Wetter in Luanda

Mi. 15.01.2025
leichter Regen
Mi. 15.01.2025
leichter Regen
Mi. 15.01.2025
Mi. 15.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
Fr. 17.01.2025

Hafenkarte: Luanda

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Luanda

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Luanda mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Norwegian Dawn Mo. 17.03.2025 07:00 18:00
Silver Dawn Di. 18.03.2025 08:00 18:00
Silver Wind Sa. 12.04.2025 07:00 23:00
Norwegian Sky Mo. 19.05.2025 07:00 18:00
MS Amera So. 23.11.2025 08:00 20:00
Silver Wind Sa. 11.04.2026 08:00 18:00
Norwegian Sun Fr. 15.05.2026 07:00 16:00
Silver Dawn So. 18.04.2027 08:00 19:00
Silver Dawn Mo. 19.04.2027 08:00 19:00

Landausflüge in Luanda

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Luanda auf einen Blick
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std.
Diese Tour vermittelt einen ersten Eindruck der Hauptstadt Angolas. Angola stand bis November 1975 unter Kolonialherrschaft. Nach seiner Unabhängigkeit begann der Konflikt zwischen zwei angolanischen Fraktionen, der erst 2002 nach 27 Jahren beigelegt werden konnte und mehr als 500.000 Menschen das Leben kostete. Dieser Bürgerkrieg war einer der längsten bewaffneten Konflikte des Kalten Krieges, in den ebenfalls kubanische wie auch südafrikanische Streitkräfte involviert waren. Heute erlebt Luanda dank riesiger Bodenschätze an Öl und Diamanten eine Renaissance besonderen Ausmaßes. Ihre Fahrt führt Sie an der Marginal Bay entlang, durch das Wirtschaftszentrum der Stadt bis zur kleinen schönen Kirche Igreje de Senhora de Nazaré (Fotostopp). Weiter geht es zum 1576 erbauten Fort San Miguel, das den Hafen und die Stadt vor französischen, spanischen sowie niederländischen Angriffen schützen sollte (Außenbesichtigung). Danach geht es zur Ilha de Luanda, einer schmalen Nehrung, die sich über eine Länge von 9 km erstreckt und zwischen dem Atlantischen Ozean und der Bucht von Luanda gelegen ist. Sie fahren weiter zum einzigartigen Agostinho-Neto-Mausoleum mit dem riesigen Obelisken (Fotostopp), bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückkehren.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2022)

Luanda mit Marktbesuch
ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std.
Zunächst fahren Sie zum Fort San Miguel, das 1576 erbaut wurde, um den Hafen bzw. die Stadt vor dem Angriff französischer, spanischer und niederländischer Armeen zu schützen (1641 wurde Luanda allerdings von den Niederländern eingenommen). Nach der Besichtigung Weiterfahrt zum Mausoleum des ersten Präsidenten Angolas, Agostino Neto, der 1979 gestorben ist. Danach Fahrt zur Cidade Alta, der Oberstadt, wo Sie über den Benfica-Markt bummeln und das bunte Treiben erleben können. Es werden Holzmasken, Schnitzereien, Schmuck u.v.m. feilgeboten. Nur wenige Gehminuten entfernt kann darüber hinaus das Sklavenmuseum besucht werden. Danach Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2022)

