Wetter in Hamilton

Mi. 15.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Mi. 15.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Mi. 15.01.2025
leichter Regen
Mi. 15.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Fr. 17.01.2025
leichter Regen

Hafenkarte: Hamilton

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Hamilton

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Hamilton mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Queen Victoria Di. 18.03.2025 früh morgens nachmittags
Azamara Journey Do. 03.04.2025 08:30 17:00
Silver Shadow Sa. 07.06.2025 08:00 00:00
Silver Shadow So. 08.06.2025 00:00 14:00
Island Princess Fr. 11.07.2025 15:00
Island Princess Sa. 12.07.2025 16:00
Island Princess Di. 26.08.2025 15:00
Island Princess Mi. 27.08.2025 16:00
Island Princess Fr. 05.09.2025 15:00
Island Princess Sa. 06.09.2025 16:00
AIDAmar So. 23.11.2025 10:00
AIDAmar Mo. 24.11.2025 15:00
Sky Princess Do. 27.11.2025 09:00 17:00
AIDAdiva Mi. 04.11.2026 08:00 15:45
AIDAluna Di. 17.11.2026 10:00
AIDAluna Mi. 18.11.2026 15:00
Queen Anne Mo. 18.01.2027 früh morgens nachmittags
MS Amadea Sa. 08.05.2027 08:00 18:00

Landausflüge in Hamilton

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Glasbodenbootfahrt Bermuda
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std. 
Kurzer Fußweg zur Anlegestelle des Glasbodenbootes. Das vorgelagerte Riff beheimatet Hunderte verschiedene Fischarten, Korallen und Meeresorganismen. Genießen Sie eine gute halbe Stunde Bootsfahrt bis zum westlichen Ende Bermudas. Ab dem Unterdeck können Sie das faszinierende Korallenriff mit seiner farbenfrohen Vielfalt an Fischen durch den Glasboden sehen. Besonders gut lassen sich die Meeresbewohner über dem Wrack der Vixen, einem gesunkenen Schiff aus dem 18. Jh. bestaunen. Nach einer Fischfütterung fahren Sie zurück und mit etwas Glück begegnen Ihnen unterwegs sogar Karettschildkröten. 
Bitte beachten:  Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Kommentare unterwegs in englischer Sprache, Übersetzung möglichst durch die bordseitige Begleitung. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Mai 2024)

Rundfahrt im Minivan
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Zunächst fahren Sie zu den berühmten pinkfarbenen Sandstränden im Süden Bermudas. Fotopause am Leuchtturm aus dem Jahre 1846 auf der höchsten Erhebung, dem Gibbs Hill (ca. 35 m). Weiterfahrt zur Westseite der Insel über die Somerset-Zugbrücke und Besuch des Royal Naval Dockyard, dessen Geschichte bis auf Napoleon zurückgeht. Spazieren Sie durch die historische Schiffswerftanlage und genießen anschließend etwas Freizeit für einen Bummel. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten bieten sich in vielen verschiedenen Läden oder auf dem Kunsthandwerksmarkt. Sie können auch die Zeit für einen Besuch des Maritimen Museums nutzen, in welchem die lange Seefahrergeschichte der Bermudainseln anschaulich dargestellt ist. Im Anschluss fahren Sie zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Durchführung in Minivans mit 6 Sitzen, Erklärungen vom englischsprechenden Fahrer. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Mai 2024)

