Wetter in Huatulco

Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Do. 16.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Do. 16.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Fr. 17.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen

Hafenkarte: Huatulco

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Huatulco

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Huatulco mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Coral Princess Mi. 26.02.2025 08:00 17:00
Coral Princess So. 30.03.2025 08:00 17:00
Coral Princess Mo. 21.04.2025 08:00 17:00
Caribbean Princess Fr. 25.04.2025 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Do. 22.05.2025 08:00 17:00
Grand Princess Sa. 20.09.2025 08:00 17:00
Serenade of the Seas Mi. 24.09.2025 08:00 16:00
Island Princess Mi. 01.10.2025 08:00 17:00
Caribbean Princess So. 05.10.2025 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Mo. 27.10.2025 08:00 17:00
Coral Princess So. 02.11.2025 08:00 17:00
Emerald Princess Do. 13.11.2025 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Sa. 03.01.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Di. 13.01.2026 08:00 17:00
Coral Princess Fr. 16.01.2026 08:00 17:00
MS Amera Mo. 19.01.2026 07:00 13:00
Island Princess Mi. 04.02.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Sa. 14.02.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess So. 08.03.2026 08:00 17:00
Norwegian Jade So. 22.03.2026 12:00 18:00
Grand Princess Mo. 27.04.2026 08:00 17:00
Serenade of the Seas Do. 30.04.2026 10:30 18:00
Coral Princess So. 04.10.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Fr. 30.10.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Sa. 21.11.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Di. 01.12.2026 08:00 17:00
Crown Princess Di. 08.12.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Mi. 23.12.2026 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Sa. 02.01.2027 08:00 17:00
Island Princess So. 24.01.2027 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Mi. 03.02.2027 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Do. 25.02.2027 08:00 17:00
Island Princess So. 07.03.2027 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Mo. 29.03.2027 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Do. 08.04.2027 08:00 17:00
MS Amadea Di. 13.04.2027 13:00 23:00
Crown Princess Do. 15.04.2027 08:00 17:00
Island Princess Fr. 30.04.2027 08:00 17:00

Landausflüge in Huatulco

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Huatulco zu Wasser und zu Land
ca. 3,5h

