Dort angekommen werden Sie mit einem Erfrischungsgetränk begrüßt. Anschließend steigen Sie in Safari-Geländewagen und unternehmen eine etwa zweistündige Pirschfahrt. Mit etwas Glück sehen Sie Löwen, Leoparden, Büffel, Nashörner, Giraffen, Zebras und Antilopen oder auch seltene Vogelarten wie Stanley Trappe, Knysna Loerie (Papageienart) und Eisvogel. Rückfahrt im Bus zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit/Rückenleiden nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Wenige Erklärungen während der Safari vom englischsprechenden Wildführer.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)
ca. 4 Std.
Abfahrt vom Hafen mit dem Bus Richtung Mpongo Wildreservat. Dieses private Reservat bietet eine einzigartige Flora und Fauna auf insgesamt über 3.500 ha Land. Genießen Sie während Ihrer etwa 2-stündigen Pirschfahrt in Safari-Geländewagen dieses herrliche Naturschutzgebiet mit seinen sanften Hügeln und Flusstälern. Anschließend etwa 1 Std. Rückfahrt im Bus nach East London.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit/Rückenleiden nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Wenige Erklärungen während der Safari vom englischsprechenden Wildführer.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)
ca. 3 Std.
Ein Ausflug für sportliche Gäste. Sie fahren zunächst etwa eine halbe Stunde mit dem Bus vom Hafen zum Nahoon Estuary Naturschutzgebiet. Ihre geführte Wanderung auf dem etwa 2 Kilometer langen Dassie Wanderweg beginnt am Besucherzentrum und führt Sie durch das Gelände des Nahoon Estuary Naturschutzgebietes. Während der gut 1-stündigen Wanderung genießen Sie ein einzigartiges Landschaftsbild. Der Dassie Trail im Nahoon Estuary Naturschutzgebiet in der Beacon Bay ist ein kurzer, flacher Wanderweg. Sie spazieren durch einen bewaldeten Abschnitt, bevor sich die weite Aussicht auf ein von Mangrovenbäumen gesäumtes Wattenmeer öffnet. Der Weg verläuft zum größten Teil auf einem Holzsteg aus recyceltem Kunststoff. Informationstafeln und Schilder entlang der Route informieren Sie über die Flussmündung, die Vogelwelt, Fische, Mangroven und den Auwald. Meerkatzen schauen vom Blätterdach des Waldes auf Sie herab und Klippschliefer verbringen die Zeit damit, sich auf den Felsvorsprüngen zu sonnen. Nach der Wanderung noch Gelegenheit das Besucherzentrum zu erkunden. Anschließend fahren Sie mit dem Bus zurück zum Hafen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Wenige Erklärungen während der Wanderung vom englischsprechenden Wanderführer.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)
Experience the thrill of a game drive on this half-day search for animals including rhino, giraffe and indigenous birds.
Depart the pier and drive through East London, passing Orient and Eastern Beaches en route. Travel along the national highway toward the former homeland, known as the Transkei, enjoying views of rolling hills, farmland and traditional Xhosa villages.
On arrival at Inkwenkwezi, you are welcomed by a group of Xhosa singers and dancers. Sip a welcome drink before boarding the 4x4 open-air canvas-topped vehicles.
Enjoy a two-hour game drive in search of a variety of game, including rhino, wildebeest, giraffe, warthog, zebra, springbok, impala, gemsbok and the rare Eastern Cape kudu. The bird life includes gracious crested crane, secretary bird, ground hornbill and ostrich.
Following your game drive return to the main lodge for a comfort stop before re-boarding your coach for the transfer back to East London.
This tour is not recommended for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Although little walking is required (656 feet / 200 metres) on this tour, it is suggested only for those guests able to tolerate the rough ride of an open-air vehicle traveling on unpaved surfaces. The roads in the game reserve are gravel, with some inclines; parts of the game-drive are bumpy. Therefore, this tour is not suitable for guests with back or neck problems. It could be difficult for some guests with walking difficulties or hip/knee problems to get in and out of the open vehicles. For safety reasons, children under the age of six (6) may not participate. The spotting of wildlife cannot be guaranteed. Wear light clothing, including flat, comfortable walking shoes, and protection from the sun; binoculars are recommended. Guests are not permitted to smoke, speak loudly, or stand up in the vehicle on or during the game drives, as this will disturb the animals. Thank you for your understanding. Small gifts can be purchased at the local souvenir shop. Local currency or credit cards are accepted.
Get an up-close look at nature surrounding East London via the Kwelera River on this half-day nature tour. Keep your eyes and ears open to spot as many birds as possible while enjoying the calming flow of the Kwelera River. Bring along the provided birding list and tick off some bird finds in this birdwatchers paradise. From the little elusive Scops Owl to giant Kingfishers, Fish Eagles soaring above the river.
