Wetter in Napier

Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Mi. 15.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Mi. 15.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Do. 16.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Do. 16.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Fr. 17.01.2025
klarer Himmel

Hafenkarte: Napier

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Napier

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Napier mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Silver Nova Sa. 25.01.2025 08:00 00:00
Silver Nova So. 26.01.2025 00:00 18:00
Azamara Pursuit Sa. 01.02.2025 08:00 13:30
Diamond Princess So. 02.02.2025 08:00 17:00
Celebrity Edge Mo. 03.02.2025 08:00 17:00
Silver Muse Mi. 05.02.2025 08:00 18:00
Azamara Pursuit Do. 06.02.2025 14:00 21:00
Island Princess Sa. 08.02.2025 07:00 14:00
Azamara Onward Di. 11.02.2025 13:00 22:00
Ovation of the Seas Fr. 14.02.2025 10:00 19:00
Celebrity Edge So. 23.02.2025 13:00 19:00
Ovation of the Seas Mo. 10.03.2025 09:00 17:00
MS Artania Di. 11.03.2025 07:00 17:00
Celebrity Edge Mi. 19.03.2025 07:00 15:30
Quantum of the Seas Do. 20.03.2025 09:30 17:00
Carnival Splendor Do. 27.03.2025 07:00 15:00
Anthem of the Seas Fr. 05.12.2025 08:00 16:30
Silver Nova Mi. 10.12.2025 09:00 19:00
Carnival Splendor Fr. 12.12.2025 07:00 15:00
Silver Moon Sa. 13.12.2025 09:00 19:00
Silver Nova Mo. 15.12.2025 08:00 17:00
Celebrity Edge Mo. 29.12.2025 13:00 20:00
Norwegian Spirit Mi. 31.12.2025 06:00 14:30
Anthem of the Seas Fr. 02.01.2026 07:00 16:00
Norwegian Spirit Di. 06.01.2026 09:00 15:00
Silver Nova Mi. 07.01.2026 09:00 19:00
Silver Nova Mo. 12.01.2026 08:00 17:00
Norwegian Spirit Mo. 26.01.2026 06:00 14:30
Norwegian Spirit Sa. 31.01.2026 08:00 18:00
Celebrity Edge Mi. 04.02.2026 14:00 20:00
Carnival Splendor Fr. 06.02.2026 07:00 14:30
Crown Princess So. 08.02.2026 11:30 18:30
Norwegian Spirit Do. 19.02.2026 06:00 14:30
Anthem of the Seas So. 22.02.2026 08:00 16:30
Crown Princess So. 22.02.2026 12:00 19:00
Norwegian Spirit Mo. 23.02.2026 09:00 18:00
Celebrity Edge Mo. 02.03.2026 08:00 17:00
Norwegian Spirit So. 15.03.2026 06:00 14:30
Norwegian Spirit Do. 19.03.2026 09:00 18:00
Celebrity Edge Sa. 21.03.2026 14:00 20:00
Anthem of the Seas Fr. 27.03.2026 10:00 19:00
Carnival Splendor Fr. 27.03.2026 07:00 15:00
Norwegian Spirit Mi. 08.04.2026 06:00 14:30
Norwegian Spirit So. 12.04.2026 09:00 18:00
Carnival Splendor Fr. 16.10.2026 07:00 15:00
Celebrity Solstice Fr. 23.10.2026 07:00 17:00
Silver Moon Di. 15.12.2026 09:00 19:00
Carnival Splendor Do. 07.01.2027 07:00 15:00
Celebrity Edge Do. 21.01.2027 08:00 18:00