Rundfahrt mit Crystal Cave
ca. 2,5h

ca. 2,5 Std. 
Mit Minibussen oder Vans fahren Sie zur Crystal Cave, einer beleuchteten, natürlichen Grotte mit Stalaktiten und Stalagmiten. Das kristallklare Wasser, das durch die Höhle fließt und einen See bildet, ist so klar, dass man sogar den Boden der Höhle sehen kann, der sich etwa 17 m unter der Wasseroberfläche befindet. Die Höhle wurde 1907 durch einen Zufall entdeckt, als zwei Jungen auf der Suche nach einem verlorenen Ball auf die Grotte stießen. Sie steigen 81 Stufen hinab und gehen dann auf einem schwimmenden Holzponton weiter, der über dem Wasser des unterirdischen Sees gebaut wurde. Ein kleines Oberlicht zeigt den ursprünglichen Eingang, durch den die Jungen sich abseilten. Nach dem etwa 45-minütigen Aufenthalt fahren Sie weiter durch die exklusive Wohngegend von Tuckers Town. Sehen Sie die wohlhabende Gegend mit ihren gepflegten Villen. Weiterhin steht ein kurzer Fotostopp am John Smith Beach auf dem Programm, bevor Sie zurück zum Schiff fahren.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Einige Stufen in den Höhlen. Englischsprechende Reiseleitung, Übersetzung möglichst durch die bordseitige Begleitung.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Mai 2024)

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
A Curator Tour : Masterworks and Verdmont Museums
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-N

Explore the culture, art, and history of Bermuda during this scenic and informative, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Hamilton, Pink-Sand Beaches, Atlantic Ocean, Botanical Gardens, Masterworks Museum of Art

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to the lush, approximately 36-acre (about 14.5-hectare) Botanical Gardens. En route, a cavalcade of bright, cheery colours surrounds you whilst passing by pastel-coloured homes, pink-sand beaches, and the bright blue hues of the Atlantic Ocean. Upon arrival at the Botanical Gardens, head to the Masterworks Museum of Art, located inside the park, and join the museum's curator for an in-depth, guided tour of the facility. Discover a vibrant art community that celebrate the island's culture and beauty, and view the current collection of eclectic art on display.

Verdmont Museum, Hilltop, South Shore & Ocean Views, Antiques, Furniture, Portraits, Fine China

Next, re-board your coach and proceed for a visit to the crowned jewel of the Bermuda National Trust properties, the Verdmont Museum. Perched high on a hill overlooking the south shore of Bermuda, the house would have dominated the landscape when it was originally constructed in the late-1600's. This historic home has remained virtually unchanged structurally for over 300 years. It features an extensive collection of antiques, including Bermudian cedar furniture, portraits, English and Chinese porcelain china, and a child's nursery.

Guided Museum and Gardens Tour, Beautiful Bays & Beaches, Vernier Promenade, Cultural Centre

Your guided tour of the Verdmont Museum includes a visit to its lovely gardens, which are comprised of a medley of old roses, herbs, and fruit trees, and offer stunning views and photo opportunities. Photo stops are made during the drive to-and-from the Verdmont Museum to capture the beauty of the island, and learn about its local history. Your tour concludes with a short drive back to the pier. En route, pass by the beautiful bays of Nouméa, including Lemon Bay, along with Anse Vata Beach, the Vernier Promenade, and Cultural Centre, an harmonious blend of traditional and modern indigenous Kanak (New Caledonian) architecture.

Classic Glass-Bottom Sightseeing Cruise
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-A

Experience the undersea splendour of Bermuda's barrier reef during this picturesque sightseeing excursion via glass-bottom boat.

Barrier coral reef

Depart the pier aboard a luxury, custom-built glass-bottom boat. Along the way, explore the fascinating barrier coral reef surrounding this unique island, and view the coral formations and colourful fish that abound in the crystal-clear, azure-blue waters. Your captain highlights various points of interest and informative facts while cruising over the barrier reef.

Marine life

Next, view the wreck of the Vixen, an 18th-century ship that is now home to a variety of marine life, and observe a fish-feeding frenzy. During the ride back to the ship, your captain passes by a turtle-feeding area; if you are lucky, you may see one or more of them surface. This scenic, family-friendly excursion concludes at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of activity; however, guests must be able to walk one ship length to embark/disembark the sightseeing vessel. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with boat shoes, and bring sun protection from the ship. Turtle sightings are not guaranteed.

