Santa Marta
Wetter in Santa Marta
Hafenkarte: Santa Marta
Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Santa Marta
Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Santa Marta mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.
Schiff | Datum | Ankunft | Abfahrt | |||
AIDAbella | Do. | 23.01.2025 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAluna | Do. | 30.01.2025 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAmar | Mo. | 10.02.2025 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
AIDAluna | Do. | 27.03.2025 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
Silver Shadow | So. | 30.11.2025 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
Silver Shadow | Di. | 02.12.2025 | 08:00 | 00:00 | |
Silver Shadow | Mi. | 03.12.2025 | 00:00 | 00:00 | |
Silver Shadow | Do. | 18.12.2025 | 09:00 | 18:00 | |
Silver Shadow | Sa. | 20.12.2025 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAblu | Do. | 25.12.2025 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
MS Amera | Do. | 08.01.2026 | 14:00 | 20:00 | |
Silver Shadow | Mo. | 02.02.2026 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
Silver Shadow | Mi. | 04.02.2026 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAblu | Do. | 05.02.2026 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
Norwegian Jade | Mo. | 02.03.2026 | 10:00 | 18:00 | |
AIDAblu | Do. | 05.03.2026 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAblu | Do. | 19.03.2026 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAblu | Mo. | 30.03.2026 | 08:00 | 16:00 | |
AIDAdiva | Do. | 26.11.2026 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAdiva | Do. | 24.12.2026 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAluna | So. | 31.01.2027 | 08:00 | 18:00 | |
AIDAdiva | Do. | 04.02.2027 | 08:00 | 17:00 | |
AIDAbella | Mo. | 08.03.2027 | 08:00 | 16:00 | |
AIDAbella | Mo. | 22.03.2027 | 08:00 | 16:00 |
Landausflüge in Santa Marta
ca. 2,5 Std.
Die Stadt Santa Marta hat etwa 400.000 Einwohner und liegt an der Karibikküste Kolumbiens. Während Ihrer Panoramafahrt sehen Sie die wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten, darunter den Plaza Bolivar sowie die Kathedrale aus dem 18.Jh. Anschließend besuchen Sie das bekannte Anwesen "Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino", wo 1830 der berühmte Freiheitskämpfer Simon Bolivar verstarb. Nach der Besichtigung fahren Sie wieder zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)
ca. 4 Std. mit Snack
Per Bus fahren Sie etwa 10 Min. zum örtlichen Yachthafen. Hier erhalten Sie zunächst Ihre Schnorchelausrüstung und eine Sicherheitseinweisung. Mit dem Motorboot fahren Sie dann entlang der Küste zu den Gewässern des Tayrona-Nationalparks. Hier unternehmen Sie einen etwa 45-minütigen Schnorchelgang. Danach wird an einem der wunderschönen naturbelassenen Strände eine gute halbe Stunde Entspannungspause eingelegt, während der Ihnen Erfrischungen gereicht werden. Nach der Pause haben Sie Gelegenheit zu einem weiteren, etwa 45-minütigen Schnorchelgang, anschließend werden Sie wieder zum Yachthafen und per Bus zurück zum Schiff gebracht.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit und/oder Rückenleiden nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Badesachen, Sonnenschutz und Handtuch nicht vergessen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)
ca. 3,5 Std.