Stadtrundfahrt Luanda
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Sie fahren mit einfachen Bussen durch die angolanische Metropole, die im Jahr 1575 während der portugiesischen Kolonisation gegründet wurde. Ihren heutigen Reichtum verdankt die Hauptstadt Angolas u.a. Öl und Diamanten. Für Ausländer ist Luanda die Stadt mit den höchsten Lebenshaltungskosten weltweit. Sie fahren entlang der Marginal Bay, passieren das Wirtschaftsviertel sowie die kleine koloniale Kirche 'Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré. Weiterfahrt zur gotischen Kirche von Los Remedios, die 1719 zunächst als Kapelle erbaut und 1798 neu errichtet wurde (Fotostopp). Nach einem kurzen Besuch des Angolanischen Nationalmuseums für Anthropologie geht es zum Fort San Miguel, das 1576 erbaut wurde, um den Hafen bzw. die Stadt vor dem Angriff französischer, spanischer und niederländischer Armeen zu schützen (1641 wurde Luanda von den Niederländern eingenommen). Weiterfahrt zum Mausoleum des ersten Präsidenten Angolas, Agostino Neto. Nach einer Fotopause fahren Sie weiter zur "Cidade Alta" (Oberstadt, neuer Stadtteil), ein vornehmes Villenviertel mit pinkfarbenen Kolonialhäusern, dem Präsidentenpalast und einigen Ministerien. Hier sehen Sie auch die katholische Kirche "Igreja de Jesus", in der die angolanische High Society heiratet. Fahrt zur Baixa (Unterstadt, die alte Stadt) mit den Parlamentsgebäuden. Auf dem Rückweg zum Hafen kommen Sie am Gebäude der Angolanischen Nationalbank vorbei, einem großartigen Beispiel kolonialer Architektur. 
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2022)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Beach Escape To Ilha De Luanda
Luanda / Angola
Level: 2
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 230€ / Kinder ab 163€


Enjoy an enriching tour of Luanda’s historic San Miguel Fort before crossing to Luanda Island for shopping and relaxing at one of the city’s finest beaches. Begin your leisurely drive through Luanda, Angola’s capital, and understand the city’s inspiring rebirth following the country’s long civil war. Learn that the country’s vast oil and diamond resources have fueled much of the growth and affluence evident along crescent-shaped Marginal Bay, bordering the city’s burgeoning commercial district. Tour Portuguese-built San Miguel Fort, Luanda’s oldest structure, altered in 1664 to a star shape for defensive effectiveness, and notice the imposing statue of Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama in the courtyard. Cross a causeway to Luanda Island, known locally as Ilha, stopping at a small market known for crafts such as ceremonial masks, carved wooden figures and handmade jewelry. Head to the beach where you might relax in the shade, sunbathe or linger over lunch on your own. On your return to the pier, see the stunning National Bank of Angola, a magnificent example of the colonial architecture in this resurgent city.


• Drive by Luanda’s burgeoning commercial district at crescent-shaped Marginal Bay.
• Tour Luanda’s oldest structure, Portuguese-built San Miguel Fort.
• Shop for ceremonial masks, wood-carved figures or handmade jewelry on Luanda Island.
• Relax in the shade or sunbathe at an exquisite, sun-kissed beach and enjoy lunch on your own.
• Appreciate a perfect example of colonial architecture at the National Bank of Angola.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Explore South Luanda
Luanda / Angola
Level: 2
7 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 385€ / Kinder ab 356€


View important landmarks, experience an Angolan open-air market and learn about the country’s slave-trading history on this illuminating tour. Understand how the country’s vast oil and diamond resources fueled growth and affluence, evident along crescent-shaped Marginal Bay. View Portuguese-built San Miguel Fort and the rocket-like Agostinho Neto Mausoleum tower, honoring Angola’s first president. You’ll enjoy free time at popular Benfica Market, browsing hand-woven baskets, art, perfumes and exotic spices. At the Angola Slavery Museum, learn of Luanda’s involvement in the tragic slave trade during colonial times and of the countless slaves who were processed on the same spot before being baptized at nearby Capela da Case Grande and put on ships to the Americas. You’ll discover that Álvaro de Carvalho Matoso, the land’s owner, was one of the biggest African slave traders and that the practice was continued by his family until outlawed in 1836. Delight in enthralling vistas of jagged cliffs, sharp pinnacles and deep gullies shaped by centuries of erosion at Miradouro da Lua, also known as Moon Valley Viewpoint. Linger for a snack at a traditional restaurant and reflect on Angola’s tragic past and resurgent future.


