Wetter in Haifa

Mi. 15.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Mi. 15.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Mi. 15.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Mi. 15.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
Do. 16.01.2025
bewölkt mit Aufhellungen
Do. 16.01.2025
Fr. 17.01.2025

Hafenkarte: Haifa

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Haifa

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Haifa mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
Azamara Onward Mo. 05.05.2025 07:30 20:00
MS Artania Fr. 28.11.2025 07:00
MS Artania Sa. 29.11.2025 17:00
Silver Dawn Do. 30.04.2026 08:00 23:00
Silver Dawn Fr. 01.05.2026 08:00 00:00

Landausflüge in Haifa

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
ca. 10h mit Essen

ca. 10 Std. mit Essen
Von Haifa etwa 1,5-stündige Fahrt zum Berg der Seligpreisungen, wo Jesus nach christlicher Überlieferung die Bergpredigt gehalten hat. Nach dem etwa einstündigen Aufenthalt fahren Sie weiter nach Tabgha mit der Brotvermehrungskirche. Weiterfahrt zum ehemaligen Fischerdorf Kapernaum und zur Synagoge, in der lt. dem Johannes-Evangelium Jesus gelehrt haben soll. Nach dem Mittagessen (St. Peterfisch) unternehmen Sie eine Bootsfahrt auf dem See von Genezareth, dem tiefstgelegenen Süßwassersee der Erde. Im Anschluss fahren Sie nach Nazareth, dem Kindheitsort Jesu. Hier besuchen Sie die Verkündigungskirche, die über jender Höhle gebaut wurde, an dem der Erzengel Gabiel Jungfrau Maria verkündete, dass sie ein Kind erwarte. Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Haifa und Akko
ca. 6 - 6,5h

ca. 6 - 6,5 Std. 
Sie passieren Haifa, drittgrößte Stadt Israels, und gelangen entlang des Karmelgebirges zum Karmeliterkloster, erbaut 1836. Nach dem Besuch des Klosters genießen Sie die Aussicht vom Berg Karmel auf die Stadt Haifa, bei guter Sicht bis nach Akko und in den ferngelegenen Libanon. Nächstes Ziel ist der Schrein des Bab, Grabmal des Religionsstifters des Bahaitums. Umgeben von 18 Gartenterrassen und seit 2008 von der UNESCO geschützt, ist er das Wahrzeichen Haifas. Nach einem Spaziergang durch die Gärten fahren Sie nach Akko, auf einer Landzunge am Nordrand der Bucht von Haifa gelegen. Die Gründung der Stadt geht auf biblische Zeiten zurück. Ihre Blütezeit war die Zeit der Kreuzzüge als Haupthafen des Königreiches Jerusalem. Als letzte Hochburg der Kreuzritter fiel Akko 1291 an die Mamelucken. Sie sehen die mittelalterlichen Überreste, den Ausgang zum geheimen Fluchtweg, der sich unter der Stadt entlang zieht, und spazieren anschließend über den bunten Basar. Danach erfolgt die Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

ca. 11,5h mit Essen

ca. 11,5 Std. mit Essen
Etwa 2,5-stündige Fahrt nach Jerusalem. FAhrt Vom Ölberg genießen Sie einen schönen Panoramablick über die Stadt. Von dort geht es weiter in den Garten Gethsemane mit der "Kirche aller Nationen". In der Altstadt angekommen, spazieren über die Via Dolorosa und sehen u.a. die Grabeskirche, den Felsendom (Außenbesichtigung) und die Klagemauer. Im Anschluss fahren Sie zum Berg Zion. Der Ort, an dem Berichten zufolge, Jesus sein letztes Abendmahl vor seiner Kreuzigung einnahm. Nach dem Mittagessen besuchen Sie neben dem Raum des letzten Abendmahls, das Grab von König David sowie die Dormitio-Abtei. Rückfahrt nach Haifa zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September  2023)