Santa Marta ist die älteste spanische Kolonialstadt auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent. Die Stadt ist viel kleiner als Cartagena, bietet aber schöne Plätze und reizvolle Gassen sowie viel Atmosphäre. Zunächst fahren Sie zum kleinen Goldmuseum, in dem sich einige interessante Gold- und Keramikobjekte befinden. Danach gehen Sie über den Plaza Bolivar und durch belebte, kopfsteingepflasterte Straßen mit teils spanischer Kolonialarchitektur bis zur Kathedrale aus dem 18. Jh., die älteste Kirche Kolumbiens. Gelegenheit zur Besichtigung, danach spazieren Sie zum schönen Parque Santander, auch bekannt als Parque de los Novios ("Liebespark") mit seinen Schatten spendenden Mimosenbäumen. Sie besuchen einen lokalen Handwerkermarkt und gehen zur Seepromenade Malecón, wo der Bus Sie bereits erwartet, mit dem Sie zur Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino fahren, einer der bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeiten Lateinamerikas. Diese Hacienda wurde im 17. Jh. erbaut. Simon Bolivar verbrachte hier seine letzte Lebenszeit bis zu seinem Tod 1830. Heute umfasst das Anwesen ein 15 ha großes Areal mit Tropenwald und Botanischem Garten sowie Ausstellungsräumen und Mausoleum. Nach dem gut halbstündigen Aufenthalt mit Gelegenheit zur Besichtigung fahren Sie wieder zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Kopfbedeckung und Sonnenschutz empfohlen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)
ca. 4 Std.
Nach 1,5 Std. Busfahrt erreichen Sie den landschaftlich spektakulären Tayrona-Nationalpark. Berge, Bäche, reiche Vegetation und Ausblicke auf paradiesische Strände beherrschen das Landschaftsbild des 15.000 ha großen Nationalparks. Der Wanderpfad "9 Piedras" zeigt eine Vielzahl einheimischer Pflanzenarten. Im Park leben außerdem vier verschiedene Affenarten, darunter die früchtefressenden Springaffen. Mit etwas Glück sichten Sie auch Papageien, Rotspechte, Tukane, kleine Echsenarten oder Faultiere. Nach einem knapp 45-minütigen Rundgang erreichen Sie den Naturstrand Piscinita Beach und erhalten ein Erfrischungsgetränk. Nach kurzer Pause spazieren Sie noch etwa 15 Minuten weiter zum Bus und es erfolgt die landschaftlich reizvolle Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Festes Schuhwerk empfohlen. Naturbelassene, teils unebene Pfade im Nationalpark.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)
Explore the landmarks of Colombia’s oldest city, delving into its storied history and alluring culture, which have helped fuel the rebirth of Santa Marta. Depart from the pier and begin a leisurely drive through Santa Marta, a colonial city that the Spanish established as a base of conquest. Founded in 1525 at the foot of the world’s highest coastal mountain range, Santa Marta is considered the oldest, still-inhabited city in Colombia. When the Spanish arrived, the indigenous people were skilled goldsmiths, and you will see the kinds of objects they made in the Gold Museum. An impressive model of the main city of their empire, Ciudad Perdida, is also on display, along with pre-Columbian pottery. Continuing on, you will explore Santa Marta’s magnificent whitewashed cathedral, which is thought to be the oldest church in Colombia, although construction wasn’t finished until late in the 18th century. Its floor plan is in the shape of a Roman cross. Simon Bolivar was buried in the cathedral until 1839 when his remains were moved to Caracas, his birthplace. You will discover more about the Great Liberator at Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino Villa, where Bolivar died. Now a museum, the butterscotch-yellow hacienda beautifully displays many of his personal objects and a large statue of the revered Bolivar lords over the grounds. To delve deeper into Santa Marta’s cultural history, you will watch a folkloric performance and enjoy a beverage at the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino before returning to the pier.
Marvel at the unique ecology within the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Park as you walk through the forest to its spectacular Quebrada Valencia waterfalls.
Depart from the pier and drive east toward the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Park, a massive piece of land containing part of the world’s highest coastal mountain range. The mountains are the source of the Quebrada Valencia River and countless other streams that wind through the pristine countryside. The park is so revered for its ecosystem and cultural content that UNESCO declared it a Biosphere Reserve of Man and Humanity.
Upon arriving, you will begin a guided walk through the forest and over rocky terrain into a land still inhabited by several indigenous Indian tribes. Wildlife abounds, including Sierra parrots, tapirs and Paramo deer. A variety of exotic flora also flourishes, and you may pass in the shadow of towering wax palms and ceiba de leche trees.