Colonial St. Georges
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-I

Explore the picturesque east end of Bermuda during this memorable, half-day excursion to Colonial St. George's, an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Hamilton, Botanical Gardens, Governor's Mansion, Green Turtles, John Smith's Beach

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 45-minute orientation drive through the city of Hamilton, then along the island's panoramic north-eastern coastline via South Shore Road. Pass by the Botanical Gardens, Governor's Mansion and Bermuda's Green Turtles in Flats Village. After a photo stop at John Smith's Beach, proceed to the historic town of St. George's, an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

St. George's, Town Square, First House of Assembly, Stocks, St. Peter's Church

Upon arrival, step back in time to the island's early days. Stroll about the cobblestone streets and stop in the heart of the Town Square for a visit to the island's First House of Assembly, or have pictures taken in the Stocks. Across the main street is the oldest active Anglican Church in the Western Hemisphere, St. Peter's Church, which remains in its original state to this day.

Fort St. Catherine, Swords, Pistols, Island Views, St. David's Island and Lighthouse, Atlantic Ocean

Next, take a guided walking tour inside Fort St. Catherine. Built in 1840, the fort became an iconic guardian of the island's east end during World War II. Pass by swords and pistols on display, and take in stunning island views from high atop this grand fortress. Leaving Fort. St. Catherine, visit the adjacent St. David's Island. Discover the charm of this unique and enchanting community, formerly an US Air Force base. An exterior photo stop is made at St. David's Lighthouse, which was significant to marine traffic in the 18th century and offers exquisite views over the Atlantic Ocean. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier via North Shore Road.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking, at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Walking in St. George's is at the discretion of each guest. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Devil’s Isle Cruise Beach Snorkel
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: BDA-R

Explore the famous Devil's Isles in an active new way during this fun-filled, half-day beach and snorkelling excursion via catamaran.

Hamilton, Catamaran-Cruise, Devil's Isles, Bays, Shorelines, Beaches

Depart the pier with your guide for the short walk to your awaiting power catamaran. Upon arrival, embark your comfortable vessel, then sit back and relax for the scenic and narrated, approximately one-hour cruise around the many islands once known as the 'Devil's Isles'. Along the way, enjoy informative commentary about your surrounds whilst passing along intimate bays, scenic shorelines, and pristine beaches.

Secluded Island, Beaches, Coral Reefs, Swimming, Beach, Snorkelling, Kayaking, Paddle-Boarding

Your captain anchors at a secluded island hideaway surrounded by hidden little beaches and vibrant coral reefs on all sides. Here, ample free time is made available to swim to the beach, or go snorkelling, kayaking, or paddle-boarding at the nearby shallow reefs in search of tropical fish and marine life. Instead, you may opt to simply relax on board, and visit the Dark 'n Stormy Boat Bar for a complimentary beverage; additional beverages are available at your own expense. Floats, snorkelling gear, paddleboards, and kayaks are included. Following your visit, embark the catamaran and commence the approximately one-hour ride back to the pier. Upon arrival, disembark the vessel and return to the ship on-foot.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of activity and a minimal amount of walking for approximately 100 yards (about 91 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to embark/disembark the boat and three steps to manoeuvre in/out of the boat. This tour is recommended for guests that are in good physical condition, and can swim in water too deep too stand. Guests must disembark the boat and swim in shallow water to access the beach. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guest with neck and/or back problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests prone to seasickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with beach or water shoes, and bring sun protection, a towel, change of clothing, bottled water, and US Dollars, local currency, or credit cards for purchases from the ship; water shoes are recommended, and must be worn if walking on the rocks. Guests must be at least five years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Snorkelling gear and a flotation noodle or snorkel vest are provided. Waterproof cameras are highly recommended. Guests weighing over 300 pounds (about 136 kilograms) cannot participate on this tour. One complimentary beverage is included; a full cash bar is available on board the boat, and at the expense of each guest. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Guests may not snorkel if they have consumed alcohol. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, fish and marine life sightings are not guaranteed. This tour is available in the mornings and afternoons only; evening tours are not available. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The captain reserves the right to substitute an in-shore snorkelling location in the event of inclement weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary.