Panoramafahrt Jerusalem
ca. 11h mit Essen

ca. 11 Std. mit Essen
Sie fahren etwa 2,5 Stunden nach Jerusalem. Vom Ölberg genießen Sie einen herrlichen Panoramablick auf die Stadt mit dem Felsendom auf dem Tempelberg. Weiterfahrt entlang des Palmsonntagswegs nach Gethsemane. Sie besuchen den Garten, wo Jesus lt. Überlieferung in der Nacht vor seiner Kreuzigung betete. Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt bringt Sie der Bus zu einem Restaurant, wo Sie Ihr Mittagessen einnehmen. Im Anschluss fahren Sie zur Klagemauer, wo Sie durch das Jaffa-Tor, eines der acht Tore in der Stadtmauer, die Altstadt von Jerusalem zu Fuß betreten und besuchen u.a. die Grabeskirche. Bevor Sie Ihre etwa 2,5-stündige Rückfahrt zum Schiff antreten, besuchen Sie noch den ausserhalb Jerusalems liegenden Berg Zion, der Ort, an dem das letzte Abendmahl stattfand.
Bitte beachten: Einige Fußwege. Die Altstadt kann nur zu Fuß besucht werden (Aufenthalt in der Altstadt etwa 2 Stunden).
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Tel Aviv-Jaffa und Cäsarea
ca. 9h mit Essen

ca. 9 Std. mit Essen
Von Haifa aus fahren Sie zunächst zur antiken Stadt Cäsarea, im Laufe der Geschichte auch wichtige Festung der Kreuzfahrer. Während Ihres etwa 1,5-stündigen Aufenthalts sehen Sie u.a. das Römische Theater und die Ruinen der Kreuzfahrerstadt. Anschließend Weiterfahrt nach Tel Aviv-Jaffa, das größte Ballungsgebiet Israels mit etwa 3,2 Millionen Einwohnern. Archäologische Ausgrabungen zeigten, dass Jaffa bereits 3.500 v. Chr. besiedelt war. Sie lernen die neuzeitliche jüdische Metropole Tel Aviv-Jaffa kennen. Zunächst sehen Sie die "Weiße Stadt", ein aus mehr als 4.000 Gebäuden bestehender Stadtteil im Bauhausstil, der 2003 von der UNESCO zum Welterbe erklärt wurde. Während Ihres Rundfahrt passieren Sie u.a. den Rothschild Boulevard, die Independance Hall (Unabhängigkeitshalle), wo am 14. Mai 1948 der Staat Israel ausgerufen wurde. Anschließend Mittagessen in einem Restaurant. Weiterfahrt zum Alten Hafen von Jaffa, Schauplatz historischer Geschehnisse um Richard Löwenherz und Napoleon. Rückfahrt zum Schiff nach Haifa.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: September 2023)

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
Acre & Crusaders’ Kingdom
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-D

Explore the fascinating story behind the ancient city of Acre during a scenic, half-day sojourn to this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Depart the pier for the approximate one-hour drive to Acre, or 'Akko', a spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Site situated on the northernmost point of Haifa Bay. This splendid ancient city dates back almost 4,000 years, and once played a pivotal role during the Crusaders' rule in the 11th century.

Knights of St. John

Upon arrival at Acre, a visit is made to the Medieval subterranean headquarters of the Knights of St. John. Part of this underground city was known as the Hospitaller Quarter, because it was here that the knights received their medical care. Your tour takes you through a series of barrel-vaulted rooms, or 'Crusader Halls', leading to the Refectory (dining hall). Also known as the 'Crypt', it is a true representation of Crusader architecture. Nearby is a stairway leading to a long underground passage thought to be an escape tunnel built by the Crusaders in order to reach the port during enemy attacks.

Turkish Bazaar

After returning to the surface, your tour continues with a look at Acre's Ottoman past during a visit to the vibrant, 18th-century Turkish Bazaar, the elegantly-restored Turkish Baths, now a museum, and the lively marketplace offering exotic and intoxicating scents.