Landausflüge in Napier

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Art-Déco-Stadt Napier
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std.
Sie fahren zunächst zum Napier Hill und entlang der Napier Terrasse mit Blick über Cape Kidnappers auf den Pazifik und kommen zum Vorort  Ahuriri, ältester Stadtteil Napiers und direkt am Meer gelegen. Die Stadt wurde in den 1930er Jahren durch ein Erdbeben völlig zerstört und im Art Déco Stil wieder aufgebaut. Ein Reiseleiter führt Sie im Stadtzentrum zu den bedeutendsten Art-Déco-Gebäuden, und Sie sehen u.a. das meist fotografierte Gebäude, das "National Tobacco Building". Etwas Freizeit für einen Bummel und Rückfahrt zum Schiff. 
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Besuch einer Tölpelkolonie
ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std.
Mit geländegängigen Minibussen geht es die Küste entlang nach Te Awanga. Sie werden die weltweit größte Tölpelkolonie auf dem Festland bei Cape Kidnappers besuchen. Sie fahren vorbei an der Cape Kidnappers Farm, durch Flussbetten und weite Weideflächen und passieren atemberaubende Gefälle. Während dieser 16 km langen Fahrt ab Te Awanga werden Sie auch die beeindruckende Aussicht über die Hawke Bay genießen können. Weiter geht die Fahrt durch den einheimischen Wald und durch einen Schutzzaun, der das Eindringen von Raubtieren verhindert, bevor Sie die Kolonie erreichen. Der Tölpel ignoriert die Menschen und ist ein wilder Fischjäger, dessen steile Sinkflüge ins Wasser bestaunt werden können. Im Anschluss werden Ihnen ein paar Snacks sowie Tee, Kaffee oder Saft gereicht. Während der Rückfahrt zum Schiff unternehmen Sie noch eine kurze Panoramafahrt durch das Art-Déco-Viertel in Napier.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

ca. 4-5h

ca. 4-5 Std.
Vielleicht haben Sie ja Freude daran, Land und Leute aus einer anderen Perspektive kennenzulernen, und zwar entspannt mit dem E-Bike und mit ausreichend Zwischenstopps. Sei es in Kombination mit Stopp in einer ursprünglichen Gaststätte fernab von touristischem Gedränge oder bei einer Stippvisite einer der "klassischen" Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region - seien Sie gewiss, dass Sie mit vielen neuen Eindrücken zurück an Bord kommen.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Über den genauen Tourenverlauf, Distanzen und zu erwartende Höhenmeter (immer in moderater Geschwindigkeit) informiert Sie Ihr E-Bike-Führer an Bord. Die Durchführung und Leitung erfolgt durch diesen deutschsprechenden, schiffsseitigen E-Bike-Führer. Helm und eine Wasserflasche werden gestellt. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Juni 2024)

Stadtrundfahrt mit Weinprobe
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Etwa 30 Min. Busfahrt zum Napier Hill, um das schöne Panorama zu genießen. Weiterfahrt durch den Vorort Ahuriri, einer der ältesten Stadtteile. Napier wurde in den 1930er Jahren durch ein Erdbeben völlig zerstört und im Art-Déco-Stil wiederaufgebaut. Bei einem geführten Rundgang sehen Sie u.a. das meist fotografierte Gebäude "National Tobacco Building". Im Anschluss fahren Sie einem Weingut. Sie besuchen die Kellerei und nehmen an einer kleinen Weinprobe teil. Rückfahrt zum Schiff zurückfahren. 
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Stadtrundfahrt und Schokoladenfabrik
ca. 3h

ca. 3 Std.
Etwa 30 Min. Busfahrt zu einem Aussichtspunkt, von dem Sie das schöne Panorama von Napier und den Blick auf den Pazifik genießen können. Napier wurde in den 1930er Jahren durch ein Erdbeben völlig zerstört und im Art Déco Stil wiederaufgebaut. Bei einem geführten Rundgang lassen Sie die Architektur auf sich wirken. Sie sehen u.a. das meist fotografierte Gebäude "National Tobacco Building“. Weiterfahrt zur beliebten Silky Oak Chocolate Company, die hochwertige Schokoladenprodukte herstellt. Nach einer Kostprobe erfolgt ein Besuch des Museums, dessen Ausstellung sich mit der 3000 Jahre alten Geschichte der Schokolade beschäftigt. Anschließend Rückfahrt zum Schiff.  
Bitte beachten:
Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
Art Deco Highlights
Napier / Neuseeland
Level: 2
3 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 114€ / Kinder ab 114€


Take a drive and walk through Napier’s famously Art Deco districts and see the results of the city’s remarkable 1931 rebuild. Art Deco was all the rage in the U.S. and Europe in 1931 when a severe earthquake struck here, leveling much of the town. With an entire metropolis to rebuild, Napier embraced this whimsically streamlined architectural style and went to work. Today, the heritage sections of the city feel like a 1930s-era film set – except real. You’ll travel by coach to Ahuriri, the character-filled port district where Napier began, stopping by the landmark National Tobacco Company building for photos, and spin along the streets of Marewa, Napier’s charming Art Deco residential neighborhood. A drive down Marine Parade, lined with rows of Norfolk Pines leads to the Art Deco Shop, where you’ll learn more about Napier’s history with a brief film presentation, then set off on a leisurely guided half-mile stroll through the official Art Deco Quarter. You’ll marvel at its eclectic mix of period buildings in the Spanish Mission, Stripped Classical and, of course, streamlined Art Deco styles – and step inside the old AMP Building and ASB Bank for interior inspections.