It takes approximately a half hour to reach the waterfalls, and it’s well worth the effort. Emerging from the dense forest, the cascading waterfalls from the Quebrada Valencia River form a series of small, crystal-clear pools. The tropical setting couldn’t be lovelier or more serene. You will enjoy approximately one hour here to relax and wander about as you please, perhaps taking a dip in the refreshing waters. Tropical birds abound here so you may see some squawking in the treetops above. Afterwards, you will retrace your route back to the pier.
Experience a day of total relaxation at a beautiful beach resort just outside the city of Santa Marta and later, enjoy a sightseeing tour through the modern El Rodadero area and the historic old town. Starting off from the pier, it’s a thirty-minute drive to one of the area’s nicest beach resorts. En route, take in the captivating views of Colombia as you listen to your guide relay the history and culture of this picturesque seaport. Arriving at the resort, you are invited to spend the day as you desire. This 56 acre ecological complex is located in front of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, the only mountain in front of the ocean in the world. The resort features authentic natural gardens, tropical vegetation and a beautiful uncrowded beach that stretches for over a half mile. While you are here, you are welcome to avail yourself of all the comforts and facilities characteristic of a 5-Star Zuana Resort, making this the ideal place to spend an unforgettable day soaking in the ambience, beauty and nature of the magnificent Colombian Caribbean coast. A buffet lunch is included, to enjoy at your leisure.
Spend the day exploring the Taironaka Indian Reserve, taking in the natural environment, the biodiversity and learning about the Tairona culture.
Departing from the pier, you’ll commence a highly scenic 1 hour drive away from the city of Santa Marta through the "Troncal del Caribe". As you travel along this route, you’ll see beautiful landscapes and contrasts produced by the area’s diverse climate ranges.
Upon arrival, access to Taironaka is done via a pleasant 20 minute walk along an ecological path, during which you will start to appreciate the flora and fauna of the region. However, the Taironaka, Ecological Tourism and Archeology site offers that and much more. Here, in this landscape nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, you will have the opportunity of walking through what used to be the stone paved city of Tairona. You will see paths, aqueducts, stairs, terraces and much more. You may even see a piece of a Tairona vessel or remains of grinding stones whose wonderful rounded stones were created for a purpose that is still unknown.
There were many items that this incredible culture manufactured during the hundreds of years that they dwelled on this mountain; and many of them remain. The Spaniards who came and assaulted the Taironas while looking for gold objects, took the gold, but they left the clay, the stone and what remains of the city today.
Due to its climate and fertile soil, the area started off cultivating colorful tropical flowers that are sold to international markets and which can be observed everywhere within the reserve. Today, it has also become a sanctuary for the archeological treasures of the Tairona culture which are more than a thousand years old. The museum here showcases pieces of great value and also enlightens visitors on how the Taironas lived and how they were remarkable goldsmiths, craftsmen, sailors and warriors.
Following the guided portion of your tour, you are free to explore further on your own, or perhaps take a swim in the river. There is a restaurant at the Reserve where guests may purchase lunch. After approximately 2 hours, you’ll walk with your guide back to your minibus and travel back to the ship.
Drive around 70 km from the pier along the interesting coastal road to Perico Aguao village in Magdalena. Here a community guide will receive us for a short talk of about 2.5 km through a tropical humid forest to the Katanzama indigenous village, located in a magical place by the sea. Accompanied by the indigenous community leader of the town, we will walk around the houses and community halls, we will learn about the community traditions, culture, cuisine and customs of the Arhuaco’s and we will visit the plantations to learn about their crops and work materials.