• Experience the stunning rebirth of Luanda, Angola’s capital, following a long civil war.
• See Luanda’s oldest building, San Miguel Fort, which guards the entrance of picturesque Marginal Bay.
• Marvel at the rocket-shaped Agostinho Neto Mausoleum, built to honor Angola’s first president.
• Revel in free time browsing popular Benfica Market for the perfect Angolan memento.
• Learn of the horrors of the area’s slave trade at the Angola Slavery Museum.
• Enjoy a snack at a traditional restaurant after admiring breathtaking views from Moon Valley Viewpoint.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Mussulo Island & Boat Cruise
Luanda / Angola
Level: 2
8 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 549€ / Kinder ab 452€


Visit some of Luanda’s most significant colonial buildings and sail to Mussulo Island to enjoy lunch and free time at the beach. Tour Luanda, a capital city experiencing a rebirth following Angola’s civil war and learn that the country’s vast oil and diamond resources have fueled much of the growth and affluence evident along crescent-shaped Marginal Bay. Explore Portuguese-built San Miguel Fort, the capital’s oldest relic, which was renovated into its star shape in 1664 to improve its defensive capability. You’ll marvel at the incredible, rocket-like Agostinho Neto Mausoleum tower, built to honor Angola’s first president. In the uptown area, admire the arresting pink colonial architecture of buildings such as the Presidential Palace. Board a boat for a short transfer to Mussulo Island, formed by sediment from the Kwanza River and blessed with spectacular Atlantic-side beaches. Savor a succulent seafood lunch, a fitting repast courtesy of the cod, snapper and mahi-mahi teeming in the surrounding waters. Revel in free time to relax by the beach or pool and reflect on this nation’s spectacular resurgence.


• View exquisite colonial architecture in Luanda’s capitol, experiencing a rebirth after a civil war.
• See Luanda’s oldest building, San Miguel Fort, which guards the entrance of picturesque Marginal Bay.
• Marvel at the rocket-shaped Agostinho Neto Mausoleum, built to honor Angola’s first president.
• View the Presidential Palace and other government buildings that showcase Angola’s resurgence.
• Visit Mussulo Island and relish a mouthwatering seafood lunch before relaxing with free time by the sea.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Panoramic Luanda
Luanda / Angola
Level: 1
2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 192€ / Kinder ab 143€


Drive through downtown Luanda and admire the city’s resurgence through its modern architecture and renovated colonial buildings. After departing from the pier, you will begin a leisurely drive through Luanda, a capital city experiencing an inspiring resurgence following Angola’s long civil war, which ended more than a decade ago. The country’s vast oil and diamond resources have fueled much of the growth and affluence, which is evident along crescent-shaped Marginal Bay, where you will stop for photos. Nearby, you will see the Church of Our Lady of Nazareth, a 17h-century colonial building adorned with Portuguese tiles depicting miracles. The governor at the time ordered the church’s construction as thanks for being saved from a shipwreck on his way to Angola. Now a national monument, the small church is a replica of one in Nazare, Portugal. The Portuguese also built San Miguel Fort, which is the oldest structure in Luanda. Although the original design was somewhat different, in 1664 the fort was altered into the shape of a star to better guard the entrance to the bay. It overlooks Luanda Island, known locally as “Ilha,” which you will access over the causeway. Many of the city’s loveliest beaches and restaurants can be found here. Finally, you will stop for photos at the Agostinho Neto Mauseleum, a rocket-like tower built to honor Angola’s first president. Returning to the pier, look for the National Bank of Angola, a fine example of colonial architecture.


• Experience the stunning rebirth of Luanda, Angola’s capital, following a long civil war.
• View the 17th-century Church of Our Lady of Nazareth, showcasing colonial architecture.
• See Luanda’s oldest building, San Miguel Fort, guarding the entrance of picturesque Marginal Bay.
• Marvel at the rocket-shaped Agostinho Neto Mausoleum, built to honor Angola’s first president.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

The Changing Face Of Luanda
Luanda / Angola
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 288€ / Kinder ab 240€


See the new face of rapidly changing Luanda and its historical landmarks, many of which were built by the Portuguese that occupied the city during much of the colonial period. After departing from the pier, you will begin a leisurely drive through Luanda, a capital city experiencing an inspiring resurgence following Angola’s civil war, which ended more than a decade ago. The country’s oil resources have fueled much of the growth and affluence, which is evident along crescent-shaped Marginal Bay, where you will stop for photos. You will also pause briefly for photos at the Church of our Lady of Remedies, a lovely colonial church that has been renovated numerous times. You might also stop at the Iron Palace, a pre-fab structure shipped from France in the 19th century that may have been designed by Gustave Eiffel (of Eiffel Tower fame).