Eco-Kayaking & Beach Break
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: BDA-T

Discover the scenic natural splendour and unique eco-system of Bermuda during this fun-filled and invigorating kayaking adventure.

Hamilton, Guided Kayaking, Rocky Coastlines, Uninhabited Islands, Hidden Beaches

Depart the pier for the short, narrated journey to the kayak-launching area. After receiving your safety briefing and kayaking gear and instructions, embark your sit-on-top double-kayak and begin your guided kayaking journey. Your guide picks the best locations and routes so you can enjoy spectacular panoramic vistas of rocky coastlines, uninhabited islands, and hidden beaches.

Fish, Bird & Marine Life Species, Beach Break, Free Time, Swimming, Relaxing

During your kayaking journey, your guide points out coastline denizens such as Bermuda long tails, egrets, herons, and various crustaceans. In addition, look for the diverse and abundant species of fish and marine life that inhabit these crystal-clear waters. Following your kayaking tour, return to the kayak-launching area. Afterward, some free time is made available at the beach for a refreshing swim and an opportunity to relax. Following your tour, re-board your coach/boat for the short ride back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of activity and a moderate amount of walking, at times over uneven, sandy, gravel, slippery, and natural surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and embark/disembark the kayak. Walking at the beach is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is recommended for active guests who are in good physical condition, can kayak for approximately 1.5 hours with periodic stops, and swim well in water over their head. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with back and/or neck problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory problems, guests prone to seasickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear a swimsuit under a cover-up with flat, closed-toe walking or water shoes they won't mind getting wet, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, a towel, bottled water, and US Dollars, local currency, or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least five years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. The total weight per double-kayak must not exceed 400 pounds (about 181 kilograms). The total weight per single-kayak must not exceed 200 pounds (about 90 kilograms). Guests cannot participate if they have consumed alcohol. Most of the watercrafts are double-kayaks. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, wildlife, fish, and marine life sightings are not guaranteed. Life vests, kayaks, and paddles are provided. The total kayaking time is approximately 1.5 hours. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment. Transportation used to and from the kayak-launching area will be a bot or a coach.

Famous Homes & Hideaways Cruise
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-E

Explore the pristine coastal beauty, colourful history and wonderful celebrity homes of Bermuda during this scenic and entertaining sightseeing cruise.

Coastal Cruise

Depart the pier for a picturesque sightseeing cruise around Hamilton Harbour, the Great Sound and exquisite inlets. Learn about Bermuda's history, flora and fauna and wonderful marine life as you gently traverse Bermuda's exquisite turquoise blue waters. Along the way, discover tranquil island hideaways only accessible by boat and classic Bermuda landmarks that include the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, the oldest cast-iron lighthouse in the Western Hemisphere.

Millionaire's Row

Next, venture along the shoreline to view charming Colonial homes painted in pastel colours and steeped in history. In addition, see an exclusive neighbourhood known as 'Millionaire's Row'. Over the years, celebrity residents here have included Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, James Martin, Pioneer of Texas Instruments, playwright Eugene O'Neal, illustrator William Denslow, acclaimed for his work on the Wizard of Oz, and the house that John Lennon stayed in to write his last album, Double Fantasy. Your tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking; however, guests must be able to walk one ship length and negotiate 10 steps along a three-foot gangplank to embark/disembark the vessel. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with boat shoes, and bring sun protection from the ship.

Gosling’s Rum Sip and Cruise
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: BDA-S

Experience the exquisite sunset and spirits of Bermuda during this relaxing rum tasting cruise excursion around the island.