Kahn El Umdan

Leaving the market, continue to the enormous Kahn El Umdan, or 'Pillar's Inn', an ancient caravanserai that once served the camel caravans. A stop is then made at the picturesque Pisan Port, which was built by Crusader seamen from Pisa, Italy.

Your tour concludes with a photo opportunity on Mount Carmel, above the Baha'i Gardens. Take in panoramic views of your surroundings before re-boarding your coach for the return drive to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves from moderate to extensive amount of walking approximately 1.5 miles (about 2.5 km), at times over uneven surfaces, with narrow steps and tunnels to negotiate. This tour is not recommended for guests with claustrophobia, guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are encouraged to wear seasonal clothing with flat, comfortable walking shoes and sun protection. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. The tour sequence may vary.

Baron Rothschild Gardens & Winery
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-H

Discover the panoramic beauty, hanging gardens, and flavours of Mt. Carmel and its surrounds during this scenic, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Scenic Views over Haifa Bay and Northern Israel

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 20-minute drive to the top of Mt. Carmel. Upon arrival, take in spectacular panoramic views overlooking Haifa Bay and northern Israel. After a photo stop here, re-board your coach and continue on to the Mt. Carmel.

Mt. Carmel & Baha'i Gardens

Here, a stop is made for majestic downward views of the upper terraces of the Baha'i Gardens.

Zichron Yaakov Town, Baron Rothschild's Gardens, Amphorae Winery, Tour and Tasting

Next, re-board your coach and drive to Zichron Yaakov. Established in 1882, this picturesque small town on Mt. Carmel was named after Jacob (Yaakov) Rothschild. Visit the beautifully-landscaped Baron Rothschild's Gardens, where Baron James Rothschild and his wife are interred, then continue to the Amphorae Winery, one of the most beautiful wineries in Israel. Located in the heart of the Western Carmel region, one of world's oldest areas of wine production, the Amphorae winery looks like it was plucked from a Tuscany postcard. Upon arrival, take a guided walking tour of the facilities, then proceed for a wine tasting accompanied by assorted local cheeses.

At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.93 miles (about 1.5 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and ten steps at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and a sweater or light jacket from the ship. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. The tour sequence may vary.

Haifa and the Baha’i Gardens
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 4.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-I

Explore the beautiful and historic highlights of Haifa and its surrounds during this picturesque, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Haifa, German Colony, Mt. Carmel, Haifa Bay, Northern Israel, Stella Maris Monastery

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 45-minute drive to the top of Mt. Carmel, a coastal mountain range in northern Israel stretching from the Mediterranean Sea towards the southeast and an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. En route, pass through cosmopolitan Haifa City and the German Colony, the first neighbourhood built in the modern era of urban planning in Israel. Upon arrival at Mount Carmel, take in spectacular panoramic views overlooking Haifa Bay and northern Israel, then visit the Stella Maris Monastery. The centre of the Order of Carmelites, the Stella Maris Monastery was established on Mt. Carmel in the 12th century during the Crusader's era.

Louis Promenade, Baha'i Hanging Gardens, Golden Shrine, Christian Quarter

Next, re-board your coach and head to the Louis Promenade for a breath-taking view from the top of the exquisite Baha'i Hanging Gardens, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. Afterward, take a guided tour of the upper nine terraces of the Baha'i Hanging Gardens, which are filled with flowers, waterworks, and small sculptures. Visit the Golden Shrine, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, where the forefathers of the Baha'i are buried. This shrine, with its gold-plated dome, is the second-holiest place for the world's Baha'i community, which includes millions of worshippers worldwide. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier via Haifa's Christian Quarter.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.6 miles (about one kilometre), at times over uneven, natural, and cobblestone surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and 700 steps at the nine terraces of the Baha'i Gardens. This tour is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, a sweater or light jacket, bottled water, and local currency or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Please dress conservatively when going ashore. Proper attire is required to enter holy or religious sites; shorts and bare shoulders are not permitted. Guests must be at least 8 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. Silence is required in the Stella Maris Monastery and Baha'i Hanging Gardens.