• Sit back for a drive through several Napier neighborhoods that showcase its unique Art Deco heritage.
• Tour Ahuriri, the old wharf district, and stop for photos at the magnificently detailed 1932 National Tobacco Company building.
• Leave the coach behind for a while, as you take a leisurely guided walk in the central Art Deco District.
• Enjoy close-up views of Spanish Mission, Stripped Classical and streamline-Deco landmarks, with some interior visits included.


• Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing.
• Flat, comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
• Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen as needed.

Cape Kidnappers & Gannet Safari
Napier / Neuseeland
Level: 3
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 221€ / Kinder ab 221€


Board a safari vehicle for a scenic drive down the coast to observe thousands of breeding gannets and catch amazing views across Hawke’s Bay. This unique excursion carries you out to a dramatic promontory where the 4,500-acre private farm known as Cape Kidnappers Station borders on the world’s largest and most-accessible mainland nesting place for gannets. These handsome, quirky members of the booby family nest high on the sea cliffs and are famous for the ritualized recognition dance performed by mating partners who pair up for life. Skilled anglers, they swoop and dive for fish in the water below, preen on the rocks, and generally make themselves fascinating to watch – especially in these large numbers. To reach their remote domain, you’ll be driven across the farm’s river beds, rolling pastures, steep gullies and breathtaking inclines to within a few feet of the Cape Kidnappers sanctuary. Your guide will provide the background commentary on this habitat, and the gannets will provide the entertainment. From this cliff 328 feet up straight from the beach, you’ll also see the entire rugged sweep of the Hawke’s Bay coastline – all the way north to Mahia Peninsula. Afternoon tea will also be served.


• Travel from the pier by safari vehicle to Cape Kidnappers Station, a vast private farm adjacent to a vast gannet sanctuary.
• Traverse farm terrain to the tip of a dramatic promontory, within feet of the 15,000-bird colony.
• Observe these acrobatic birds fishing, preening, and performing their famous recognition dance with their life-long mates.
• Enjoy complimentary tea, jaw-dropping views from a 328-foot sea cliff, and top Napier sights like Marine Parade and Tom Parker Fountain on the return drive.


• Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing.
• Flat, comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
• Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen as needed.

Hawkes Bay Express
Napier / Neuseeland
Level: 1
1 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 124€


Take in the sights of downtown Napier from aboard a unique sightseeing train that travels through the streets rather than along rails. After a devastating earthquake and fire of 1931, Napier was completely rebuilt in the then-modern style that was sweeping the U.S. and Europe. The happy result is a city boasting the world’s largest concentration of Art Deco buildings, most of them today restored to the peak of their period beauty. Riding through the streets on a modern road train styled like a vintage steam railroad, you’ll pass a dazzling parade of stucco relief facades, ornamentation in geometric patterns, streamlined silhouettes and even some Maori symbols thrown in for a regional twist. Of the 164 Art Deco, Spanish Mission and Stripped Classical buildings constructed in Napier in the 1930s, some 140 of them still stand – creating a living time capsule of the Deco era. From the wide, comfortable seats of the Hawke’s Bay Express, you can relax and see it all through the train’s large windows. You’ll also get a look at Bluff Hill, where the early settlers lived, and the old port village of Ahuriri, where their ships came in.