A photo stop will also be made at the Gothic-style church of Los Remedios which was built in 1719 as a chapel. Currently, Los Remedios Church is considered one of the most beautiful and best preserved churches of San Luis. Next, it’s on to the National Anthropology Museum where you’ll browse exhibits devoted to subjects such as Angola’s turbulent history and traditional culture. Tribal masks are particularly well represented. The capital’s oldest relic is the Portuguese-built San Miguel Fort, which in 1664 was altered into the shape of a star to better guard the entrance to the bay. You will have time to explore the fort before visiting the Agostinho Neto Mauseleum, a rocket-like tower built to honor Angola’s first president. Continuing on, you’ll drive through “Cidade Alta”, or uptown, a pleasant, airy and calm suburb nestled above the rest of the city, with several pink colonial buildings. Here you’ll have the opportunity to see the Presidential Palace as well as the Prime Minister’s office and the Ministries of Defense, Immigration, Justice, Health and the British Embassy.

Then you will drive past the beautiful Catholic Church “Igreja de Jesus”, where many important people of Angolan high society get married before heading to ‘Baixa’ or downtown - to view the houses of parliament – both new and old. After driving past many areas in the city which are due for total upgrades, and whole communities being moved, you’ll soon realize that this is truly a city that has a rapidly changing face – well on its way to regaining its mantle of yesteryear - the ‘Paris of Africa’. After this unique day of touring, you’ll make your way back to the pier, passing the National Bank of Angola – a great example of colonial architecture where you can still find the Portuguese insignia on the main entrance.


• Discover the unaltered colonial architecture of the Church of Our Lady of Remedies.
• Understand Angola’s history and traditional culture at the National Anthropology Museum.
• See Luanda’s oldest building, San Miguel Fort, which guards the entrance of picturesque Marginal Bay.
• View the Presidential Palace and other government buildings that showcase Angola’s resurgence.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
Cultural Immersion: Musseque da Mulemba Experience
Expedition – Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.5 Stunden
Code: LUA-EXP-07

Embark on a captivating 2h30 tour that offers an authentic glimpse into the vibrant culture and community spirit of Luanda’s Musseque da Mulemba.

The Musseque da Mulembia is an area located in the outskirts of Luanda and the word musseque refers to informal settlement or slums commonly found in Angolan cities. These communities often lack basic infrastructure and services like clean water, sanitation and electricity. This carefully curated experience is designed to engage tourists with an interest in understanding the local way of life, traditions, and the community's efforts to thrive within Angola's rapidly transforming urban landscape. The tour is conducted in English to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive experience for all participants.

Please note: Angola is a very-low-income country with very basic infrastructure, and vastly different to the western culture mentality. Local conditions may be challenging; therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations. Coaches, guides, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. A moderate amount of walking and standing for approximately 1km (0.63 miles). At times over uneven, unpaved surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection is recommended. Keep belongings secure; Leave all valuables onboard; do not wear any jewelry shoreside. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities. Anticipate high temperatures and humidity and we recommend staying hydrated by bringing your water bottle.  

Luanda City Exploration
Expedition – Included Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-EXP-01

Luanda is the capital of Angola, and home to more than four million - making it the third-largest Portuguese speaking city in the world. Enjoy a half-day tour of this city that offers many places to explore that express its history, art and culture.

After departing the quayside, drive along Marginal Bay, with the commercial part of the city on the one side, and views across the bay on the other. Drive past the Igreja de Senhora de Nazare – a small, beautiful church and a National Monument. Continue and visit the old Iron Palace “Palacio de Ferro” designed by the famous architect Gustav Eiffel, whose work also features in other African cities.

Visit the Angolan National Museum of Anthropology, featuring an array of traditional masks along with art, sculptures, tools, and weaponry, jewelry, clothing, and musical instruments. Continue to visit the San Miguel Fort original built on 1576. Its purpose was to defend the port and the city from attack by the marauding French, Spanish and Dutch armies. It was successful until 1641 when the Dutch seized Luanda.

Driving along the new marginal and visit the unique Agostinho Neto Mausoleum, a huge, stylized obelisk. Rumor has it that this is the grave of Angola's first president, President Agostino Neto. Having very strong communist affiliations, Neto died in 1979, and it is said that this was erected as a gift from the Russian government.