Areena Riverside Resort
Depart the quayside and proceed to the Areena Riverside Resort. Drive along Oxford Street, passing the City Hall, built in 1897, in the 60th year of Queen Victoria's reign. Today, the City Hall is graced with a statue of the martyred activist, Stephen Biko. In 1836, the British established East London as a military post, which they used as a base during the Xhosa wars. The arrival of German settlers, who had been serving as mercenaries in the British-German Legion, gave the place at the mouth of the Buffalo River an economic boost - and in 1873 East London was given town rights. Continue past the East London Museum, which was established in 1921. It is home to a number of fine exhibits, including the type specimen of the coelacanth, a fish previously believed to have become extinct some 80 million years ago.
Welcome Drink & Safety Briefing
Receive welcome drinks on your arrival at the Areena Riverside Resort. Followed by a safety/canoe briefing and fitting on life jackets. Your Birding adventure begins on the Kwelera River.
Local Fauna & Flora, BBQ (Braai) Lunch Experience
Enjoy the natural flora on the river banks, including cycads and aloes. Keep your eyes and ears open to spot as many birds as possible while enjoying the calming flow of the Kwelera River. Bring along the provided birding list and tick off some bird finds in this birdwatchers paradise. From the little elusive Scops Owl to giant Kingfishers, Fish Eagles soaring above the river and many, many more.
On your return, wash the mud off your feet off and enjoy refreshments and a traditional South African BBQ (Braai) while listening to audio files of the local birds.
Thereafter, return to the quayside, passing the residential suburbs of East London.
Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of physical activity) and it is NOT suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or for those with limited mobility. We recommend guests wear flat, comfortable walking shoes, sun hat & glasses, sunblock and windbreaker. Souvenir shops accept local currency and credit cards only. The order of sites seen may vary.
Enjoy a special evening and a typical traditional South African Braai Dinner at Areena Riverside Resort on this evening tour. Listen to the sounds of a local live band, while soaking up the magical atmpsphere around the open fire.
Areena Resort & Braai Dinner Experience
Depart the pier for the approx 30 minutes transfer to Areena Resort. Upon arrival enjoy a welcome drink before joining for dinner. The word "Braai" comes from the Afrikaans language and means "barbecue" or "grill." However, the practice of cooking meat over an open flame has ancient roots in South Africa. Indigenous peoples like the Khoikhoi and San communities have been using open fires for centuries to cook their food. Enjoy that typical traditional food while having the fires crackling and listening to nice background music, performed by a local live band.
Upon conclusion of your evening, re-board your coach and return to the pier.
Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of physical activity) and it is NOT suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or for those with limited mobility. We recommend guests wear flat, comfortable walking shoes, sun hat & glasses, sunblock and windbreaker. Souvenir shops accept local currency and credit cards only. The order of sites seen may vary.
Enjoy a nice trek at Nahoon Estuary Nature Reserve on the Dassie Trail. The Trail is a short, flat meander well-suited to all levels. Learn about about estuarine dynamics, bird life, fishes, mangroves and the riparian forest on this half-day all levels nature tour.
Estuary Nature Reserve, Dassie Trail, Mangrove trees, Local Fauna
Depart the pier for a short 30-minutes transfer Nahoon Estuary. Here, enjoy a nature treck on the Dassie Trail. The trail is an easy 2km riverine route that winds through the Nahoon Estuary Nature Reserve in East London, past indigenous forest, Mangrove trees, and bush along the Nahoon River. Most of the trail runs along a boardwalk with information boards and tree labels that add to the experience. Keen birders should keep an eye open for the Narina Trogon.
The "Footprints", MDSA Coastal Education & Visitor Center, Nahoon Point Reserve
Upon conclusion of your nature trek, re-board the coach and head to the other side of the lagoon to look for the footprins and enjoy the views. This is the site at which human and animal trace fossil track-ways were discovered in 1964 by Bill Hartley and Rhett Kaiser. The site is currently being excavated by Dr Dave Roberts (Council of Geoscience) and Kevin Cole (East London Museum) in the pursuit of discovering further fossil track-ways. The sandstone at this site has been dated to an age of 124 000 years, making the human fossil track-way discovered here, the world’s oldest archaic human fossil footprints on the planet. The original sandstone slabs with the track-ways can be seen at the East London Museum and an explanation of how they were formed can be viewed at the display (with a cast of the footprints) in the MBSA Coastal Education and Visitor Centre in the Nahoon Point Reserve.
Upon conclusion of your visit to the visitor center, take the opportunity to soak in the vews and take some memorable photos.
