Pago Pago (Samoa)
Wetter in Pago Pago (Samoa)
Hafenkarte: Pago Pago (Samoa)
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Pago Pago (Samoa)
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Pago Pago (Samoa) mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Schiff | Datum | Ankunft | Abfahrt | |||
Azamara Onward | Di. | 28.01.2025 | 11:30 | 18:00 | |
Celebrity Edge | Fr. | 14.02.2025 | 07:02 | 18:00 | |
Celebrity Solstice | Fr. | 18.04.2025 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
Royal Princess | Mo. | 21.04.2025 | 09:00 | 18:00 | |
Norwegian Sun | Di. | 13.05.2025 | 07:00 | 17:00 | |
Norwegian Sun | Do. | 31.07.2025 | 09:00 | 18:00 | |
Norwegian Sun | Di. | 09.09.2025 | 07:00 | 17:00 | |
MS Amera | Fr. | 13.02.2026 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
Celebrity Edge | Do. | 12.03.2026 | 09:32 | 18:00 | |
Celebrity Solstice | Fr. | 17.04.2026 | 07:01 | 18:00 | |
Norwegian Spirit | Do. | 07.05.2026 | 07:00 | 17:00 | |
Norwegian Spirit | Mo. | 15.06.2026 | 09:00 | 18:00 | |
Norwegian Spirit | Do. | 25.06.2026 | 07:00 | 17:00 | |
Norwegian Spirit | Di. | 06.10.2026 | 09:00 | 18:00 | |
Island Princess | Mi. | 07.10.2026 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
Norwegian Spirit | Fr. | 16.10.2026 | 07:00 | 17:00 | |
Norwegian Spirit | Di. | 24.11.2026 | 09:00 | 18:00 | |
Silver Dawn | Fr. | 05.02.2027 | 07:00 | 18:00 | |
MSC Musica | Do. | 25.03.2027 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
Celebrity Solstice | Sa. | 17.04.2027 | 07:01 | 17:00 |
Landausflüge in Pago Pago (Samoa)
ca. 3 Std.
Sie fahren Richtung Osten entlang der Pago-Bucht, einem kleinen Fjord, der den Hafen zu einem der sichersten im ganzen Südpazifik macht. Genießen Sie die schöne Landschaft bei verschiedenen Fotostopps. Unter anderem sehen Sie den "Camel Rock", eine Felsformation in Gestalt eines Kamels sowie die Aunu'u Werft. Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2022)
ca. 3 Std.
In landestypischen offenen Bussen fahren Sie nach Leone, der alten Hauptstadt von Tutuila. Sehen Sie hier u.a. das "Leone Missionary Monument" welches an die Ankunft John Williams, dem ersten Missionar Samoas im Jahr 1832, erinnert. Weiterfahrt zum Tauese Museum, einem kleinen Inselmuseum, das dem ersten vom Volk gewählten Gouverneur von Amerikanisch-Samoa gewidmet ist. Das Museum befindet sich in dem ehemaligen Wohnhaus des Gouverneurs und zeigt Einrichtungsgegenstände, Fotos und andere Erinnerungsstücke. Im Anschluss fahren Sie zu den Tia Seu Lupe Star Mounds. Erdhügel, die in Form eines Sterns aufgeschüttet sind und deren samoanische Bedeutung "Erdhügel zum Taubenfangen" lautet. Erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über diese Erdhügel bevor es weiter nach Fatu-Ma-Futi geht, ein beeindruckender Fels im Wasser, der einem überdimensionierten Blumentopf ähnelt (Fotostopp). Abschliessend besichtigen Sie das Jean P. Haydon Museum, welches eine Sammlung samoanischer Artefakte, Bücher, Kanus, Schmuck und Kunsthandwerk beherbergt. Kurzer Fussweg (etwa 10 Minuten) zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2022)
ca. 3 Std.