ca. 3,5 Std.
Kurze Busfahrt zur Bucht von Tangolunda mit Fotostopp an einem Aussichtspunkt, der einen wunderschönen Blick auf die Bucht mit ihren luxuriösen Resorts bietet. Danach fahren Sie in das hübsche Dorf La Crucesita und sehen auf einem Rundgang den immergrünen Hauptpark (Zocalo) sowie die schöne Kirche "Virgen de Guadelupe". Zahlreiche Geschäfte bieten traditionelles Handwerk sowie lokale Produkte an, und Sie haben Zeit zur freien Verfügung, um zu bummeln und ein Souvenir zu erwerben. Danach fahren Sie zum Yachthafen von Santa Cruz und gehen an Bord eines Katamarans, mit dem Sie entlang der malerischen Küstenlinie fahren und Ausblicke auf unberührte Buchten mit schönen Sandstränden genießen, die zwischen rauen Klippen und Bergen verstreut liegen. Sie passieren die östlich gelegene Bahia de Chahué mit drei traumhaften Stränden und privatem Yachthafen. Danach kreuzen Sie zur "La Bufadora" mit eindrucksvollem Felsen, in den Wellen und Wind ein "Steingesicht" (rostro mixteco) eingraviert haben. Zum Abschluss werfen Sie noch einen Blick auf die abgelegene Bucht Organo sowie auf die beliebte Bucht Maguey, bevor Sie wieder zur Pier bzw. zum Schiff zurückkehren. Mineralwasser und Früchte werden unterwegs gereicht.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Eine gute Stunde zu Fuß. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Bequemes Schuhwerk sowie Sonnen- und Mückenschutz empfohlen. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std.
Nach einer fast 1,5 stündigen schönen Landschaftsfahrt erreichen Sie La Ventanilla, wo es längs einer Mangroven-Lagune ein Naturschutzgebiet für Krokodile gibt. Auch viele andere Tierarten fühlen sich hier heimisch, z.B. seltene Vogelarten, Leguane, Waschbären, die Sie während einer Kanufahrt beobachten können - mit etwas Glück sehen Sie auch Krokodile durchs Wasser gleiten. Auf einer Insel legen Sie an. Hier gibt es drei Baumschulen zur Wiederaufforstung dieses Gebietes. Vom lokalen Gästeführer erhalten Sie Informationen über das Naturschutzgebiet. Zur Stärkung werden in einem offenen Ofen zubereitete Quesadillas (Käse-Tortilla) gereicht, anschließend geht es per Kanu wieder aufs Festland, Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Bequemes Schuhwerk sowie Sonnen- und Mückenschutz empfohlen. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Mexikanische Traditionen
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Kurze Fahrt in die kleine Stadt Piedra de Moros, wo Sie den Pfad der Heilpflanzen und Kräuter besuchen und kurze Erklärungen erhalten. Außerdem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, ein erfrischendes Getränk mit Zitronengras zu probieren und die traditionelle Herstellung von Tortillas und Brot kennenzulernen. Sie erfahren mehr über die Verwendung des Feigenkaktus (Nopal) und verkosten einige typisch mexikanische Produkte. Weiterfahrt zu einer Textilverarbeitung, wo Sie erfahren, wie aus Cochenilleschildläusen natürlicher Farbstoff gewonnen wird und damit u.a. Teppiche, Decken und Kleidung gefärbt werden. Anschließend fahren Sie weiter nach Santa Maria zu einer Mezcal-Fabrik, wo diese mexikanische Spirituose aus verschiedenen Agavenarten hergestellt wird. Danach erfolgt dann wieder die Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Panoramafahrt Huatulco
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std.
Sie lernen die landschaftliche Schönheit der Umgebung von Huatulco im Minibus/Bus kennen und genießen spektakuläre Ausblicke auf die Bucht von Santa Cruz sowie auf die Bucht von Tangolunda. Weiterfahrt entlang der Bahia Conejos (öffentlicher Strand) zum nächsten Aussichtspunkt mit besonders schönem Blick auf die Landschaft der Bahia Maguey. Zum Abschluss bietet sich Ihnen vom Aussichtspunkt Hierba Buena eine wunderschöne Weitsicht auf die Landschaft rund um den berühmten Strand von Entrega.
Bitte beachten:  Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
ATV & Rafting Adventure
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 3
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 211€ / Kinder ab 211€

If you like adventure, this ATV and rafting combo is just the perfect tour for you. After a short drive from the pier, you’ll reach the ATV base camp for a detailed safety briefing. From there, you’ll ride with your guide on the ATV along mountainous jungle trails and across small river creeks. Upon arrival at the rafting base camp, professional guides will provide a safety briefing and instructions. Each raft will be accompanied by a guide to ensure that tour is safe and appropriate for beginners, while still offering excitement.

You’ll float down the Copalita River on a 9-person raft and be able to experience Huatulco’s natural environment. The Copalita River is considered class 1 rapids, so this will be a relaxed, enjoyable ride, with time to enjoy the sights of the river valley, but still exciting enough to keep you on your toes. You'll float along the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountains, passing lush tropical vegetation on the way to Bocana Beach.

Beach Escape
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 66€ / Kinder ab 47€

Take a scenic boat ride past some of the fabulous and amazing bays of Huatulco to scenic Maguey Bay. Enjoy a swim, relax on the white sand beach and have some fun in the sun. Here, you can enjoy some refreshments or visit one of the local restaurants for local, fresh seafood at an additional cost. Snorkel gear and watersports activities/rentals are available. Everything you need for a fabulous day at the beach is here waiting for you.

Bird Watching Eco Walk
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 66€

Bird watching is a hobby for some, a passion and science for others. If you are among these people, come and discover a rich diversity of wetland bird life along the trails of the Copalita River with its unspoiled, low jungle deciduous vegetation. During your tour, you’ll admire the flora and fauna of the region. Precious woods including cedar, mahogany, ficus, mocambos and almond trees may be seen along with several of the 227 bird species including orioles, woodpeckers, egrets, seagulls, falcons, sparrow hawks, parrots and 20 varieties of hummingbirds. You may also see lizards, iguanas, deer, armadillos and much more!

