Wetter in Santander

Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Do. 16.01.2025
leichter Regen
Do. 16.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Fr. 17.01.2025
klarer Himmel

Hafenkarte: Santander

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Santander

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Santander mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
HANSEATIC nature Mo. 26.05.2025 8:00 19:00
Silver Spirit Di. 19.05.2026 08:00 23:00
MS Amera Mi. 03.06.2026 08:00 17:00
MS Deutschland Do. 20.08.2026 12:00 22:00
Silver Spirit Fr. 04.09.2026 08:00 19:30
Silver Spirit Mo. 14.09.2026 13:00 23:00
Silver Dawn So. 27.09.2026 08:00 17:00
Silver Dawn Mo. 05.10.2026 08:00 23:00
Silver Dawn Mi. 21.10.2026 08:00 19:30
Queen Anne Mi. 28.10.2026 früh morgens abends
Silver Dawn Fr. 14.05.2027 08:00 23:00
Silver Dawn Sa. 15.05.2027 08:00 23:00

Landausflüge in Santander

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
Bilbao individuell
ca. 6h mit Lunchbox

ca. 6 Std. mit Lunchbox
Mit dem Bus fahren Sie knapp 1,5 Std. in das Zentrum von Bilbao. Genießen Sie gut 3 Std. Freizeit für eigene Aktivitäten und individuelle Besichtigungen. Sie erhalten einen Stadtplan zur Orientierung. Zur vereinbarten Zeit erfolgt die Rückfahrt zum Schiff. Der Busaus- und Wiedereinstieg erfolgt voraussichtlich in der Nähe des Guggenheim-Museums.
Bitte beachten:  Ausflug ohne Reiseleitung und Besichtigungen. Das Guggenheim-Museum ist montags geschlossen. Das Museum der Schönen Künste ist dienstags geschlossen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: Februar 2023)

Panoramafahrt Santander
ca. 2h

ca. 2 Std.
Während einer Rundfahrt sehen Sie die spanische Provinzhauptstadt Santander, die im späten Mittelalter ein wichtiger Handelsplatz war. Vom Hafen aus gelangen Sie zum Leuchtturm und genießen schöne Ausblicke auf den Golf von Biscaya. Sie fahren entlang der Promenade und sehen die Gärten von Piquio sowie die Halbinsel Magdalena. Anschließend Rückkehr zum Schiff.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Santander und Santillana
ca. 3,5h

ca. 3,5 Std.
Zunächst fahren Sie zu einem der besterhaltenen mittelalterlichen Orte Spaniens. Etwa 35 km von Santander entfernt liegt Santillana del Mar, eine der Stationen des Jakobwegs. Während Ihres etwa 1,5-stündigen Rundgangs sehen Sie die hübschen alten Handelshäuser und Paläste sowie die Stiftskirche (Außenbesichtigung). Rückfahrt nach Santander und Panorama-Stadtrundfahrt vorbei an den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten bis zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeingnet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Santillana und Comillas
ca. 4,5h

ca. 4,5 Std.
Etwa eine Stunde Busfahrt in den kleinen Urlaubsort Comillas, der ehemaligen Sommerresidenz von König Alfonso XII. Unternehmen Sie einen Rundgang und bestaunen Sie die prächtige Architektur der Herrenhäuser. Weiterfahrt nach Santillana del Mar, etwa 35 km von Santander entfernt. Das mittelalterliche Städtchen zählt zu den schönsten Orten in Kantabrien. Passieren Sie während eines Rundgang die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten wie den Torre de Don Borja, die Stiftskirche oder den Merino-Turm. Im Anschluss fahren Sie zurück nach Santander und unternehmen eine Orientierungsfahrt durch die Stadt, die am Schiff endet.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeingnet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: März 2024)

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
Coastal Villages of Cantabria
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 5.5 Stunden
Code: SER-C

Spanning some 600 kilometers, northern Spain’s magnificent Cantabrian coast is a region as known for its intensely green landscapes as it is for its regal seafaring heritage. This half-day excursion introduces you to both, by land and sea.

A catamaran sail on Santoña Bay
Travel by coach to the village of Santoña, a tuna and anchovy canning port considered the spot where Colombus’ famed caravel ‘Santa María’ was built in the 1400s. Walk to the catamaran dock and step aboard for a 75-minute sail across the city’s photogenic bay. Witness the impressive cliffs and wetlands of Marismas park, Horse Lighthouse, the fortress, and other landmarks en route to Laredo. Along the way,  taste the delicious local specialty, sobao, accompanied by sweet wine.

A walk in Laredo

Disembark in a town once a favored resort stop for European royals, today a popular destination for vacationers of all nationalities. Laredo’s La Salvé beach alone is reason enough – but your knowledgeable guide will introduce others on a relaxed walk followed by a bit of free time to explore on your own.

A visit to Castro Urdiales

Reboard the coach for 30 scenic minutes to reach the extremely charming old fishing village of Castro Urdiales, its town centre recognized as a significant medieval historic site. Spend a fascinating hour wandering with your guide along narrow streets lined with ancient houses and ranks of iron-railed balconies reflecting the evolving styles centuries past. Afterward, the return drive to Santander takes about an hour.