• Enjoy an hour-long, slow-motion speed date with a beautiful Art Deco city you’re bound to love.
• Travel through downtown Napier on a sightseeing train that rides the streets, not the rails.
• Sit back in romantic, old-fashioned comfort and see the city through modern big picture windows.
• Learn about the circumstances that led to the Napier’s world-class collection of Art Deco landmarks.
• Catch the views from Bluff Hill and along the old Ahuriri wharf, as well.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Hawkes Bay Wine Trail
Napier / Neuseeland
Level: 1
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 163€ / Kinder ab 163€


As the newest member of the prestigious Great Wine Capitals of the World, Hawke’s Bay as one of the premier wine-producing areas globally. Celebrated for its exceptional vineyards and world-class wines with more than 60 prominent wineries, the Hawke’s Bay area is renowned for its Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Visit two of the top wineries of the region. At each winery, you will be treated to a tasting of some of their recent vintages with the opportunity to purchase the ones you enjoyed afterwards. Enjoy a scenic drive through the Tuki Tuki Valley, with stunning views of Te Mata Peak before returning to the wharf.


• Travel from the pier by coach into the beautiful winegrowing landscape of Hawke’s Bay.
• Visit the iconic Mission Estate Winery and its Cellar Door tasting room for a sampling session and enjoy a tasting at another of the premier local vineyards.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Napier City Drive & Aquarium
Napier / Neuseeland
Level: 1
2 3/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 95€ / Kinder ab 95€


Drive past the marquee attractions of New Zealand’s ‘Art Deco City,’ then explore its underwater world at the National Aquarium. Considered one of the most attractive cities in New Zealand, Napier was completely rebuilt after enduring a devastating 1931 earthquake and fire. The result is what you’ll see on this leisurely drive: the world’s largest concentration of stylish Art Deco buildings, most of which still stand in their streamlined, original condition. You’ll also enjoy a spin along Marine Parade, the coastal road lined with symmetrical Norfolk Island pines that traces the gentle curve of Hawke’s Bay and showcases beaches beloved by surfers and boaters alike. The Maori-inspired Pania of the Reef bronze and graceful Spirit of Napier monument and among the sights you’ll see en route to your independent tour of the National Aquarium. Here you’ll encounter every imaginable sort of marine life, including giant squid, living coral reefs, seahorses, eels and fish indigenous to New Zealand. Other tanks showcase penguins and marine oddities like the endangered pacu, a toothy Amazonian fish that feeds on fruits and berries. Even land animals like flightless kiwi birds and scaly tuatara lizards are among the attraction’s attractions.


• Enjoy a coach-driven tour of the Art Deco District of Napier, a living time capsule of the 1930s.
• Drive along Marine Parade, a Norfolk Pine-lined coastal boulevard whose scenery includes sunken gardens, iconic sculptures and the beaches of Hawke’s Bay.
• Visit the National Aquarium of New Zealand, touring the diverse tanks and exhibits at your leisure.
• See everything from giant squids to tiny seahorses, penguins, fruit-eating fish and even kiwi birds.


• Wear layered, weather-appropriate clothing.
• Flat, comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
• Bring a hat, a bottle of water from the ship, sunglasses and sunscreen as needed.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
Boutique Wineries: Abbey Cellars & Clearview Estate
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: NPE-E

Hawke's Bay's history shares its early winemaking successes and stories as the oldest wine region in New Zealand and continues today with both classic wine styles and other experimental varieties. This picturesque half-day tour takes you across the Heretaunga Plain to the Tuki Tuki Valley, visiting two boutique wineries.

Depart the pier via coach with your driver-guide and drive through the Art Deco district of downtown Napier before crossing the Heretaunga Plains to Abbey Cellars.

Abbey Cellars

This striking Gothic abbey building was built by owner Warren Haworth whose focus is to make small volume Bordeaux-style red blends, notably their Cabernet and Merlot. Abbey Cellars wines have an exclusive focus on producing smaller volumes of hand-picked ultra-premium quality wine. Enjoy a wine-tasting with your hosts before re-boarding your coach for the next winery.

Clearview Estate

Continue to Clearview Estate. Clearview Estate was founded by Tim Turvey in 1986 and joined by Helma van den Berg in 1990 when they became joint Directors. Clearview is renowned for its friendly staff and quality wines. The rustic, artfilled cafe and tasting room are set in a sunny, sheltered location with views of the sea. Enjoy an informative talk about the history of the winery before a brief guided tour and a wine and food match with delectable local specialties. Clearview wines are bold and forward with plenty of Hawke's Bay fruity character. Best known are its Reserve Chardonnay and Enigma-a blend of Merlot, Malbec, and Cabernet Franc; holding many trophies for the top wines of New Zealand at the international wine show over the years.