After the tour of the community, we will reach a sacred space under a tree where we will have the opportunity to chat with “Mamo”, the spiritual leader of the community, who will lead a short indigenous ceremony & meditation. After a brief visit to the school, we make our way to the seaside to enjoy a delicious typical lunch of “Sancocho” stew. During lunch time there is a possibility to learn about weaving methods of traditional backpacks. Before returning back to the ship we will visit the local plantations and will get to plant our own endemic tree. All too soon, walk back to the bus parking and return drive to the ship
Major points of interest seen on this excursion may include:
- Katanzama Indigenous Village: Explore the village and learn about the traditions, culture, cuisine, and customs of the Arhuaco people.
- Community and Plantation Visits: Discover local plantations and traditional crops, and observe the community’s work materials
- Spiritual Ceremony: Participate in a short indigenous ceremony and meditation with the community’s spiritual leader, "Mamo".
- Tree Planting: Plant an endemic tree in the local plantations before returning to the ship.
- Lunch by the Community: Enjoy a traditional lunch with a chance to learn about weaving methods.
This tour involves a moderate amount of walking over uneven terrain, with some steps to negotiate. Nature walk, unpaved surfaces, mud surfaces, approximately 2.5KM. Guests must be able to walk at a gentle pace under the heat guests must be in general good physical conditions .
Drive around 70 km from the pier along the interesting coastal road to Perico Aguao village in Magdalena. Here a community guide will receive us for a short talk of about 2.5 km through a tropical humid forest to the Katanzama indigenous village, located in a magical place by the sea. Accompanied by the indigenous community leader of the town, we will walk around the houses and community halls, we will learn about the community traditions, culture, cuisine and customs of the Arhuaco’s and we will visit the plantations to learn about their crops and work materials.
After the tour of the community, we will reach a sacred space under a tree where we will have the opportunity to chat with “Mamo”, the spiritual leader of the community, who will lead a short indigenous ceremony & meditation. After a brief visit to the school, we make our way to the seaside to enjoy a delicious typical lunch of “Sancocho” stew. During lunch time there is a possibility to learn about weaving methods of traditional backpacks. Before returning back to the ship we will visit the local plantations and will get to plant our own endemic tree. All too soon, walk back to the bus parking and return drive to the ship
Approximately 25 minutes from the pier, you will find Santa Marta's labyrinthine central market. On arrival, plunge into an enthralling yet dizzying experience, a full engagement of the senses. As you are shepherded through this captivating world by an expert guide, you will spy an abundance of food and spices, including fish, meat, mountains of dill and cilantro, and endless rows of fruits and vegetables. As interesting as the food are the people, who gesticulate, whistle, shout and even sing as they buy and sell everything from pots and mangos to hammers and rosary beads. This market is very important for the city and the region and there, hundreds of people from the countryside bring their daily fresh harvest to feed Santa Marta's people. After your marketplace exploration, take the short transfer to a private venue, where you will be treated to a fresh fruit juice and tropical fruit tasting on arrival and meet the expert chef who will lead the cooking demonstration in the specially designed kitchen and who will assist you in creating a typical local dish, which will be on the menu for your delectable lunch. All too soon, it will be time to depart this special venue and return to the pier and your ship.
Tours don’t get more access-all-areas than this. You’ll be given a backstage pass to the ancient ruins and culture of one of Colombia’s indigenous tribes. There are around 70 in the country, all thought to have descended from pre-Hispanic civilizations. You’ll drive out of Santa Marta into the foothills of Sierra Nevada – the highest mountain range in the world. Look out the window and you’ll spot the lush jungle of the Tayrona National Park, and tiny villages where locals make a living selling fresh fruit to passing travellers. After an approximately 90-minute drive, you’ll swap the road for a jungle trail, trekking through the vegetation to reach the Tayronaka Ruins, the remains of an indigenous settlement built between 800 and 1600 AD. Close by are the tribal lands of the Kogi people, said to be direct descendants of the Tayrona tribe. You’ll be treated to a short walking tour of the ruined settlement & an introduction to the culture of the Kogi, including a short friendship ceremony. After your encounter, enjoy a delicious lunch of “Sancocho”, similar to a hearty soup or stew with local vegetables such as yuca & green banana as well as meat and potato. The lunch will be accompanied by “agua panela con limon”, (sugar cane juice with lemon). After lunch, you’ll hike back to rejoin your bus. You need to be reasonably fit for this trip as there are steep hills and steps to negotiate.