Please note: This active excursion involves some 1.8 km/1.2 mi of walking along uneven surfaces, cobblestones, and inclines in the villages. Some steps must be navigated to board and disembark the catamaran. The tour is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or have limited mobility. Wear comfortable, lightweight clothes appropriate for the weather and non-slip walking shoes; bring along your preferred sun protection. The order of sights and activities may vary.

Magnificent Comillas
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: SER-E

Perched on the Cantabrian coast some 60 scenic minutes’ drive west of Santander, majestic Comillas awaits your discovery. A former summer getaway of King Alfonso XII, this photogenic coastal city is uniquely rich in Spanish history and magnificent “Modernista” architecture.

During your expertly guided walking tour, you’ll encounter atmospheric cobbled streets and squares hosting ancestral houses, elaborate sculpted towers, and notable Modernist buildings. Commanding a city hilltop is Comillas Pontifical University, its monumental bronze entry gates alone worthy of your awe. Equally impressive is the monumental exterior of Sobrellano Palace, renowned for its unusual fusion of English Neo-Gothic austerity with delicately decorative Venetian elements.

But the undisputed showstopper of any Comillas outing is yet to come as your guide leads the way to the incomparable ‘Capricho de Gaudí’ – designed by über-genius architect Antoni Gaudí and completed in 1885. Few notable examples of his work exist outside Catalonia – and of those, the Caprice is surely the most flamboyant. Its vibrant tilework, curvaceous towers and chimneys, and utterly fantastical facades are unmistakably Gaudi.

Once your guide has presented the building exterior and its interesting background, you’ll have time to walk through the inside on your own. After this, enjoy another 30 minutes of free time for perusing this magnificent village before the hour’s drive back to Santander.

Please note: This active excursion involves some 1.8 km/1.1 mi of walking and standing along uneven and cobbled surfaces, with stairs and a steep incline at El Capricho. The tour is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or have limited mobility. Wear comfortable, lightweight clothes appropriate for the weather and non-slip walking shoes; bring along your preferred sun protection. The order of sights and activities may vary.

Medieval Santillana del Mar
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 3.75 Stunden
Code: SER-A

Participate in an in-depth walking inspection of Santillana del Mar, a beautifully preserved medieval waypoint along northern Spain’s fabled Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route – and one of the most significant historical cities in Cantabria. Founded in the 8th century, the city endures as a true showplace of Romanesque architecture.

Located about an hour east by coach from Santander pier, this delightful town of cobbled lanes and splendid stone and brick buildings presents an entrancing snapshot of long-past times. With your knowledgeable guide in the lead, traverse the centuries – and learn of the town’s many legends and secrets – as you stroll a historic quarter where the defensive Tower of Don Borja and Merino Tower still stand guard over Renaissance-era palaces with stories to tell.

Visit landmarks like the Collegiate Church of Santa Juliana – built on the site of a 12th-century hermitage and graced with handsome cloisters and a façade rich with religious sculpture.

After about an hour, with your guided walk now complete, enjoy another 30 minutes or so of free time for browsing the local shops and soaking up yet more of Santillana del Mar’s distinctive character on your own before reboarding the coach for the 45-minute return drive to Santander and your ship.  

Please note: This active excursion involves some 1.2 km/0.75 mi of walking along uneven cobblestone surfaces, with inclines. Some five steps must be navigated at the collegiate church. The tour is not suitable for guests who utilise a wheelchair or have limited mobility. Wear comfortable, lightweight clothes appropriate for the weather and non-slip walking shoes; bring along your preferred sun protection. The order of sights and activities may vary.

Snapshot of Santander
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 2.0 Stunden
Code: SER-D

Relax and enjoy an informative panoramic orientation drive around one of northern Spain’s most engaging seaside cities. Wind your way through Santander, passing the leafy elegance of Pereda Gardens and scenic charm of Puertochico harbor before heading out to the  Bay of Santander and the stunning parklands of the Magdalena Peninsula. Stop for breathtaking views at the Palacio de la Magdalena, the sprawling former summer residence and 69-acre gardens built in 1912 for the Spanish royal family. Take a few minutes to explore the exterior of this major cultural heritage site and, with luck, record a few unforgettable photos of its privileged setting.

The peak sightseeing continues as the drive back toward the ship brings you past El Sardinero Beach, a Blue Flag strand still clad in the elegant promenades and fashionable hotels of its Belle Epoque golden era – with modern surfers added to the scene. Other highlights encountered include the elegant Gran Casino, Porticada Square, Santander’s Town Hall, and the impressively sizeable Cathedral of the Assumption, dating to the 15th century.

All in all, this relaxed survey offers you a solid introduction to Santander – without expending undue energy or time.  

Please note: This easy excursion involves only a small walk at Magdalena Park, with no stairs and minimal incline. The coach is not equipped for those wheelchairs, but guests with limited mobility may find the tour suitable and can remain onboard the vehicle at the Magdalena stop. Wear comfortable, lightweight clothes appropriate for the weather, and consider bringing along your preferred sun protection. The order of sights and activities may vary.

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