Following the coastline, return back to the port of Napier.

Please note: This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and those who utilise a wheelchair; however, guests must be able to negotiate few steps to embark and disembark the coach. Little walking is required. Participation is limited; however, a minimum number of guests is required to operate. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. We suggest you reserve this tour in advance to avoid disappointment. The order of sights visited may vary.

Cape Kidnappers Gannet Colony
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 4.5 Stunden
Code: NPE-B

Cape Kidnappers, the site of the world's largest mainland gannet colony, lies about 18 miles (29 kilometres) southeast of Napier. Usually these large sea birds breed only on isolated islands; Cape Kidnappers provides a unique opportunity to see them up close.

Napier Marine Parade, Norfolk Pines, Hawke's Bay, Cape Kidnappers Sheep Station

After meeting your driver-guide, begin your excursion with a drive down Napier's beautiful Marine Parade, famous for its stand of Norfolk pines. Continue along the Hawke's Bay coast to Cape Kidnappers Sheep Station; from there, an unpaved road runs across rolling pastures, riverbeds and gullies.

Gannet Colony & Light Refreshment

Your ride stops just a few yards (metres) from the gannet colony itself, affording a close-up look at the birds. The gannet is a member of the booby family, with a distinctive black eye marking and a pale gold crown. The birds arrive in the latter part of July; the chicks hatch in late November and December and then migration begins again in March. You may see gannets swooping and diving into the sea for food, while others preen themselves or perform the dance of the recognition ritual. Enjoy light refreshments whilst viewing the gannets flying all around you.

Napier Art Deco District

Following your gannet-watching experience begin your journey back to Napier. An orientation drive takes you through the Art Deco district en route to the ship.

Please note: This tour requires a minimal amount of walking; however, guests must be able to climb in and out of the four-wheel-drive mini-coaches utilised on this tour. It is suitable for guests with limited mobility but is not wheelchair accessible. Driving is mainly on unpaved roads that are steep in some areas. Flat-soled shoes and a jacket or windbreaker are recommended. Space is very limited; we suggest you reserve this tour in advance to avoid disappointment.

Hawke's Bay by E-Bike & Wine Tasting
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.5 Stunden
Code: NPE-I

Embrace the splendid beauty and flavours of the Hawke's Bay region in an eco-friendly and invigorating way during this half-day e-bike adventure.

Napier, Waitangi Regional Park, E-Biking Safety Briefing and Instructions

Depart the pier for the short drive to Waitangi Regional Park, and learn about the nation, its history, and ancestors. Upon arrival, meet your guide, and receive your safety briefing and instructions on how to use the controller, gears, brakes, etc. The total distance of approximately 7.5 miles (about 12 kilometres) is completely flat and gentle, and thus suitable for all riders with a moderate level of fitness. E-bikes are provided for everyone to assist with pedalling, and a great way to stretch your legs but not feel like you've spent the entire day on a bicycle.

Hawke's Bay Trail, Pacific Ocean, Cape Kidnappers, Clive, Tukituki River, Black Bridge, Haumoana

Next, begin the cycling portion of your tour. Ride south on the wonderfully-scenic Hawke's Bay Trail (a dedicated walking-and-cycling pathway) along the coast, and marvel at the spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and Cape Kidnappers in the distance. Cycle on a hard, flat limestone trail for approximately three miles (about five kilometres) to the village of Clive, with stops for commentary along the way, before arriving at the beautiful East Clive Wetlands area. Here, you can observe the many native, rare birds that inhabit the area. When you reach the mouth of the Tukituki River, cross the Black Bridge over the river and turn back towards the Haumoana coast, with a commentary stop at Cape Kidnappers.

Te Awanga, Clearview Estate Winery, Red Shed Restaurant, Wine Tasting, Local Specialities

Upon arrival in the small coastal community of Te Awanga, a cycle of approximately four miles (about 6.4 kilometres), from Clive, ride approximately another half-mile (about one kilometre) to the Clearview Estate Winery & Restaurant, the venue for today's wine tasting and light nibbles. Savour the flavours of the Mediterranean during a wine tasting with freshly-prepared local specialities at the estate's iconic Red Shed restaurant. Established in 1992, the restaurant combines an inviting, rustic interior, a seasonal menu, estate-grown produce, and fine vintages, including the winery's reserve chardonnay and cabernet-merlot blends.