Herod’s Dream - Caesarea Maritime
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-G

Among the abundance of tourist sites that relate the story of ancient Israel is the magnificent story of Caesarea Maritime.

Depart Haifa Port and ascend Mount Carmel for a breath-taking view of Haifa Bay, the golden dome of Haifa's Baha'i Shrine and Acre in the distance.

Caesarea (Archeological Site)

Drive along Via Maris to Caesarea and visit the ancient port city built by Herod the Great on the ruins of an ancient anchorage known as Stratton's tower. He named it Caesarea in honour of his Roman patron, Augustus Caesar. In 66 C.E., in Caesarea, which was the capital of the country during the Roman period, the Jews of the city raised the revolt against Rome, touching off the Jewish war. Caesarea became an important Christian centre that was alternatively conquered by Moslems and Crusaders until it was destroyed at the end of the thirteenth century. Among the magnificent array of archaeological finds at the site are restored Crusaders fortifications, a Byzantine street and a Roman Theatre.

A walk among the ruins cannot be complete without observing the splendid 'Travel Through Time' displays that combine to recreate a city being reawakened in front of your eyes. Then continue to the Tower of Time, where you can take a virtual tour of the city, enter buildings and visit the streets, even participate in various activities such as horse racing in the Hippodrome, performances in the theatre, roaming around the market booths, and receiving ships arriving at the port, all of which tangibly and powerfully indicate Caesarea's importance throughout the ages.

After your visit, re-board your coach for the return drive to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking and is not suitable for guests with limited mobility and guests utilizing a wheelchair. This tour includes approximately 90 minutes of walking and standing at times on uneven surfaces and steps to negotiate. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and a camera from the ship. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. The tour sequence may vary.

Nazareth & Sea of Galilee
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 11.5 Stunden
Code: HFA-B

Explore the stunning scenery and historic sites where it is believed Jesus lived, preached, and performed his miracles during this captivating, full-day tour of Nazareth.

Basilica of the Annunciation

Depart the pier in Haifa via coach for approximately one hour drive to Nazareth, the birthplace of Jesus.

Upon arrival in Nazareth, visit the Basilica of the Annunciation, one of Christendom's most revered shrines and the largest church in the Middle East. The Basilica was built on the same site where the Archangel Gabriel revealed to Mary that she would be the mother of the Messiah. Sites to be seen here include the altar and a remarkable 170-foot (52.3-metre)-high cupola that rises high above the upper church. During your guided visit inside the Basilica, see magnificent mosaics, ceramic reliefs, and other superb works of art from around the world.

Church of Joseph

Your next stop is the Church of Joseph which was built over the chambers that once housed Joseph's carpentry shop.

The Bazaar and Mary's Well

From here, take a stroll through the bazaar and past Mary's Well, located in the Greek Orthodox Church, at the site of an ancient underground spring where it is believed Jesus and his mother came to draw water.

Cana and the Sea of Galilee, Lunch

Next, re-board your coach for the drive through Cana, the place where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine. Upon arrival, proceed for a buffet lunch at a hotel by the Sea of Galilee. After lunch, a visit is made to the Mount of Beatitudes, the site where Jesus preached the famous Sermon on the Mount, before proceeding to Capernaum. Located on the beautiful shores of the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum was considered to be the centre of Jesus' ministry whilst he was living in this area. Your visit includes a look at the ruins of an ancient synagogue.

Yardenit Baptismal Site

Following your visit, re-board your coach for the drive along the panoramic seashore to the Yardenit baptismal site where the Jordan River separates from the Sea of Galilee. Pilgrims from around the world come here to perform baptismal ceremonies in this naturally scenic and symbolic setting.