Thereafter drive through “Cidade Alta”, or uptown, a pleasant, airy and calm suburb above the rest of the city, with several pink colonial buildings. Here you’ll have the opportunity to see Presidential Palace, together with the Prime Minister’s office and the Ministries of Defense, Immigration, Justice, Health and the British Embassy. Drive past the beautiful Catholic Church “Igreja de Jesus”, where many important people of Angolan high society get married.

Depart to ‘Baixa’ or downtown to view the houses of parliament – both new and old. After driving past many areas in the city which are due for total upgrades, and whole communities being moved, the group will realize that this is truly a city that has a rapidly changing face – well on its way to regaining its mantle of yesteryear - the ‘Paris of Africa’.

After this unique day of touring, make your way back to the quayside along the Marginal and pass the National Bank of Angola – a great example of colonial architecture, where you still find the Portuguese insignia on the main entrance.

Please note: Angola is a very-low-income country with very basic infrastructure, and vastly different to the western culture mentality. Local conditions may be challenging; therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations. Coaches, guides, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. A minimal amount of easy walking over short distances, at times over uneven, cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, the anthropology museum and mausoleum. Order of sites visited may vary from description. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection is recommended. Anticipate high temperatures and humidity and we recommend staying hydrated by bringing your water bottle.

Luanda Market & Miradoura Le Tua Tour
Expedition – Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.15 Stunden
Code: LUA-EXP-04

Discover highlights of Luanda and the surrounding region to get a taste of local culture, history and natural splendor.

Travel to the Miradouro de Lua, or Viewpoint of the Moon, offers such stunning views that it has long been one of Angola’s most visited tourist attractions. The Miradouro da Lua has been uniquely eroded and shaped by the wind and rain over the course of thousands of years. Though it is a sight to behold at any time of the day, this extraterrestrial landscape is best viewed at sunset, when the rich colors of the earth truly come alive.

After time spent at the Miradoura de Lua, travel to Benfica Market, where you have the opportunity to buy wooden artifacts and paintings and various other African artifacts.

After time spent at the Benfica Market, take a short walk to the Slave Museum (confirmation pending), housed within its distinctive 17th century building. The museum was founded in 1997 and is situated in the village of Morro da Cruz, just south of Luanda. It stands majestically atop a cliff, overlooking the tourist paradise of Mussulo Island. Beside the museum is the Capela da Case Grande, where slaves were baptized before being put onto slave ships for transport to the Americas. The property was originally owned by Álvaro de Carvalho Matoso, who was one of the biggest slave traders on the African coast. De Carvalho died in 1798, but his family continued in his questionable trade until the export of slaves was outlawed by Queen Maria the Second in 1836. Today, the museum stands as a poignant reminder of Angola's tragic past.

Once you have enjoyed the spectacular views, start your return journey to the quayside in Luanda.

Please note: Angola is a very-low-income country with very basic infrastructure, and vastly different to the western culture mentality. Local conditions may be challenging; therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations. Coaches, guides, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. A minimal amount of easy walking over short distances, at times over uneven, unpaved urfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach, the market and the slavery museum. Guests can return to the coach early as needed. Local infrastructure is basic, and local road conditions are unpredictable and may be challenging. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, sun protection and insect repellant is recommended. Anticipate high temperatures and humidity and we recommend staying hydrated by bringing your water bottle.  

Luanda Market & Miradouro da Lua
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 6.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-G

A 45 minute drive will take you to the Benfica Market, where you have the opportunity to buy wooden artifacts, paintings and various other African artifacts.

Slave Museum

After time spent at the Benfica market, take a short walk to the Slave Museum (confirmation pending), a 17th century building. The museum was founded in 1997 and is situated in the village of Morro da Cruz, just south of Luanda. It stands majestically atop a cliff, overlooking the tourist paradise of Mussulo Island. Beside it, you'll find the Capela da Case Grande, where slaves were baptized before being put onto slave ships for transport to the Americas. The property was originally owned by Álvaro de Carvalho Matoso, who was one of the biggest slave traders on the African coast. He died in 1798, but his family continued his questionable trade until the export of slaves was outlawed by Queen Maria the Second in 1836. Today, the museum stands as a poignant reminder of Angola's tragic past.