You'll receive a souvenir list of the bird species found in the region and use of a color print with 25 of the most likely seen species along with binoculars. If you have your own binoculars, bring them along. Your knowledgeable guide will give comprehensive explanations of the ecology, birds, and points of interest. Enjoy 20 minutes at a vantage point at which a variety of birds may be quietly observed and where you'll enjoy not only a complimentary beverage, but also the opportunity to take some great photos. During the journey, several stops will be made to observe and comment.

City Tour & Scenic Drive
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 66€ / Kinder ab 56€

Your scenic drive will include a stop so that you can enjoy breathtaking views of the Bay of Tangolunda - the luxury resort area. Pass the Bay of Conejos all the way up to the river estuary before proceeding to La Crucecita, the quaint downtown area, the evergreen Central Park and the beautiful church dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe, which features the world’s largest painting of the Virgin.

If you like to shop, you’ll find several stores offering a wide variety of handicrafts including black pottery from the valleys of Oaxaca, handmade woven rugs and carpets milled on traditional looms, and the world-famous 'alebrijes' allegories of fantastic animals. Typical products, like Mezcal (the original Oaxacan version of Tequila), chocolate rivaling the best Swiss made, coffee, regional cheese, clothes, wines, and liquors are available. To finalize your tour, enjoy the stunning views of the Bay of Santa Cruz, La Entrega Beach and your ship.

Copalita River Scenic Rafting
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 66€

Discover an adventure the entire family can enjoy, floating down the Copalita River on a nine person raft and experience the heart and soul of Huatulco and its beautiful, natural environment. You'll travel approximately 30 minutes by van to the Rafting Base Camp where professional guides will provide a safety briefing and instruction. One guide will accompany each raft so this tour is safe and appropriate for beginners, while still offering exciting scenery and new horizons to explore for the more adventurous at heart.

The Copalita River is considered category one rapids, so it’s a relaxed and enjoyable ride downriver and offers plenty of time to take in the spectacular sights and sounds of the river valley, but exciting enough to keep you on your toes. You'll float through the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountains, past lush tropical vegetation on the way to Bocana Beach. On arrival, you’ll have free time to relax on the beach and explore the terrain before returning to your ship.

Eco-Tour Crocodile Sanctuary
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
4 3/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 76€

Get ready for an unforgettable encounter with nature as you learn about the local ecology of Oaxaca and the important work being done here to protect it. You’ll travel approximately 85 minutes by bus or van through Oaxaca’s beautiful landscapes to La Ventanilla, an indigenous community of Zapotec origin. Once here, you’ll visit the Ventanilla Lagoon and the crocodile sanctuary located alongside a mangrove lagoon. The local environment provides a refuge to all kinds of animals including many important species of birds, as well as crocodiles, iguanas, raccoons, crustaceans and more. You’ll also find an amazing abundance of vegetation in this unique environment. The local community has implemented a conservation strategy to protect their local wildlife, especially the Mexican crocodile.

You’ll take a canoe ride on the lagoon where you’ll be able to easily observe several animal species in their natural habitat. Birds such as the kingfisher, wild ducks, carpenter birds and many more, Crocodiles may also be spotted as they move stealthily throughout the lagoon. Your boat ride will take you an island where tree nurseries help to reforest affected areas. Your local guides will prepare a light lunch of fresh quesadillas on an open air oven and offer information on the natural world that surrounds you. You’ll also see several examples of the animals that populate the island. After your exploration of the island, you’ll travel back to the mainland in your canoe and return to Huatulco and your ship’s pier.

Five Bays Catamaran and Swim
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
2 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 56€

Huatulco is known for its picturesque bays and sun drenched Oaxacan coastline. Embark on a comfortable motorized catamaran-style vessel for a relaxing cruise from the harbor to Tangolunda Bay. View the area's natural beauty and surrounding resorts before passing by unusual rock formations at Organo Bay. Here, enjoy a stop for a swim or relax in the sun with some refreshments. Your cruise will continue to the tranquil Maguey and Chahue Bay's, you’ll then, proceed to Santa Cruz Bay, with its beautiful beaches and see the impressive blowhole located nearby. Your guide will provide informative commentary throughout your bay cruise.