In einem offenen landestypischen Bus fahren Sie vom Schiff zunächst Richtung Fatu-Ma-Futi, ein beeindruckender Fels im Wasser, der einem überdimensionierten Blumentopf ähnelt. Geniessen Sie von hier den wunderschönen Ausblick auf Landschaft und Meer. Auf dem Weg nach Leone passieren Sie den Golfplatz der Insel (kurzer Zwischenstopp). In Leone sehen Sie das "Leone Missionary Monument" welches an die Ankunft John Williams, dem ersten Missionar Samoas im Jahr 1832, erinnert. Im Anschluss fahren Sie in das Dorf Vila's Village, ein Ort, der Sie in einfachere Zeiten zurückversetzt. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit verschiedene Hütten zu besuchen, werden in die verschiedenen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Kokosnussblättern und -früchten eingeweiht und wohnen einer traditionellen Zubereitung eines Essens aus dem Umu-Ofens bei. Nach einer Kostprobe und einer traditionellen Tanzaufführung fahren Sie zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2022)
ca. 3 Std.
In einem landestypischen offenen Bus fahren Sie vom Schiff Richtung Fatu-Ma-Futi, ein beeindruckender Fels im Wasser, der einem überdimensionierten Blumentopf ähnelt. Mit wunderschönem Ausblick auf Landschaft und Meer geht es weiter nach Leone, die alte Hauptstadt der Insel, wo die ersten Missionare landeten. Höhepunkt des Ausfluges ist der Besuch eines Dorfes, in dem Sie mit den traditionellen Gepflogenheiten vertraut gemacht und einer traditionellen Ava-Zeremonie beiwohnen werden. Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2022)
Ancient legends and customs are still essential to the Samoan way of life, and this tour presents them in a highly engaging manner, so you'll truly understand their significance.
Departing from the pier you'll begin a meandering route around Tutuila that will reveal many of the landmarks that the islanders find most meaningful. You'll see star mounds or Tia Seu Lupe, an important setting in the ancient history of American Samoa -- it is where chiefs would come to compete for the hand of the other chief's daughter or wife by trying to capture the most pigeons. Stop for photos at the monolithic Fatu-ma-Futi or Flowerpot Rock that rises straight out of the ocean as if standing sentinel at the entrance to beautiful Pago Pago Bay. Farther west, you'll pass the Leone Mission Monument where missionaries first successfully landed in 1830. Vaitogi Village is famous locally for its Turtle & Shark legend, animals that can supposedly become humans when the islanders call them with an ancient chant.
Travel to the home of American Samoa's late Governor -- a very popular man among the local people. Step inside the house to see memorabilia from his time in office.
At the Tauese P.F. Sunia Marine Sanctuary, watch a video explaining the precious resources of American Samoa's wildlife-rich waters and learn more about the country's history and ancestors at the nearby J.P. Haydon Museum.
View Pago Pago's picturesque eastern side and have a view of downtown on this mostly panoramic tour with photo stops along the way.
Visit the Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center and be taken into American Samoa’s culture through its largest natural resources, their marine sanctuaries. You’ll find informative exhibits highlighting the importance and value of coral reefs, oceanic ecosystems, how they tie into the local culture and the effects on them.
Stop at Pago Harbor, where you will be treated to some lovely views from the other side of the bay. Further along, you'll have another photo stop to see Camel Rock. The shape of this off-shore rock formation brings to mind the image of a lonely camel and thus, gained it the name Camel Rock. An additional stop before heading back towards town will be at Alao Village. Alao is famous for the NOAA observatory and its air beaker. American Samoa has one of the world’s cleanest airs, next to Antarctica. The world’s air quality is measured off of the air samples collected by that beaker. An additional stop before heading back towards town will be at Avaio Beach. Your stop here will provide an opportunity to get a cold beverage, take some photos, perhaps get your feet in the water or get a souvenir to take back home.
Arriving back in the mountain-rimmed American Samoa capital of Pago Pago, you will enjoy a panoramic tour that passes by several historical buildings. Although rather diminutive, this town of approximately 4,000 boasts several noteworthy attractions.
Witness one of the most esteemed ceremonies in Samoan culture, performed at a traditional village and enjoy a scenic drive with photo stops along the way. Begin your tour with a drive east, during which you'll delight in the island's natural beauty and natural landmarks. Highlights include the photo stop at Camel Rock, a rock formation resembling a lonely camel laying on the bay. Your tour carries on towards the east end of Tutuila. Stopping at Auasi wharf to take photos of the beautiful island of Aunu’u off in the distance and watch locals board local fishing boats utilized as taxis between the two islands. Before returning to your ship make a stop at Fagatogo Marketplace to shop, local handicrafts, jewelry, or local clothing.