Return to the pier thereafter.
Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking of approximately 1.9 miles (3 kilometeres). It is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilize a wheelchair. We recommend guests wear flat, comfortable walking shoes, sun hat & glasses, sunblock and windbreaker. Souvenir shops accept local currency and credit cards only. The order of sites seen may vary.
Embark on a cultural journey on this half-day cultural tour as youpay visit to the enchanting Kwetyana, a vibrant village nestled in the heart of rich Xhosa heritage. This immersive experience promises an authentic encounter with the locals, providing a unique insight into their traditions and way of life.
Kwetyana, Local Community, Daily Life of Xhosa People
Depart the pier for an approximately 45-minute transfer to Kwetyana Village. Upon arrival you are greeted by the local community. Take in the sights and sounds of Kwetyana as you absorb the vibrant atmosphere. Engage with the locals, ask questions, and learn about the daily life, customs, and history that shape this community.
Beadwork, Local Artisans, Xhosa Heritage
Immerse yourself in the artistry of Xhosa beadwork during an interactive master class. Local artisans will guide you through the intricate process, teaching you the skills required to create your own piece of traditional beadwork. This hands-on experience allows you to connect with the cultural heritage of the Xhosa people on a personal level.
Local customs and Traditions
Step into the world of Xhosa attire as you participate in a dress rehearsal. Your host and locals will assist you in adorning the beautifully crafted traditional garments. This is not just a physical transformation but a symbolic journey into the heart of Xhosa identity.
Traditional Dances, Traditional Songs
The rhythm of Africa comes alive as you partake in a lively Xhosa dance and singing tutorial. Learn the graceful moves of Ukuxhentsa and the rhythmic beats of Ukombela, guided by experienced instructors from the community. Allow the music and dance to carry you into the heart of Xhosa celebration and expression.
At the conclusion of your cultural experience, return to the pier.
Please note: This excursion is not suitable for guests in wheelchairs; however, guests with walking difficulties can manage with assistance. Flat, comfortable walking shoes, hats, sun block and sunglasses are recommended. This tour involves a coach transfer of approximately 45 minutes each way. The order to the visits may vary. The description is a sample of the tour program.
Experience the spectacular natural beauty and wildlife of South Africa during this unforgettable game-drive adventure at the Mpongo Private Game Reserve. Your half-day excursion features a game drive on this magnificent reserve, replete with rolling hills, river valleys, and abundant wildlife, bird and plant species.
Mpongo Private Game Reserve
From the pier, enjoy a scenic 45-minute drive to the Mpongo Private Game Reserve, located only 22 miles from the city of East London. Upon arrival, you will be welcomed with a refreshing beverage before setting off in your open-air vehicle for a one of-a-kind game viewing adventure. Home to elephants, lions, rhinos, buffalo, hippos, giraffes, numerous antelope and many bird species, Mpongo Private Game Reserve offers a unique blend of luxury and gaming experiences on over 8600 acres of conservation land. This magnificent reserve in the heart of the Eastern Cape boasts rolling hills, river valleys and luscious surroundings that cater to the heart of even the keenest eco-tourist.
Following an exciting game drive of approximately 2 hours, re-join your coach for the return transfer to the pier.
Please note: This excursion is not suitable for guests with limited mobility. Flat, comfortable walking shoes, hats, sun block and sunglasses are recommended. Bring binoculars and cameras. This tour involves a coach transfer to/from the reserve of approximately 45 minutes one way. The game drive at the reserve is executed by 4x4 open vehicle. Guests must be at least six years old to participate on this tour; minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, wildlife, marine life, and bird sightings are not guaranteed. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The description is a sample of the tour program. The tour sequence may vary. This is not a BIG 5 destination.
Guests are required to fill out an indemnity form to participate in this activity, indicating passport or National ID number.
Explore the history of East London during a sightseeing tour of the city and its environs. Your half-day excursion features visits to the East London Museum and Nahoon Point Nature Reserve. Stroll on the Boardwalk before returning to the pier via the coast and suburbs.
East London, Oxford Street, City Hall
Depart the pier and proceed to East London's city centre. Drive along Oxford Street, passing the City Hall, built in 1897, in the 60th year of Queen Victoria's reign. Today, the City Hall is graced with a statue of the martyred activist, Stephen Biko. In 1836, the British established East London as a military post, which they used as a base during the Xhosa wars. The arrival of German settlers, who had been serving as mercenaries in the British-German Legion, gave the place at the mouth of the Buffalo River an economic boost - and in 1873 East London was given town rights.