After a brief shopping stop, your tour concludes with a return drive to the pier in Haifa. En route, take in scenic vistas of Mount Tabor, the traditional site of the transfiguration where Jesus appeared to his disciples in radiant light whilst speaking with Moses and Elijah.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of walking (approximately 1.3 miles - 2 km), at times on inclines, with some steps to negotiate in the churches. This tour is not recommended for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are encouraged to wear seasonal clothing with flat, comfortable walking shoes, and bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and a camera from the ship. Proper attire is required during visits to religious sites; shorts and sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages. The driving time between the pier and Nazareth is approximately 1 hour in each direction. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. The tour sequence may vary.

Panoramic Gallilee & Golan Heights
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-A

Explore the stunning scenery and historic sites where it is believed Jesus lived, preached, and performed his miracles during this captivating, full-day panoramic tour of Nazareth.

Haifa, Mt. Carmel & Baha'i Gardens

Depart the pier in Haifa via coach for the drive to the top of Mount Carmel, where a photo stop is made for spectacular, panoramic views over Haifa bay and Baha'i Gardens. Afterward, proceed to Nazareth, the birthplace of Jesus.

Nazareth and the Church of Annunciation

Nazareth is revered as the place where the archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary to herald the birth of Jesus. A stop is made to enjoy a panoramic view of Nazareth and the Church of Annunciation.

Yardenit Baptismal Site & Lunch

Following your visit, re-board your coach for the drive along the panoramic seashore to the Yardenit baptismal site where the Jordan River separates from the Sea of Galilee. Pilgrims from around the world come here to perform baptismal ceremonies in this naturally scenic and symbolic setting. Next, proceed for lunch.

After lunch, visit the Mount of Beatitudes, the site where Jesus preached the famous Sermon on the Mount. The lovely gardens surrounding the 20th century church offer a chance to see the entire region, including the Golan Heights.

Your tour concludes with a return drive to the pier in Haifa. En route, take in scenic vistas of Mount Tabor, the traditional site of the transfiguration where Jesus appeared to his disciples in radiant light whilst speaking with Moses and Elijah.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking and is suitable for guests with limited mobility and those who utilize a wheelchair and are able to manage a few steps to embark and disembark the coach. Guests are encouraged to wear seasonal clothing with flat, comfortable walking shoes, and bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and a camera from the ship. Proper attire is required during visits to religious sites; shorts and sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate in tastings of alcoholic beverages.  The driving time between the pier and Nazareth is approximately 1 hour in each direction. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. The tour sequence may vary.

S.A.L.T. Contemporary Israeli Fusion Cuisine with Chef Uri Buri
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 5.5 Stunden
Code: HFA-K

Man does not live on bread alone (Deuteronomy 8; 3) and this statement is the target for today's S.A.L.T. experience.

Israeli cuisine comprises both local dishes and others brought by its immigrants from the Diaspora, leading to an Israeli fusion cuisine which has adapted elements of various styles, mainly but not only, from the Arab and Mediterranean world. What adds to the diversity of food choices are the various climatic areas: Citrus and avocado thrive on the coastal plain. Figs, pomegranates and olives grow in the cooler hill areas. The subtropical climate near the Sea of Galilee is suitable for mangoes, kiwis and bananas, while the climate the Galilee Mountains is suitable for grapes, apples and cherries. In the last decades Israel saw an increasing interest in healthy food with an emphasis on organic products.

Your S.A.L.T. experience has led to sophisticated levels of fine restaurants and rated chefs who opened successful restaurants in New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin. Inspired by tradition and driven by innovation, a new generation of Israeli winemakers are combining global training with creativity and have developed wines which have been awarded at international competitions. The end result provides suitable means to offer chef class cuisine.