Capture the scenic views of the island and visit a recreated traditional Samoan village where the ancient ways of island life are still faithfully practiced. Drive towards the idyllic western side of Tutuila. So many breathtaking views await you, each worthy of a brief stop for photos. There's the monolithic Fatu-ma-Futi or Flowerpot Rock that rises straight out of the ocean as if standing sentinel at the entrance to beautiful Pago Pago Bay. You’ll stop for photos along the way, to capture some of the best views of the island’s villages, coastline and lush mountains.
Still, staggeringly beautiful settings and historic attractions aren't the only draws in western Tutuila. You'll also have the opportunity to observe the traditional Samoan way of life at a uniquely laid-back small recreated village. The villagers live together communally and their thatched wooden structures, known as fales, which are open and without walls, symbolic of the villagers' unrestricted culture. Each fale is devoted to a specific purpose, such as sleeping or food preparation.
During your visit, you will observe demonstrations on daily activities that illustrate how the Samoans live their lives. Samoans are the only islanders that cook their family meals aboveground on an umu of hot river rocks, which are covered with banana fronds to create an oven of sorts. Following a cooking demonstration, you will get to sample the resulting dishes. Relax, and savor this unique opportunity to participate in traditional Samoan culture.
Indulge in a beach break and enjoy a pleasant shaded hike with this nature-lover's adventure, which presents the beautiful waters of a marine sanctuary for snorkeling and swimming and offers an inviting beach for lazing and sunbathing.
Pago Pago Harbor, Flowerpot Rock
Begin as you board your open-air, island-style bus and travel to see one of the island's most noted natural landmarks, Flowerpot Rock. Rising from the waters of Pago Pago Harbor, this large rock sports a bushy carpet of vegetation sprouting from its crown that resembles a plant in a huge flowerpot, thus giving it its name, Flowerpot Rock.
Fagatele Bay, Hiking & Snorkeling
Making the 35-minute transfer to Fagatele Bay, you will take a cool, shady, 20-30 minute hike down to one of American Samoa's national marine sanctuaries. Relish time to swim or snorkel and enjoy a cold, refreshing coconut. Local fresh fruits will also be available.
After about an hour of beach time, hike back up to your awaiting bus and return to the pier with a 35-minute transfer, enjoying the scenery along the way.
Please note: Transfers are by open-air island bus with bench-style seats. Tour guides may be local high-schoolers without professional training. However, their knowledge, friendliness and enthusiasm are sure to add to your island experience. Guests who wish to snorkel should be familiar with wearing snorkel equipment and swim comfortably in currents, which may occasionally be present. Although the snorkeling equipment (mask, snorkel and swim vests) is provided, it is recommended that guests bring their own snorkeling equipment and wear protective footwear, such as aqua socks. During the hike, guests will be traversing mossy rocks, loose gravel and mud. If water conditions at your scheduled snorkeling site are prohibitive, an alternate site may be substituted. Alcoholic drinks should not be consumed prior to taking part in any water activities. Wildlife sightings are not guaranteed. The operation of this excursion is dependent on prevailing weather conditions and may be cancelled in the event of heavy rain. This snorkeling excursion is conducted within the national marine sanctuary; therefore, guests are asked to not litter and to stay within the designated area.
Discover a fresh perspective on this fascinating piece of South Pacific paradise, with opportunities to admire coastal views and rock formations, visit two museums and stop at an intriguing archaeological site.
Leone Town, the Ancient Capital of Tutuila
Depart the pier aboard your open-air, island-style bus and journey to the southwest side of the island and the town of Leone, the ancient capital of Tutuila. It was here that Samoa's first missionary, John Williams, landed in 1832. Honoring Williams's arrival and the work of the London Missionary Society is the Leone Missionary Monument, which stands in front of the town's Zion Church. Stop at the monument and then venture along the beautiful Leala coast to appreciate breathtaking island vistas.