At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of activity and walking for approximately 547 yards (about 500 metres), at times over uneven and natural surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate at the sites visited. This tour is recommended for active guests who are in good physical condition, know how to ride a bicycle and/or have previous electric-biking experience. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with neck and/or back problems, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests who suffer from vertigo, guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. A support vehicle follows the e-bike-riding guests at all times during the tour to provide mechanical assistance, and/or collect participants who do not wish to continue cycling due to injury or tiredness. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable active wear with flat, closed-toe walking shoes or sneakers, and bring sun protection, bottled water, and NZ$ or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least 12 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by parent or guardian over the age of 18. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. Guests must be at least 4'5" (about 1.35 metres) in height to participate on this tour. Guests taller than 6'4" (about 1.95 metres) cannot participate on this tour. Bicycle helmets are provided, and must be worn the entire time whilst riding. A signed waiver is required to participate on this tour. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. The tour sequence may vary. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Hawkes Bay Urban Wine Experience
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: NPE-M

‘Great Wine Capital of the World’ is a designation anointed sparingly by an industry consortium in Bordeaux – and Hawke’s Bay is proud to have recently been added to this very short list.

Get a delicious quaff of what all the acclaim is about at a unique sampling session known as the Hawke’s Bay Urban Wine Experience: a popup venue where a curated array of premium varietals from four different local vineyards has been assembled. Taste them all or only a few, interact with knowledgeable winery reps, graze on local artisanal cheeses, breads and olive oils  – and, if you like, purchase bottles (or cases!) to enjoy on board the ship or ship home to stock your cellar with Hawke’s Bay’s best.

Even the setting invites pleasure: warm wood tables, tall ceilings, hand-drawn chalkboard presentation listings, oaken barrels and copper vats. As you move between the various tasting stations, local experts are on hand – to provide background on how New Zealand’s oldest wine district became its top producing region for premium wines, its identity inextricably linked to superior viticulture.

Even if you don’t purchase any wines this day, you’ll depart with a solid overview of what Hawke’s Bay wines are all about. Delightful flavors on your palate. And a tasting notes fact sheet on the wines you were presented, to refer to and remember them by. The coach ride back from scenic Ahuriri village to Napier wharf is under 15 minutes.

Please note: This easy excursion includes limited walking along flat surfaces, though there are steps involved in getting on and off the coach. The majority of the experience takes place indoors. Non-slip shoes and casual, weather-appropriate attire are suggested. Minimum drinking age in New Zealand is 18.

Hawke’s Bay Express
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 1.5 Stunden
Code: NPE-H

Experience the Art Deco beauty of Napier and its surrounds by road train during this scenic excursion aboard the elegant Hawke's Bay Express.

Napier, Hawke's Bay Express Road Train-Ride

Depart the pier for a ride aboard the Hawke's Bay Express, a modern road-train with the look-and-feel of an old-fashioned steam engine, complete with a romantic atmosphere straight out of the opulent Art Deco era. The Hawke's Bay Express features velvet-covered cushioned seats, spacious carriage benches, tall windows, polished wooden floors, and crimson-tasselled curtains. As the bell rings and whistle blows, you are transported back in time for an Art Deco experience in Napier like no other.

Marine Parade, City Centre, Art Deco Architecture, Bluff Hill, Ahuriri Village

Head out along scenic Marine Parade, with seascape views of Cape Kidnappers. From here, proceed through the elegant city centre of Napier and along the main street, which is mostly a pedestrian zone, and marvel at some of the world's most stunning examples of Art Deco architecture. Along the way, learn about the catastrophic 1931 earthquake and city's subsequent Art Deco-style rebuilding effort. Leaving the town centre, head over Bluff Hill, an older area featuring early settlers' homes, then continue on to Ahuriri, once an old port village and now a haven for summer tourists.