Drive north for appoximately 45 minutes to Acre which is one of the oldest continuously inhabited sites in the region, yet it is Acre's Crusader history that is most revealed here. Head towards the market where you shall meet with one of Israel's known chefs Uri Buri who will point out local ingredients, some to be used during lunch. The market offers a colorful range of stalls displaying fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, sweet oriental pastries as well as shops selling perfume and spices.

Continue for a leisurely elaborated lunch which will include a variety of plates of fish, sea food and vegetarian products pared with exquisite local wine.

Famed Chef Uri "Buri" Jeremias, 75, was born five miles away in Nahariya, a seaside village on northern Israel's Mediterranean coastline just 10KM from the Lebanese border. Jeremias was naturally exposed since his younger age of diving and undersea fishing, bringing home a vast amount of fish and developing a great knowledge of cooking. "I didn't spend too much time in school; I spent most of the time in the sea, it was a real addiction," says Uri Buri. From the age of 16, Jeremias spent many years traveling through Europe, India and the US, and gained inspiration and insight into the vast flavors of the world, and ignited a real passion for cooking. "During my van journeys around the world, I started cooking for myself. The travelers heard that somebody was cooking in a blue Volkswagen and were happy to join the meal". With his return to Israel, Jeremias began cooking for his friends and relatives, developing his own cooking style with basic raw materials and was convinced later to open a restaurant that will become the legendary Uri Buri restaurant. Chef Uri Buri first established its eponymous restaurant, in 1989, in his hometown of Nahariya, before relocating to the Old City of Akko in 1997. Housed within the walls of a 400-year-old Ottoman house, and hailed as one of the best seafood restaurants in the Middle East, Uri Buri restaurant became, quite simply, an institution. The restaurant has inspired loyalty and devotion among locals, and the reputation of Uri Buri has spread far and wide as one of the best fish restaurants in the country. Chef Jeremias' unprecedented seafood knowledge and distinct intel on Galilean cuisine make for a multi-sensory dining experience. In 2012 under the strict supervision of the Israel Antiquities Authority and Jeremias himself, the Chef opened the venerable Efendi Hotel, a 12-room property that was transformed from an Ottoman Palace and which holds the highest level of architectural preservation and restoration out of any private building in Israel. The hotel is the vision of Jeremias, who oversaw the restoration of the two original Ottoman buildings and hand-painted motifs and frescos along the walls and ceilings, including a fresco of an ancient Istanbul, as well as the building's Byzantine foundation and Crusader-era cellar. Buri was recently heavily showcased on the Netflix series Somebody Feel Phil, featuring and created by Phil Rosenthal, who visited Jeremias in his town of Akko for a tour of the Old City market, a delectable meal at his legendary restaurant, and of course a visit to Efendi Hotel, an Ottoman palace restored over 8-years and transformed into a boutique hotel by Jeremias himself. Buri has also cooked in food festivals and for prestigious guests around the world, most recently in Germany, New York City, Miami and Montreal, and has been written about extensively in top publications such as New York Times, Travel + Leisure, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Saveur magazine and beyond.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal to moderate amount of standing and walking, including the ability to board a motor coach and a few steps to negotiate at the sites. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility but not for those who utilize a wheelchair. Ramp or elevator are not available. Guests are advised to wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages.

Silver Shore Privato: A Day in Jerusalem by Private Car & Guide
Dauer: 11.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-P

Discover Jerusalem's ancient beauty and some of history's most sacred sites during this scenic, full-day sightseeing tour of Israel's capital city by private car.

Depart the pier in Haifa with your English-speaking guide for the approximate two-hour drive into the Judean Hills, then on to Jerusalem. Along the way, and after a short comfort stop, your car travels via the same route used to reach Jerusalem for centuries.

Jerusalem City Tour

Jerusalem is famous for its timeless beauty, and was once considered the centre of the world. Your sightseeing drive through this picturesque and historic city takes you by some of Israel's most notable landmarks, including the Hebrew University, home to 2005 Nobel Prize winner Professor Emeritus Robert J. Aumann, the Israel Museum, the Shrine of the Book, the Knesset (Israel's Parliament), and the State Supreme High Court.