Tauese Museum
Next, continue to the Tauese Museum, a small museum dedicated to the life and times of Tauese P.F. Sunia, the first popularly elected governor of American Samoa. Elected in 1997, he governed this South Pacific collection of isles until his death in 2003. The museum is housed in Sunia's former home and displays furnishings, photographs and other memorabilia.
Tia Seu Lupe Star Mounds
Enjoy a refreshing drink before heading towards the Tia Seu Lupe Star Mounds, named for their star-like shape. The Samoan name "tia seu lupe" means "earthen mound to catch pigeons." Indeed, for centuries, pigeon-snaring was a popular sport in Samoa, with Samoan chiefs using mounds such as these to practice netting their prized, feathered catch. A stop at the mounds offers a look at this interesting archaeological site, located near the Catholic cathedral in Tafuna.
Flowerpot Rock
Afterward, view another island wonder, Flowerpot Rock. This large rock rising from the waters of Pago Pago Harbor sports a bushy carpet of vegetation sprouting from its crown, giving the rock the appearance of a plant in an enormous flowerpot, thus giving it its name, Flowerpot Rock.
Jean P. Haydon Museum
Stop to photograph this unique natural sight and then begin to wrap up your excursion with your visit to the Jean P. Haydon Museum. Housed in a building constructed in 1919 and originally serving as a naval commissary store, the museum hosts a collection of Samoan artifacts, books, canoes, jewelry and handcrafts representing Samoan history and culture. Of particular note is a small American Samoa flag and three moonstones gifted to American Samoa by President Richard Nixon following the space explorations of one of the Apollo missions.
From the museum, a short walk brings you back to the pier.
Please note: Transfers are by open-air island bus with bench-style seats. Tour guides may be local high-schoolers without professional training. However, their knowledge, friendliness and enthusiasm are sure to add to your island experience. It is recommended that guests dress in casual clothing and wear flat, comfortable shoes. Guests should also wear a hat and apply sunscreen. This excursion will operate in all weather conditions. The order of sights visited may vary.
Take a step back in time with a visit to Vila's Village, taste local foods and watch performances of traditional song and dance for a glimpse of the old way of life.
Pago Pago Harbor, Flowerpot Rock
Climb aboard your open-air, island-style bus for your scenic journey to see one of the island's most noted natural landmarks, Flowerpot Rock. Rising from the waters of Pago Pago Harbor, this large rock sports a bushy carpet of vegetation sprouting from its crown that resembles a plant in a flowerpot, thus giving the formation its name, Flowerpot Rock.
Tutuila, Pala Lagoon, Lava Lava Golf Course
Stop to photograph this unique sight before heading to the western end of Tutuila, venturing through the busiest part of American Samoa and its industrial park. Take pictures of the Pala Lagoon and the airport runway that juts out into the Pacific on your way to the Lava Lava Golf Course to admire panoramic views.
Leone, Zion Church, Leone Missionary Monument
Your scenic journey continues to the town of Leone, the ancient capital of Tutuila. It was here that Samoa's first missionary, John Williams, landed in 1832. In front of the town's Zion Church stands the Leone Missionary Monument, paying tribute to Williams's arrival and the work of the London Missionary Society.
Vila's Village, Local Food Tasting
Next, continue to Vila's Village, a place where you will step back into a simpler time. Visiting several huts, witness demonstrations of the various uses of coconut leaves and fruit, see how women once washed laundry and marvel at the famous umu oven, which Samoans use to this day to prepare food. A highlight of your visit is a taste of traditional morsels, including fresh fruit, chicken, fish and palusami, a Samoan-style spinach dip.
Local Entertainment
Be treated to entertainment of traditional singing and dancing before departing this interesting village and returning to your ship.
Please note: Transfers are by open-air island bus with bench-style seats. Tour guides may be local high-schoolers without professional training. However, their knowledge, friendliness and enthusiasm are sure to add to your island experience. It is recommended that guests dress in casual clothing and wear flat, comfortable shoes. Guests should also wear a hat and apply sunscreen. This excursion will operate in all weather conditions. The order of sights visited may vary.