Hamilton, Catamaran-Cruise, Inland Waterways, Sunset Views

Depart the pier with your guide for the short walk to your awaiting power catamaran. Upon arrival, embark your comfortable vessel and receive your safety and tour instructions, then sit back and relax for a panoramic, approximately 1.5-hour rum tasting cruise along the lovely inland waterways of Bermuda. Whilst your catamaran glides across dazzling azure waters, delight in the calming sea breezes and splendid sunset seascapes, the ideal setting for your introduction to the exquisite spirits and flavours of Bermuda.

Rum History & Presentation, Gosling's Rum, National Drink, Local Cocktails, Rum Swizzles

Learn about Bermuda's rum-producing history and Gosling's Rum, the island's oldest business, whilst watching your onboard mixologist prepare the national drink, a 'Dark 'N' Stormy'. In addition, sample local cocktails and enjoy unlimited rum swizzle drinks on the return cruise. Your tour concludes back at the pier. Upon arrival, disembark the vessel and commence the short walk back to the ship.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 100 yards (about 91 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to embark/disembark the boat. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to seasickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking or boat shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and US Dollars, local currency, or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate on this tour. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Additional purchases from the full cash bar on board the boat are at the expense of each guest. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, fish and marine life sightings are not guaranteed. This tour is available in the evenings only. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary.

Harrington Sound Eco Cruise
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: BDA-P

Discover the rich biodiversity of Bermuda during this fascinating, half-day eco-cruise and behind-the-scenes excursion to the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo.

Hamilton, Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo, Harrington Sound, Eco-Cruise, Caves, Cliffs

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo, located at Harrington Sound. Unique in the world, Harrington Sound is a large, inland body of water surrounded by the main island on all sides, and only opens to the ocean via a small channel called Flatt's Inlet. Upon arrival at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo, embark the BAMZ boat, the Callista, then sit back, relax, and enjoy all that Harrington Sound has to offer during a narrated eco-cruise. Rich in biodiversity, Harrington Sound is surrounded by caves and cliffs, and dotted with fascinating islands and coastal landmarks to captivate you with Bermuda's beauty, culture, history, and mystique.

Guided, Behind-the-Scenes Tour, Fish, Coral, Sharks, Grouper, Turtles, Birds, Reptiles, Mammals

After your cruise, return to the dock, disembark the boat, and walk back to the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo. Upon arrival, take a guided, behind-the-scenes tour to discover what it takes to operate the Bermuda Aquarium. Go behind closed doors and get the inside scoop on all that goes into caring for their diverse marine collection, which showcases more than 200 species of fish and delicate marine invertebrates from the shallow coastal waters, spectacular northern coral reefs, and the deep ocean. The huge North Rock Exhibit showcases live corals and large predatory fish, including sharks and a black grouper. Marine turtle and harbour seal exhibits are included. The Zoo displays over 300 birds, reptiles, and mammals.

Free Time, Gift Shoppe

Built in 1926, this is one on the oldest, continuous-running aquariums in the world, and the unique way in which it is run is truly fascinating to observe. Following your tour, some free time is made available to explore the Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo at your leisure, and browse the onsite gift shoppe for a memento of your visit. At the conclusion of your tour, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and standing for approximately 355 yards (about 325 metres), at times over uneven, cobblestone, and natural surfaces, with two-five steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and embark/disembark the boat, and at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to seasickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe, and non-slip walking or boat shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and US Dollars, local currency, or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least five years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, fish and marine life sightings are not guaranteed. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is extremely limited; we suggest you book well in advance to avoid disappointment.

Panoramic Tour of The island & Tea at the Willowbank Guest House
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: BDA-C

Discover the pristine natural beauty, Old World traditions and historic landmarks of Bermuda during this half-day, excursion through the island.

Botanical Gardens

Depart the pier for the scenic drive through the Botanical Gardens. Originally opened in 1898 the Bermuda Botanical Gardens feature 36 acres of trees, flowers and shrubs. John Lennon visited the gardens in 1980 and named his subsequent album Double Fantasy after a flower he spotted here.