Mt. Zion

Next, your drive continues on to Mt. Zion, located south of today's city walls. Upon arrival, a visit is made to the Room of the Last Supper, where Jesus' last meal with his disciples and the descent of the Holy Spirit is thought to have taken place. Located on the ground floor of Mt. Zion is the Tomb of King David, one of the most visited and venerated sites by people of the Jewish faith.

Dormition Abbey

Stop at the Dormition Abbey, a massive yet serenely-beautiful structure topped by a high-domed bell tower, a conical dome, and corner towers.

Please be advised that lunch is not included and is at guests own expense.

Old City

After entering through the Jaffa Gate your walking tour passes by the bazaar, the Christian Quarter and part of the Via Dolorosa. Amongst the sites you will view is the golden-topped Dome of the Rock. A photo stop is then made at the famous Western (Wailing) Wall, the holiest site in the Jewish world. A visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is also included. Perched on Golgotha Hill, the church marks the site of Jesus' crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.

Kidron Valley

Re-join your car for the drive past the city walls and through the Kidron Valley. En route, you can view the Church of All Nations at the Gardens of Gethsemane, as well as the sacred churches on the Mount of Olives.

Your scenic tour of Jerusalem concludes with a leisurely drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. This tour involves an extensive amount of walking with steps to negotiate at religious sites, and is not recommended for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. This tour is sold per car and will accommodate up to 2 guests; only one person in your party need reserve a ticket for this programme. Please be aware that lunch is not included in the price and is at guests own expense. Guests are encouraged to wear seasonal clothing with flat, comfortable walking shoes. Bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, a camera and a credit card or local currency from the ship. Proper attire is required during visits to religious sites; shorts and sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. Some additional time may be involved when parking the vehicle. The tour sequence may vary.

Silver Shore Privato: A Day in Jerusalem by Private Van & Guide
Dauer: 11.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-Q

Discover Jerusalem's ancient beauty and some of history's most sacred sites during this scenic, full-day sightseeing tour of Israel's capital city by private van.

Depart the pier in Haifa with your English-speaking guide for the approximate two-hour drive into the Judean Hills, then on to Jerusalem. Along the way, and after a short comfort stop, your van travels via the same route used to reach Jerusalem for centuries.

Jerusalem City Tour

Jerusalem is famous for its timeless beauty, and was once considered the centre of the world. Your sightseeing drive through this picturesque and historic city takes you by some of Israel's most notable landmarks, including the Hebrew University, home to 2005 Nobel Prize winner Professor Emeritus Robert J. Aumann, the Israel Museum, the Shrine of the Book, the Knesset (Israel's Parliament), and the State Supreme High Court.

Mt. Zion

Next, your drive continues on to Mt. Zion, located south of today's city walls. Upon arrival, a visit is made to the Room of the Last Supper, where Jesus' last meal with his disciples and the descent of the Holy Spirit is thought to have taken place. Located on the ground floor of Mt. Zion is the Tomb of King David, one of the most visited and venerated sites by people of the Jewish faith.

Dormition Abbey

Stop at the Dormition Abbey, a massive yet serenely-beautiful structure topped by a high-domed bell tower, a conical dome, and corner towers.

Please be advised that lunch is not included and is at guests own expense.

Old City

After entering through the Jaffa Gate your walking tour passes by the bazaar, the Christian Quarter and part of the Via Dolorosa. Amongst the sites you will view is the golden-topped Dome of the Rock. A photo stop is then made at the famous Western (Wailing) Wall, the holiest site in the Jewish world. A visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is also included. Perched on Golgotha Hill, the church marks the site of Jesus' crucifixion, burial, and resurrection.

Kidron Valley

Re-join your van for the drive past the city walls and through the Kidron Valley. En route, you can view the Church of All Nations at the Gardens of Gethsemane, as well as the sacred churches on the Mount of Olives.