National Tobacco Company Building, Bar and Restaurant Area, Ahuriri Port, Marine Parade

Learn about the life and culture in New Zealand, as well as some famous Kiwis and fascinating Maori legends during the bay's history and changes over the last 600 years. Following a photo stop outside the former National Tobacco Company building, perhaps the region's Art Deco masterpiece, ride through the vibrant bar and restaurant area, then past the sailing port of Ahuriri before turning back towards Napier's Marine Parade. Upon arrival, you may opt to return directly to the pier, or leave the train for shopping and further exploration in Napier, and return to the pier on your own.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 54 yards (about 50 metres), with a few steps to negotiate to board/de-board the Hawke's Bay Express Train. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility but not those guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and bottled water from the ship. The Hawke's Bay Express Train-Ride is air-cooled via large opening windows. Space on this tour is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Napier & Hastings Art Deco Drive
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: NPE-K

Sit back, relax, and take in the Art Deco beauty of Napier and Hastings during this picturesque sightseeing excursion via coach.

Napier, Marine Parade, Art Deco Buildings

Depart the pier for a sightseeing drive through Napier. Follow the Napier seashore along the Marine Parade whilst your driver-guide relates the city's history and stories, including tales of the devastating Earthquake of 1931. Learn how Napier came to be hailed as the 'Art Deco City' after being rebuilt in the early-1930s. The new buildings reflected the style of the times; stripped Classical, Spanish Revival, and Art Deco, with some even incorporating unique Māori motifs.

Napier Marina, Sunken Gardens, National Aquarium, Spirit of Napier Sculpture, Ahuriri, Marewa

Pass by the Napier Marina, Sunken Gardens, National Aquarium, Spirit of Napier sculpture, Ahuriri, Westmore Beach, and Art Deco buildings. Continue through Napier's suburbs for views of the city and Hawke's Bay, including the Marewa District, noted for its many 'Deco' homes and superb gardens.

Hawke's Bay, Hastings, Public Artworks, Opera House, Photo Stop

Next, your drive continues south into the heart of the Hawke's Bay region to Hastings, a city abundant in Art Deco elements and rich historic atmosphere. Hastings also has an impressive display of public artworks placed throughout its central business area. Whilst here, a brief photo stop is made at the historic Opera House, built in 1915 and still one of the top lyric theatres in Australasia. Your tour concludes with a short drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 109 yards (about 100 metres), with five steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilize a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear weather-appropriate clothing and bring a hat, sunscreen and bottled water from the ship. The tour sequence may vary.

Napier Art Deco & Vintage Car Drive
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: NPE-A

Experience this exclusive tour in a classic Packard celebrating the Art Deco and Spanish Mission styles of architecture in Napier which in 1931 was almost totally destroyed in a major earthquake.

Napier & Art Deco Architecture

Napier was rebuilt in these eye-catching styles by group of young architects. Few cities in the world have such a collection of rich buildings that display all the styles of the Art Deco form.

Classic Car Ride, Suburbs of Ahuriri and Marewa, National Tobacco Company Building

From the pier, the classic car takes you with your driver-guide through the suburbs of Ahuriri and Marewa where you pass by some fine examples of domestic art deco architecture. The highlight of the area is wonderfully ornate entrance to the National Tobacco Company building, where a brief stop for photos is made. The car continues to the Art Deco Trust centre.

Art Deco Trust Centre, Morning/Afternoon Tea, Guided Walking Tour, Downtown Napier

After, enjoy a video presentation at the Art Deco Trust centre, designed to acquaint you with the devastating earthquake. Stop for morning or afternoon tea including a glass of Hawkes Bay bubbles at a local cafe. Then, begin a one-hour guided walk of the Napier downtown Art Deco district, with its many wonderful art deco buildings including the ASB Bank, the Daily Telegraph, the Municipal Theatre and the Criterion Hotel. Your knowledgeable guide will explain the many different styles and forms of Art Deco architecture.

Return drive to the pier is via shuttle.

Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking for approximately one hour. Tour is not recommended for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. It is recommended to wear comfortable shoes. The order of sights varies and the itinerary may operate in reverse order. Tour participation is very limited and guests should reserve this tour well in advance to avoid disappointment.

S.A.L.T. Haute Hawke’s Bay: An Indulgent Guided Wine Experience and Lunch at Award-Winning Family Run Winery Craggy Range
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.5 Stunden
Code: NPE-L

Founded in 1993, Craggy Range is a family owned winery situated in the shadow of the spectacular Te Mata Peak in the premium wine growing area of Hawke’s Bay New Zealand.