Miradoura da Lua Viewpoint

Continue your tour on to Miradoura da Lua, or Viewpoint of the Moon, offering stunning views. The Miradouro da Lua has been uniquely eroded and shaped by the wind and rain over the course of thousands of years. Once you have enjoyed the views of this nature's wonder, enjoy a light snack before we returning to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and it is not suitatble for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Tours in Luanda are conducted in various sized vehicles. Although the vehicles in Luanda are of a basic design, they are well maintained and have air-conditioning. They do not have microphones or toilet facilities. Whilst the roads are tarred in Luanda, there are many with potholes. There are also a number of bumpy dirt roads, which will be navigated carefully. Please note that traffic conditions can seriously impact the suggested tour timings and can cause heavy delays. There is no formal guiding qualification required for Angola, and in order to support the local community we use local escorts/guides. Please remember that English is a third language! Some of the international embassies and government buildings may fall under 'military or state defense objects'. You are not allowed to take pictures and may run into serious problems ignoring these rules. Please therefore ask your tour guides advice first. The order of sites visited and actual tour content is subject to change based on current local conditions. The cost of providing a tour program in Luanda is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring nations. Unfortunately this is reflected in the proices of the tours and we thank you for your understanding.

Luanda Walking Exploration
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-I

It is estimated that almost 5.7 million slaves left Angola between 1501 and 1866. Angola was one of the great supply sources from the 15th century to the mid-19th century. On this tour you will have the opportunity to visit some of the main places connected to the slavery trade in Luanda and around Angola. You will learn and visit the main buildings, monuments and streets connected to the slave trade which includes a 1 ½ hour walking tour.

Igreja do Carmo (Church and Convent of our Lady of Mount Carmel)

Depart the quayside and drive to Igreja do Carmo passing through Palacio Ana Joaquina. Visit Igreja do Carmo (Church and Convent of our Lady of Mount Carmel) which is a church and convent complex in Luanda. Due to its condition, the church is one of the country's most important religious monuments. Under the patronage of Queen Luisa de Guzmán, the church was completed in 1689. It was built by the Carmelites who arrived in Luanda in 1659. The simple structure has a plain façade surrounded by a triangular gable. The building had seriously decayed by 1828 but was restored by Dominican priests. The interior is decorated with carved altars, gilded sculptures, frescoes and Lisbon tile work.

Church of Jesus

Continue to the Church of Jesus for a brief visit. Christianity in Angola has existed since 1491. Today 80% of Angolans practice some form of Christianity.

Largo do Pelourinho

Drive to Largo do Pelourinho where you will start your 1 ½ hour walking tour. Your first visit is the Igreja dos Remédios, also called The Church of Our Lady of Remedies, a Roman Catholic cathedral in Luanda which was built in 1628 and is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Luanda. Continue to Rua dos Mercadores, one of the oldest streets in downtown Luanda which is full of history. This area was once one of the largest centers of occupation for Portuguese traders in Angola. Further along, walk to Rua das Flores and largo do Baleizão. The Baleizão building is one of the oldest buildings in Luanda, built in the 17th century.

San Miguel Fort

Next, re-board your coach for a short transfer to and visit the San Miguel Fort original built in 1576 by Paulo dias de Novias.  It was a Portuguese fortress and was the administrative center of the colony in 1627 and was a major outlet for slave traffic to Brazil. The fort was for many years a self-contained town protected by thick walls encrusted with cannons. Inside the fort, elaborate ceramic tiles tell the story of Angola from early years, and in the courtyard are large, imposing statues of Portugal's first King.  Its purpose was to defend the port and the city from attack by the marauding French, Spanish and Dutch armies. It was successful until 1641 when the Dutch seized Luanda. During Dutch rule in Angola between 1641 and 1648, the fort was known as fort Aardenburgh. Until 1975, the fortress served at the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Portuguese Armed Forces. Today it holds the Museum of the Armed Forces.