East London Museum, Exhibits, Nahoon Footprints
Next, continue to the East London Museum, which was established in 1921. It is home to a number of fine exhibits, including the type specimen of the coelacanth, a fish previously believed to have become extinct some 80 million years ago. Other notable exhibits include a reconstruction of the extinct dodo of Mauritius along with the only known dodo egg in the world, as well as an extensive collection of beadwork relating to the Xhosa-speaking people, and the Nahoon Footprints. In 1964, some construction workers at Bats Cave on the Nahoon Bluff corner noticed some strange shapes in the bedrock and on further investigation recognized them to be the fossilized footprints of a child, belonging to the archaic hominid period. 200,000 years ago, the conditions would have been perfect for the child to have been able to create these tracks and they then lay undisturbed for eons, fossilizing over time. Large slabs of sandstone that contained the tracks have been removed and can now be seen at the Museum.
Nahoon Point Nature Reserve, Mercedes-Benz Coastal Education Center & Visitor Center
Following this visit, proceed via the national highway through rural countryside en-route to the Nahoon Point Nature Reserve. Here, visit the Mercedes-Benz Coastal Education & Visitor Centre. The centre provides an informative eco-tourism facility to educate visitors to the area, with boards, photographs and touchscreens mounted on the walls, explaining the unique aspects of East London's coastal environment, the archaeological wealth of Nahoon including the Nahoon Footprints, the history of surfing at the Nahoon Reef, and the importance of environmental stewardship.
Take a short stroll along the wooden boardwalk that skirts the edge of the coastal dunes, to the site where the Fossil Footprints were found. Thereafter, return to the pier, passing the residential suburbs of East London en-route.
Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking for approximately 1640 feet (500 metres) and it is suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or for those with limited mobility however guests must be able to embark/disembark the coach via the bus steps. We recommend guests wear flat, comfortable walking shoes, sun hat & glasses, sunblock and windbreaker. Souvenir shops accept local currency and credit cards only. The order of sites seen may vary.
Explore East London at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights with your driver and your English-speaking driver/guide.
Depart the pier in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore East London at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights with an English-speaking driver/guide.
Depart the pier in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore East London at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights with your driver and English-speaking driver/guide.
Depart the pier in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 6 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
Explore East london at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights with an English-speaking driver/guide.
Depart the pier in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.
Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 6 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.
This full-day excursion takes you deep into the remote areas around East London, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the operations of soup kitchens in rural communities.
In these harsh environments, many children still lack sufficient daily food. Soup kitchens play an important role by providing one warm and nutritious meal twice a day to support both parents and children. Themi’s Soup Kitchen is one of those initiatives, serving a school and two centers with two meals per day.
During this excursion, you will see how she and her ladies prepare the food and if you want to you can help. After all is cooked and prepared you help dishing out the food to the children.
After this experience, you will head back to Purple Haze Eco Lodge for refreshments where Themi will join you to answer any further questions you may have.
This excursion will be making a meaningful impact helping Themi continue what she does for the children of her community.
Immerse yourself in a thrilling adventure amidst breathtaking scenery offering panoramic views of the picturesque Kwelera River, Leopard Kloof, and Areena Valley on this half-day active tour. Prepare for an exhilarating adventure as you zip through the treetops, consisting of 4 exhilarating zip lines. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you soar above the pristine landscape, with each zip line offering its own unique perspective of the surrounding beauty.
Areena Riverside Resort, Kwelera River, Leopard Kloof, Areena Valley
Depart the pier for a short 30-minutes transfer to Areena Riverside Resort. Here, enjoy an amazing ziplining adventure. This activity takes place within the resort, overlooking the beautiful Kwelera River, Leopard Kloof and Areena Valley.
Zipline Circuit & Safety
The Zipline circuit consists of a total of 4x zip lines that make up the moderate tour. With zip lines ranging from the longest at 153 meters to the highest at 70 meters, this 90-minute adrenaline-pumping adventure promises memories that will last a lifetime. All the time your safety is a top priority, you are connected via a full body harness to the zip line and have a safety rope attached. Two guides accompany you on the zip line tour, one connects you safely to the zip line, and the second assists you with the disconnection at the base of each zip line. Safety helmets are worn by all participants.
Upon conclusion of your adventure, enjoy some refreshments before returning to the pier.
Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking for approximately 1640 feet (500 metres) and it is suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or for those with limited mobility however guests must be able to embark/disembark the coach via the bus steps. We recommend guests wear flat, comfortable walking shoes, sun hat & glasses, sunblock and windbreaker. Souvenir shops accept local currency and credit cards only. The order of sites seen may vary. The weight limit for this activity is 120kg. Closed comfortable walking or running sneakers, comfortable clothes. Sandals, heels, skirts or dresses are not advised for this activity. Safety helmets are worn by all participants.