Craggy Range Winery Tour & Wine Tasting

Enjoy the pinnacle wine experience at Craggy Range; an immersive guided tour of the estate and cellars. Experience a rare opportunity to taste their award winning wine, including those from our iconic Prestige Collection where rare bottles of back-vintage and trial wines are set aside exclusively for the Giants Estate Experience. This tasting is complemented by light bites inspired by the spoils of our organic kitchen garden and our local artisans.

Craggy Range Restaurant Lunch

A welcome cocktail awaits on the Craggy Range Restaurant terrace, followed by a lunch at the award winning Craggy Range Restaurant. Executive Chef Casey McDonald’s signature set menu celebrates the best of the season from our organic kitchen garden, featuring multiple dishes presented across five plentiful courses. This experience is perfectly paired by the sommelier’s premium wine selection of Craggy Range wine from the Family & Prestige collection.

The S.A.L.T. experience will conclude with the 30-minute drive back to the ship.

Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. It is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing and sun protection are recommended. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. The order of sights visited may vary.

Spectacular Helicopter Flight over Hawkes Bay
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 0.75 Stunden
Code: NPE-G

Get a bird's eye view down on the Hawkes Bay region on this 30-minute flight.

Transfer to the Heliport, 30-Minute Flight

Your experience begins with a transfer to the heliport, in keeping with the Art Deco Capital, Napier. From there you will rise above the Port of Napier in a Robinson R44 helicopter, to begin your flight over the beautiful province. The flight will take you along the coast of Hawkes Bay, giving you time to take in the vista of the coastal area between Mahia Beach and Cape Kidnappers.

Spectacular Panoramic Views

Following the coast, you will see the world class golf course perched on the Cape and then be astounded by one of the largest gannet colonies in the world. From here you will fly inland and over Te Mata Peak, Havelock North and Hastings, taking in the expanse of vineyards and orchards. Finally, heading back to Napier around Bluff Hill via Westshore beach and Ahuriri Marina.

After landing, return to the pier.

Please note: This tour requires a minimal amount of activity and is suitable for guests with limited mobility. Guests utilising a wheelchair must be able to transfer from the chair to the car, and to board the plane. Helicopter type is dependent on aircraft availability but is generally a 3-seater. Seating is at the discretion of the pilot and is based on weight and balance requirements. All guests are asked to submit their weights in advance to the Shore Concierge aboard. Due to weight and balance limitations, as well as guest safety and comfort, the maximum weight per passenger must not exceed 120 kilograms. All seats are utilised and seating adjacent to a window cannot be guaranteed. Price is per person. Flight is subject to weather conditions and may be cancelled or altered at pilot's discretion. Space is very limited; we suggest you book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Wine & Dine at the Mission Estate - the Oldest Winery in New Zealand
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: NPE-D

Established in 1851 by the French Marist religious order, Mission Estate Winery is New Zealand's oldest winemaker and home to one of Hawke's Bay's finest restaurants. This tour for wine and food connoisseurs offers a true New Zealand gastronomy experience, with samples of some of the finest local wines and produce, in a charming and elegant setting.

Mission Estate

From the Port of Napier, drive with your driver-guide through the historic Art Deco area of downtown Napier to Mission Estate which is beautifully sited on a small hill overlooking the Heretaunga Plain. Housed in an elegantly restored historic seminary building with sweeping views of Napier, Mission Estate is the most visited winery in the country.

Tour of the Winery & Wine Tasting

Upon arrival, the Estate guide welcomes you and leads you on a historic tour of the elegantly restored seminary building and the adjoining chapel, with its high vaulted ceilings, arched windows and French doors. A visit to the cellar door provides an opportunity to try the extensive range of wines. Enjoy a wine tasting led by one of the wine-makers (subject to availability) where a flight of seven wines are available for you to sample. Listen as they divulge details of the wine making process that commenced back in 1851 by the French Marist religious order.

Four-Course Lunch, Free Time

Your Mission Estate experience is complemented with a four-course set menu luncheon, with a selection of wines matched to each seasonal dish, in their award-winning restaurant. Contemporary cuisine using only the freshest local produce is served. Afterwards, some free time is available for you to peruse the shop or to explore the gardens and soak up the ambience of the estate.

Then, begin the 30-minute drive back to the ship via the port suburb of Ahuriri.

Please note: This tour requires a moderate amount of walking, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. It is not suitable for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Lightweight, comfortable clothing and sun protection are recommended. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. The order of sights visited may vary.

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