Enjoy some refreshments before returning to the pier. On the way, pass by the Nazaré church which is a colonial church in Luanda built in 1664, located in the centre of the city overlooking Luanda Bay.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.6 miles (1km) and more than 50 steps in total to negotiate. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilize a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing, flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection are recommended. Tours in Luanda are conducted in various sized vehicles. Although the vehicles in Luanda are of a basic design, they are well maintained and have air-conditioning. They do not have microphones or toilet facilities.  Whilst the roads are tarred in Luanda, there are many with potholes. Please note that traffic conditions can seriously impact the suggested tour timings and can cause heavy delays. There is no formal guiding qualification required for Angola, and in order to support the local community we use local escorts/guides. Please remember that English is a third language!  Some of the international embassies and government buildings may fall under 'military or state defense objects'. You are not allowed to take pictures and may run into serious problems ignoring these rules. Please therefore ask your tour guides advice first.  The order of sites visited and actual tour content is subject to change based on current local conditions. The cost of providing a tour program in Luanda is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring nations.  Unfortunately this is reflected in the proices of the tours and we thank you for your understanding.


Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Full Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-W

Explore Luanda at your leisure during your choice of full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary. Guides are licensed according to the destinations, for this reason it is important to know final destination selected in advance.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Guide (Half Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-V

Explore Luanda at your leisure during your choice of half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary. Guides are licensed according to the destinations, for this reason it is important to know final destination selected in advance.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Full Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-Y

Explore Luanda at your leisure during your choice of half-day (8-Hours) sightseeing tour via private van. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 6 guests per vehicle. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary. Guides are licensed according to the destinations, for this reason it is important to know final destination selected in advance.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Guide (Half Day)
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-X

Explore Luanda at your leisure during your choice of half-day (4-Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customize your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 5 guests per vehicle. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary. Guides are licensed according to the destinations, for this reason it is important to know final destination selected in advance.

The Changing Faces of Luanda
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 3.0 Stunden
Code: LUA-A

Located on the west coast of Southern Africa, Angola was under colonial rule until November 11, 1975, the date when it became an independent nation. The Angolan Civil War began after the end of the war for independence from Portugal in 1975. The war featured conflict between two primary Angolan factions, the communist MPLA and the anti-communist UNITA. By the time the 27-year war was formally brought to an end in 2002, an estimated 500,000 people had been killed. Today Luanda is undergoing a renaissance of epic proportions, driven by the vast natural resources that the country has in abundance - oil and diamonds. Its people are determined and committed to turn around its fortunes and rebuild a strong and united Angola.   

"Palacio de Ferro

After departing the quayside, drive along Marginal Bay, with the commercial part of the city on the one side, and views across the bay on the other. Drive past the Igreja de Senhora de Nazare - a small church and a National Monument. Continue and visit the old Iron Palace "Palacio de Ferro" which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is believed to have been built and designed by the famous architect Gustav Eiffel, or by someone associated with Gustav Eiffel, builder of the world famous icon, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Statue of Liberty in New York City. The history of the structure is shrouded in mystery since no official record of it exists. It is believed to have been pre-built in the 1890's in France and was destined to be placed in Madagascar via boat. Instead, the building ended up in Angola's Skeleton Coast after the ship carrying it drifted with the notorious Benguela currents. Portuguese rulers of the colony then claimed the ship along with its contents, including the palace. Currently the building is undergoing a renovation funded by profits from Angola's oil boom.

Angolan National Museum of Anthropology

Visit the Angolan National Museum of Anthropology, featuring an array of art, sculptures, tools, and weaponry, jewelry, clothing and musical instruments. Founded in November of 1976 it is a cultural and scientific institution, dedicated to the collection, research, conservation, presentation and dissemination of the Angolan cultural heritage. The museum consists of 14 rooms spread over two floors which house over 6,000 traditional pieces. These include farm implements, hunting and fishing memorabilia and photographs of the Khoisan people. Other features of the museum are its rustic furnace for melting iron and its room of the masks, featuring the symbols of rituals of the Bantu people.

San Miguel Fort

Drive to and visit the San Miguel Fort original built in 1576 by Paulo dias de Novias.  It was a Portuguese fortress and was the administrative center of the colony in 1627 and was a major outlet for slave traffic to Brazil. The fort was, for many years a self-contained town protected by thick walls encrusted with cannons. Inside the fort, elaborate ceramic tiles tell the story of Angola from early years, and in the courtyard are large, imposing statues of Portugal's first King.  Its purpose was to defend the port and the city from attack by the marauding French, Spanish and Dutch armies. It was successful until 1641 when the Dutch seized Luanda. During Dutch rule in Angola between 1641 and 1648, the fort was known as Fort Aardenburgh. Until 1975, the fortress served as the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Portuguese Armed Forces.  Today it holds the Museum of the Armed Forces.