Your outing begins at the pier, where you will board the shuttle bus accompanied by your guide for a short transfer to the port gate.. This short walking tour will take you through Bolivar Plaza, with a chance to experience the bustling streets and view an eclectic mix of Spanish colonial, republican and contemporary architecture. Of course, no visit to this historic section of town is complete without an outside view of the 17th-century cathedral, Colombia’s oldest church. Take the short stroll to beautiful Parque Santander, more commonly known as Parque de Los Novios, or “Lovers’ Park.” You will understand why this shaded oasis has earned this moniker as you pause to appreciate the lovely mimosa trees under which the locals meet to chat and relax. Santa Marta is a very alive city at night and you will get to see how locals and visitors enjoy while the sun goes away.
Your walk finishes at the rum tasting venue where you will taste some of the finest rums from regions of Colombia including different aged rum of 3, 5 and 8 years old. The rum which is produced from sugarcane by-products is a common drink in Colombia throughout the regions and has been awarded several accolades through the world including the Superior taste awards in 2010 and 2012 in Brussels. There will be a selection of traditional snacks for pairing. At the end, re-board your motor coach for your transfer back to the ship.
Discover the city and culture of this unique city through a tasting of some if it’s most traditional and popular food and drink. Departing from the port by motor coach we drive along the seafront and into the historic city centre; Visit the Gold Museum, which showcases shiny stuff hailing from pre-Colombian indigenous cultures & local traditions. Visit a local coffee venue which for a coffee tasting. Continue the walk for our first tasting mashed green bananas and coconut lemonade. Afterwards, you’ll enjoy a stroll around the city with a knowledgeable guide. You’ll get a good look at the varied architecture, which tells of Spanish colonial and Republican reign and you’ll amble through sunny squares like Bolivar Plaza, where ladies meet to catch up under the shade of leafy acacia trees. You’ll pass by Colombia’s oldest church and then after walking one more block, you will enjoy the next tasting of a traditional mini-lunch of fish, coconut rice and green banana pancakes with fruit juice. You then continue through the historic & colourful city streets of Santa Marta and check out Parque Santander, a park full of mimosa trees and the location of the fourth gastronomic tasting. You will have the opportunity to taste some local sweet, before re boarding the bus at the seafront for the return drive to the pier.
Your outing begins at the pier, where you will board your air-conditioned motor coach for the brief transfer to the Gold Museum. Surveying the museum’s interesting exhibits, you will learn about Colombia’s traditions in gold and admire gold and pottery objects hailing from the Sierra Nevada Mountains that rise up behind the city.
From here, proceed by foot through Bolivar Plaza, with a chance to experience the bustling streets and view an eclectic mix of Spanish colonial, republican and contemporary architecture. Of course, no visit to this historic section of town is complete without a stop at the 17th-century cathedral, Colombia’s oldest church. The simple but beautiful interior is characterized by a grey Italian-marble altar, chandeliers and a fine barrel-vaulted ceiling.
Following your church visit, take the short stroll to beautiful Parque Santander, more commonly known as Parque de Los Novios, or “Lovers’ Park.” You will understand why this shaded oasis has earned this moniker as you pause to appreciate the lovely mimosa trees under which the locals meet to chat and relax. Enjoy a refreshment at one of the local charming café-restaurants on the plaza.
Re-board your motor coach and depart the historic city center, next heading to one of Latin America’s most revered sites, La Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino, or simply La Quinta. Originally a working farm, this beautifully situated hacienda was built in the 17th century and rose to its celebrated place in South America’s history as the place where Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Colombia, spent his last days. The hero of independence died here in 1830.