Your scenic tour of Jerusalem concludes with a leisurely drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. This tour involves an extensive amount of walking with steps to negotiate at religious sites, and is not recommended for guests with limited mobility or those who utilise a wheelchair. This tour is sold per van and will accommodate up to 4 guests; only one person in your party need reserve a ticket for this programme. Please be aware that lunch is not included in the price and is at guests own expense. Guests are encouraged to wear seasonal clothing with flat, comfortable walking shoes. Bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, a camera and a credit card or local currency from the ship. Proper attire is required during visits to religious sites; shorts and sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. Some additional time may be involved when parking the vehicle. The tour sequence may vary.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Car & Driver/Guide (Full-Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-W

Explore Haifa at your leisure during your full-day (8-Hour) sightseeing tour via private car. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking driver/guide in an air-conditioned car and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. The service includes an English-speaking driver acting also as a guide. Actual vehicle type varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 2 guests per car. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this programme. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary at least 72 hours before in order to verify the feasibly of it according with our Health Protocols.

Silver Shore Privato: Private Van & Driver/Guide (Full-Day)
Dauer: 8.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-Y

Explore Haifa at your leisure during your full-day (8 Hour) sightseeing tour via private van. Customise your own itinerary or choose to see an overview of the area's highlights.

Depart the pier with your English-speaking driver/guide in an air-conditioned van and discover the city and surrounding areas at your own pace. Your exclusive tour concludes back at the pier.

Please note: This tour is non-refundable if cancelled within 48 hours prior to arrival in the port. The service includes an English-speaking driver acting also as a guide. Actual vehicle model and capacity varies depending on availability. Participation is limited to 4-6 guests per van. The price, exclusive of meals, entrance fees, parking fees, excess mileage and gratuities, is per vehicle. Therefore, when making your reservation, please indicate the number of vehicles, not the number of guests. Only one person in the party needs to reserve this program. Please see the Shore Concierge Office on board the ship to arrange your individual itinerary at least 72 hours before in order to verify the feasibly of it according with our Health Protocols.   

Zippori - City of Mosaics
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.0 Stunden
Code: HFA-E

Explore the ancient history, beautiful mosaics and spectacular relics from Byzantine times during this picturesque, half-day excursion to Zippori.

Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Scenic Views over Haifa Bay and Northern Israel, Zippori

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 20-minute drive to the top of Mt. Carmel. Upon arrival, take in spectacular panoramic views overlooking Haifa Bay and northern Israel. After a photo stop here, re-board your coach and continue on to Zippori, sometimes spelled 'Tzippori', located approximately four miles (about 6.4 kilometres) north-west of Nazareth.

Guided Walking Tour, Ancient Mosaics, Mona Lisa of the Galilee Mosaic

An ancient centre of Jewish religious and spiritual life, Zippori's Christian connections include the belief that the parents of the Virgin Mary were from Zippori, and a history of having a growing and influential Christian community during Byzantine times. Today, Zippori is perhaps most famous for its a collection of intricate mosaics discovered during excavations, thereby providing a picture of a Roman city enriched by a prospering and co-existing Jewish and Christian population. During your guided walking tour, marvel at these exquisite vestiges of the city's ancient history. Of the more than 40 mosaics found here, the highlight is the hauntingly beautiful Mona Lisa of the Galilee, which is housed in a restored, 3rd-century villa.

Ancient Residential Quarter, Synagogue Ruins

Other sites to be seen during your visit to Zippori include the Talmudic-era residential quarter and the remains of a 6th Century synagogue that have been uncovered in the lower section of the site. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.93 miles (about 1.5 kilometres), at times over uneven and cobblestone surfaces, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and 25 narrow steps at the sites visited. This tour is not suitable for guests who suffer from claustrophobia, guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and a sweater or light jacket from the ship. Please be advised that the itinerary and duration of the tour might be affected by traffic. The tour sequence may vary.

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