Agostinho Neto Mausoleum

Driving along the New Marginal and visit the unique Agostinho Neto Mausoleum, a huge stylized obelisk. Rumor has it that this is the grave of Angola's first president, President Agostinho Neto. Having very strong communist affiliations, Neto died in 1979, and it is said that this was erected as a gift from the Russian government.

"Cidade Alta", (Uptown)

Thereafter, drive through "Cidade Alta", or uptown, a pleasant, airy and calm suburb above the rest of the city, with several pink colonial buildings. Here you will have the opportunity to see the Presidential Palace, together with the Prime Minister's office and the Ministries of Defense, Immigration, Justice, Health and the British Embassy. Drive past the beautiful Catholic Church "Igreja de Jesus", where many important people of Angolan high society get married. However, taking photos in the area is forbidden due to the proximity of the presidential residence and heavy military security.

'Baixa' (Downtown)

Depart to 'Baixa' or downtown to view the houses of parliament - both new and old. After driving past many areas in the city which are due for total upgrades, and whole communities being moved, the group will realize that this is truly a city that has a rapidly changing face - well on its way to regaining its mantle of yesteryear - the 'Paris of Africa'.

After this unique touring, make your way back to the quayside along the Marginal and pass the National Bank of Angola - a great example of colonial architecture, where you still find the Portuguese insignia on the main entrance.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking with some cobblestones at San Miguel Fort and is suitable for guests with limited mobility with assistance. This tour is not wheelchair accessible. We suggest guests dress in comfortable clothing and wear flat, walking shoes, sun protection and bring water from the ship. Tours in Luanda are conducted in various sized vehicles. Although the vehicles in Luanda are of a basic design, they are well maintained and have air-conditioning. They do not have microphones or toilet facilities. Whilst the roads are tarred in Luanda, there are many with potholes. There are also a number of bumpy dirt roads, which will be navigated carefully. Please note that traffic conditions can seriously impact the suggested tour timings and can cause heavy delays. There is no formal guiding qualification required for Angola, and in order to support the local community we use local escorts/guides. Please remember that English is a third language! Some of the international embassies and government buildings may fall under 'military or state defense objects'. You are not allowed to take pictures and may run into serious problems ignoring these rules. Please therefore ask your tour guides advice first. The order of sites visited and actual tour content is subject to change based on current local conditions. The cost of providing a tour program in Luanda is proportionately more expensive than in neighbouring nations. Unfortunately this is reflected in the proices of the tours and we thank you for your understanding.

World Cruise Collection: Cultural Immersion: Musseque da Mulemba Experience
World Cruise Collection
Dauer: 2.5 Stunden
Code: LUA-H

Embark on a captivating 2h30 tour that offers an authentic glimpse into the vibrant culture and community spirit of Luanda’s Musseque da Mulemba.

The Musseque da Mulembia is an area located in the outskirts of Luanda and the word musseque refers to informal settlement or slums commonly found in Angolan cities. These communities often lack basic infrastructure and services like clean water, sanitation and electricity. This carefully curated experience is designed to engage tourists with an interest in understanding the local way of life, traditions, and the community's efforts to thrive within Angola's rapidly transforming urban landscape. The tour is conducted in English to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive experience for all participants.

Please note: Angola is a very-low-income country with very basic infrastructure, and vastly different to the western culture mentality. Local conditions may be challenging; therefore, we urge flexibility and understanding as we visit unique and somewhat remote destinations. Coaches, guides, equipment, and services are the best-available in the area, but may not be up to the standards of those found on other excursions. A moderate amount of walking and standing for approximately 1km (0.63 miles). At times over uneven, unpaved surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. Lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes and sun protection is recommended. Keep belongings secure; Leave all valuables onboard; do not wear any jewelry shoreside. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities. Anticipate high temperatures and humidity and we recommend staying hydrated by bringing your water bottle.  

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