You will explore the house and discover its contents and original works of art and furniture, including Bolivar’s deathbed. On the grounds you will find the vast marble altar, built in 1930 and containing a statue of Bolivar. Keep an eye out for area wildlife, such as iguanas and Colombia’s ever-present and abundant birdlife.
Reflect on the fascinating history and unique beauty of Colombia during your 30-minute motor-coach transfer to the pier and your ship.
As you board your motor coach and begin your exploration, you will admire many examples of Spanish colonial architecture set amid busy and colorful streets. Highlights of the city center include broad and beautiful Bolivar Plaza and the simple white cathedral, the oldest Colombia. The history of these sights and more will be brought to life by commentary provided by your expert guide.
Santa Marta is popular with Colombians from the cities of Bogota, Medellin and Cali as a holiday destination and the beach resort suburb of Rodadero with its sheltered beach, hotels and restaurants shows the more contemporary face of Santa Marta, but with the unique Colombian style.
A visit one of Latin America’s most revered sites, La Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino, allows you to stretch your legs in the beautiful grounds of this hacienda. Built in the 17th century, Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Colombia spent his final days here until his death in 1830. Bolivar, born in Caracas, led the fight for independence from Spain and gave Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru their liberty from the Spanish Empire. Visit the house containing some of the original furniture, including his deathbed, as well as works of art. The vast white marble alters built on the grounds in 1930 contains a statue of Bolivar that has a hidden illusion! The grounds are also inhabited by a number of iguanas and also Colombia’s ever present and varied birdlife. Enjoy a folkloric presentation performed by locals at La Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino.
The short panoramic tour is a perfect introduction to Santa Marta & Colombia and there will be plenty of opportunity to take photographs and take in the eclectic views and sights.
Major points of interest seen on this excursion may include:
- Panoramic & Comprehensive city drive
- You will visit La Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino, a 17th-century hacienda that once belonged to Simon Bolivar
- Enjoy a Folkloric presentation
This tour involves a moderate amount of walking over uneven terrain, with some steps to negotiate. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Guests must be able to walk at a gentle pace under the heat in the historic city centre. Guests must be in general good physical conditions.
Explore the beautiful city of Santa Marta at Night. Your outing begins at the pier, where you will board the intra-port suttle bus accompanied by your guide to exit the port, followed by a nice stroll through the bay promenade which has been recently refurbished and is a very popular meeting point and gathering place for locals to go out at evening and enjoy the sunset. Enjoy a refreshing cocktail while see the sun go away.
From here, proceed by foot through Bolivar Plaza, with a chance to experience the bustling streets and view an eclectic mix of Spanish colonial, republican and contemporary architecture. Of course, no visit to this historic section of town is complete without an outside view of the 17th-century cathedral, Colombia’s oldest church. Take the short stroll to beautiful Parque Santander, more commonly known as Parque de Los Novios, or “Lovers’ Park.” You will understand why this shaded oasis has earned this moniker as you pause to appreciate the lovely mimosa trees under which the locals meet to chat and relax. Then, take the brief stroll to one of the city's restaurants, offering one of the best dining experiences in Santa Marta. With its light and airy ambiance and delicious Caribbean cuisine, the restaurant is always buzzing with locals and visitors who appreciate dishes prepared from fresh Colombian ingredients. Experience fine food and a welcoming atmosphere as you are served a delectable three-course meal.
Afterward, proceed by foot to your port gate to take the shuttle bus back to the ship.
Your adventure begins with a journey aboard an air-conditioned motor coach, which ventures along scenic mountain roads to cooler climes and the village of Minca. Here, you will leave your motor coach and board a 4x4 vehicle for the final, 30-minute ascent to Hacienda Victoria.
Founded by a British couple during the reign of Queen Victoria, the aptly named Hacienda Victoria is now owned by a German family, who today run the only major coffee farm and processing plant in Colombia’s coastal mountains. Touring the farm and facilities, you will see how the plant still utilizes the original machinery, which was built in England, transported by ship across the Atlantic and hauled up the mountain by mule train.