Huatulco Highlights & Beach
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 76€

Discover the most interesting and scenic spots surrounding Huatulco as you soak in the culture, history and natural beauty of the area. After a scenic photo stop at Santa Cruz Bay, you’ll continue on to La Crucecita for a walking tour around this charming downtown area, local church and Central Park. The state of Oaxaca is famous for its colorful hand woven fabrics and traditional food. You’ll get to taste some of these regional delicacies at a store demonstration of the local cuisine.

Learn how the inhabitants of Oaxaca carry on the traditions of their ancestors making colorful woven rugs, carpets and fabrics hand-milled on traditional looms. The town offers a great variety of other traditional Oaxacan handicrafts such as ‘alebrijes’ or wood-carved mythical animals and black pottery. Also available for purchase are Mezcal (Oaxaca’s version of tequila), chocolate, organic coffee, clothes, wines and much more. Continue to La Entrega Beach where you can relax or swim in the sea. The sun, sand and outstanding scenery of Huatulco awaits you.

Huatulco Land & Sea
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 66€

A great way to get acquainted with Huatulco is to visit the quaint downtown area of La Crucecita, the evergreen Central Park and the beautiful church dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe, which features the world’s largest painting of the Virgin. If you like to shop, you’ll find several stores that offer a wide variety of handicrafts including black pottery from the valleys of Oaxaca, handmade woven rugs and carpets milled on traditional looms and the world-famous 'alebrijes' allegories of fantastic animals. Typical products, like Mezcal (the original Oaxacan version of Tequila), chocolate rivaling the best Swiss made, coffee, regional cheese, clothes, wines and liquors, and much more are widely available. To complete the land journey, enjoy a breathtaking view of the Bay of Tangolunda, the luxury resort area.

Proceed to the marina of Santa Cruz to board your catamaran for one of the highlights of Huatulco, its wonderful shoreline, composed of several small bays with more than 36 beaches scattered between rough cliffs and mountains. Leaving Santa Cruz Bay, you’ll pass your ship and head eastward to see the Bay of Chahue featuring three beautiful beaches and a marina for private sailboats and yachts. Continue to La Bufadora (the blowhole) and hear the ocean’s voice roaring or be surprised with the massive Indian face, engraved over time by the waves and the wind. Continue on to the secluded Bay of Organo and the more commercial Bay of Maguey.

Mexican Cooking Experience
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 134€ / Kinder ab 105€

Join for an unforgettable cooking experience. You’ll become familiar with Mexican and Oaxaca tamales, with an in-depth approach to their cuisine. After a delicious lunch at Quinta Bella Hotel, you’ll see how tortillas, and tamales of the famous Oaxaca chicken mole are done, from start to finish. Watch and learn the entire process. You’ll also receive printed recipes, so you can treat your friends and family to these dishes, once you’re back home.

Ocean Discovery Snorkeling
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 56€

Explore the amazing world of Huatulco by water and land. Visit the beautiful beach of "La Entrega", where healthy coral plates shelter millions of colorful fish. Once here, don’t miss the "Bat Cave", located a few yards from the beach; snorkel into the cave and discover why it’s called the Lover’s Corner. Relax under a palm umbrella called ‘Palapa’ and enjoy refreshments or a delicious seafood dish at an additional cost.

Next, swim the underwater world of Huatulco and enjoy time in the sun of this Mexican Pacific beach. On your way back to the pier, you’ll have the chance to see all of the different tones of blue from the sightseeing spots located along the roads and enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of the shoreline. You’ll make a stop at the impressive viewpoint of “La Entrega” where you’ll be able to take pictures while admiring your ship and the picturesque bay of Santa Cruz.