Scenic Island Drive

Next, learn more about the flora, fauna and history of the island during a scenic, approximately 1.5-hour sightseeing drive that also explores some of the oldest and most renowned landmarks in Bermuda. Sights to be seen include the early-17th-century Heydon Trust Chapel, Horseshoe Beach, the picturesque vistas and ramparts at Fort Scaur and Somerset Bridge, the world's smallest drawbridge.

Gibbs Hill Lighthouse

Constructed in 1844 the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is the oldest cast iron lighthouse in the world. The hill on which the lighthouse stands is 245 feet high while the lighthouse itself measures 117 feet. A 1,000 watt bulb sits inside a lens revolving in a trough of 1,200 pounds of mercury. The light beam it emits can be seen by ships 40 miles away and from a distance of 120 miles by a plane flying at 10,000 feet.  

Willowbank Guest House

Our stop for tea will be at the Willowbank Guest House. You can relax and enjoy an Island Style English cream tea in the  accompanied by an assortment of tea sandwiches, English scones, clotted cream and jam and of course a pot of tea!

From here, your tour continues on through the most scenic part on the island, which overlooks the spectacular barrier reef, azure blue waters and famed pink sand beaches. Your tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and at the Lighthouse. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing and sun protection are recommended. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment. The tour sequence may vary.

Quintessential Island Drive
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-H

Discover the spectacular island beauty of Bermuda during this picturesque, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Hamilton City, Somerset Village and Drawbridge, and Gibbs Hill Lighthouse

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 45-minute orientation drive through the city of Hamilton and Somerset Village. Pass over the Somerset Drawbridge, the smallest drawbridge in the world, then continue on for a photo stop at the iconic Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, which towers nearly 120 feet (about 36 metres) above sea level and offers breath-taking panoramic views in all directions.

Southern Coast, Pink-Sand Beaches and Royal Naval Dockyard

Next, re-board your mini bus and drive along the southern coast. Along the way, take in splendid views of the pink-sand beaches, azure blue waters and imposing barrier reef that encircles the island. Your last stop is at the Royal Naval Dockyard, where some free time is made available for shopping and exploration at your leisure. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 45-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking, at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the mini bus and a flight of stairs at the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse. Walking at the Royal Naval Dockyard is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Silver Shore Privato - Private Van with Driver/Guide - Full Day
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-Y

Explore Hamilton at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking driver/guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is bookable on request only, therefore when making your reservation you will be placed on a waiting list. This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 4 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

Silver Shore Privato - Private Van with Driver/Guide - Half Day
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-X

Explore Hamilton at your leisure during your half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking driver/guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is bookable on request only, therefore when making your reservation you will be placed on a waiting list. This tour non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 6 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary.

Sunset Glass-Bottom Cruise
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: BDA-G

Experience the undersea splendour of Bermuda's barrier reef in a scenic and relaxing new way during this sunset cruise excursion.

Sunset Cruise and Hamilton Harbour

Depart the pier aboard a glass-bottom boat for a leisurely sunset cruise through Hamilton Harbour. Join your local captain and crew for an evening nightcap or two after your sumptuous dinner on board your Silversea ship. Relax to the sounds of the tree frogs, easy-listening music and interesting, light narration by your Captain.

Coral Reef, Fish and Shipwreck-Feeding

Take in splendid coastal views whilst riding towards the coral reef. Upon arrival, marvel as the spot-lit undersea world beneath your feet come alive. Observe the coral reef system, colourful fish and a shipwreck fish-feeding, a site to behold and the highlight of your tour.

Paradise Straight

Following your reef visit, commence the approximately 40-minute ride back to the pier via the tranquil waters of the Paradise Strait. Two rum drinks are included. Complimentary Rum Swizzle as well as a full cash bar is available.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of activity; however, guests must be able to walk one ship length and negotiate three steps to embark/disembark the sightseeing vessel. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with boat shoes, and bring sun protection and a light jacket from the ship. Although frequently encountered on this type of tour, marine-life sightings are not guaranteed. Guests must be at least 21 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions.

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