A farmworker will explain the entire process of the hacienda’s cultivation and hand-picking of fine coffees, a good portion of which are organic. You will have the opportunity to walk through the coffee plantation and participate on a tree planting activity.
Afterward, rejoin the 4x4 for the return drive to the village of Minca and a short-guided walk through the community. With its cooler climate, Minca is where the wealthier inhabitants of Santa Marta escape the heat of the summer and has more recently become a mecca for birdwatchers from all over the world. Enjoy a typical lunch of Sancocho Stew at a traditional restaurant with beautiful views of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
All too soon, it will be time to depart this idyllic location and board your motor coach for the return drive down the mountain to the pier and your ship
Santa Marta is world famous for the beauty of its geography, for the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the highest coastal mountain range in the world, which sweep down to the sea where you will find the Tayrona National Park.
Colombia is the second most bio diverse country on earth and the wild untamed beauty of the Tayrona Park is home to a great variety of species of flora and fauna. The scenery varies from white sandy beaches to semi tropical rainforest and the park is home to many species of birdlife, for which the Colombia is famous.
Covering an area of 37,000 acres of which 7,000 correspond to coastal waters, Tayrona Park has a dry tropical climate with, temperatures that vary between 59°F and 84°F. The majority of the park is covered by virgin tropical forest and inhabited by over 100 species of mammals; 200 species of birds and 50 species of reptiles. The Paujil, a breed of hen, is often represented in Tayrona gold work crafted by the pre-Hispanic Tayrona Indians, who once lived in this area, and is indigenous to the park, as is the majestic condor which nests in the highest peaks of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Monkeys can often be seen along the fringes of the beaches.
On leaving the port you will travel by motor coach to the entrance of the national park from where you will start your walk along natural pathways through the semi tropical jungle vegetation with your expert local guide highlighting the information on the vegetation, animals and eco-system. Enjoy the views and green lush until your arrival to the first viewpoint where you can appreciate the magnitude of the park. Breath and rest before your return walk to Ecohabs Tequendama Hotel.
After a 75-minute walk you will enjoy a refreshment of tropical fruits & seasonal fruit juice at Ecohabs Tequendama restaurant
This walking tour is a soft adventure for those who want to actively experience the beautiful un-spoilt nature of Colombia
An opportunity for Nature lovers to take a guided walk through the shady glades of the forest and swim in shallow natural pools filled by the fresh mountain water of the streams tumbling down from the Sierra Nevada Mountain range.
Board your air-conditioned motorcoach and travel through beautiful scenery to the natural reserve of Quebrada Valencia within the Caribbean rainforest. Upon arrival your experienced guide who will escort you on an ecological guided walk of the reserve along flat sandy paths and crossing shallow pebbled streams shaded by the semi tropical rain forest. During your walk you will learn about about the local flora and fauna, pass by small holdings growing bananas and savour the tranquility of the forest. At the end of the trail lies the rock formation of a waterfall with streams of cool mountain water filling a natural pool, which is perfect for a refreshing dip. Enjoy a light picnic-style refreshment and savour the moment of peace amongst the unspoilt beauty of the forest before returning along the forest trail to your motorcoach and the return scenic drive to the port
Guests should be aware that there is an approximately three-hour, round-trip drive to Valencia Tropical reserve; however, the fascinating sights included in this excursion are its main focus and more than compensate for the length of the journey. Guests should also be in good physical condition and able to walk at a medium pace in the heat in order to participate. As this excursion involves approximately one hour of walking over forest trails and uneven surfaces, including mud, sand, tree roots and loose stones, it is not recommended for guests with walking difficulties. As hot and humid conditions can be expected, along with potentially strong breezes, it is recommended that guests dress in lightweight, comfortable clothing, a hat and flat, comfortable walking or sports shoes. Some crowding in the reserve may be expected. Guests should bring swimsuit and towels. This excursion will operate in all weather conditions.