Old Huatulco & Mexico Traditions
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 56€

Visit the small, surrounding communities of Huatulco and learn about their culture and traditions. Begin your tour in the little town of Piedra de Moros, where you’ll see and learn about the medicinal plants and herbs grown there and the diseases they can cure. Taste a refreshing lemon herb tea and see the traditional way of making tortillas and bread. Learn the use of nopal cactus and sample these traditional Mexican products.

Your next stop will be in Santa Maria, here you’ll visit its beautiful church that was built in the 17th Century. Visit a local blacksmith's artisanal shop more than a century old, and where today working tools are made from recycled materials. Then, stop by a rustic Mezcal factory where you’ll see the elaborate distillation process of this traditional Oaxacan beverage and learn about the different uses of the "Maguey" plant. Return to your ship with memories of these Mexican communities and their traditions.

Pleasant Bays Cruise
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
2 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 56€

One of the highlights of Huatulco is definitely its wonderful shoreline, composed of several small bays with more than 36 beaches, scattered between rough cliffs and mountains. Take a closer look from the ocean to the natural features of this paradise and hear the ocean’s voice roaring at La Bufadora (the blowhole) or be surprised with the massive natural Indian face engraved over time by the action of the waves and the wind.

Visit the resort area at Tangolunda Bay, where buildings are mixed with the mountains as the background. Change your heading toward the west and check the secluded bays of Organo and Maguey. Continue your journey up to Cacaluta Bay and its island, named Playa del Rey in honor of King Juan Carlos I of Spain, who fell in love with this bay during his visit. You'll enjoy a couple of hours of fun and pleasure aboard your catamaran and see six of the most beautiful bays in the world in Huatulco.

River Kayaking Adventure
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 85€

Immerse yourself in the nature and history of Huatulco. Discover a beautiful adventure as you kayak down the Copalita River, nestled among the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountains. You'll travel by van approximately 30 minutes from the pier to your Rafting Base Camp where professional guides will provide you with a safety briefing and instructions. Kayak though the waters of the Copalita River and enjoy the spectacular sights and sounds of the river valley as you make your way through the mountain foothills past lush tropical vegetation.

You can easily imagine the Zapotec people who originally inhabited this region canoeing along this same route to transport goods between their cities. Keep your eyes open for birds and other wildlife as you canoe to the mouth of the river where you’ll have free time to relax on Bocana Beach.

Tequila, Mezcal Tasting & Shopping
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 85€

After a short ride, you’ll arrive to a local restaurant and led to a tasting room. Here you’ll learn about how the exotic plant called blue agave used in the production of tequila and discover the many secrets attributed to this elixir. Tequila has long been considered Mexico’s national drink and plays an important role in Mexican culture. Its history dates back to the mid-16th century but didn’t gain widespread popularity until after the Mexican Revolution. During the demonstration, you’ll learn that Mexico produces four different varieties of tequila: Blanco, Oro, Reposado and Añejo.

By law, tequila is required to contain at least 51% agave, but tequila labeled as premium must contain 100% agave. Mezcal, on the other hand, is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from another type of agave called the magüey plant. Usually consumed straight, mezcal has a strong smoky flavor and some sip it along with salt and fruit. Drinking tequila in Mexico is an art form and the best tequilas are often sipped. After a brief history lesson, participants 21 years of age and older will be able to taste some of Mexico’s best tequila and mezcal. After this experience, you’ll have the opportunity to browse and shop for handicrafts and local products in the charming little town of La Crucecita, before returning to your ship.

Two Bays Advanced Snorkel
Huatulco / Mexiko
Level: 3
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 114€ / Kinder ab 114€

For the snorkeling enthusiast, this tour combines two of the best areas in the emerald waters of Huatulco. From the pier area it is a 10 minute sail to La Entrega Beach, during which you’ll be provided with a site briefing. There you’ll enjoy 45 minutes of snorkeling in the calm, translucent waters and discovering the variety of marine life on the coral reef. Next is a 20 minute trip to Cacaluta Bay, which some locals call “King's Beach” as it was a favorite of King Juan Carlos I of Spain during his visit. Along the way, you’ll pass by the spectacular blowhole and Organo and Maguey Bays. Snorkel another 45 minutes from the boat in the passage between the island and beach, an outstanding pristine place with white coral and rocks.

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