Wetter in Puntarenas

Mi. 15.01.2025
wenige Schleierwolken
Mi. 15.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Mi. 15.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Mi. 15.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Do. 16.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Do. 16.01.2025
klarer Himmel
Do. 16.01.2025
aufgelockerte Bewölkung
Fr. 17.01.2025
klarer Himmel

Hafenkarte: Puntarenas

Kreuzfahrtschiffe in Puntarenas

Übersicht der zu erwarteten Schiffe in Puntarenas mit Ankunft und Abfahrtszeiten (gemäß Fahrplan unter Vorbehalt). Wir aktualisieren unsere Fahrpläne und Routen täglich.

Schiff Datum Ankunft Abfahrt
MS Amadea Sa. 18.01.2025
MS Amadea So. 19.01.2025 17:00
Coral Princess Sa. 01.03.2025 07:00 19:00
Norwegian Bliss Sa. 01.03.2025 07:00 18:00
Coral Princess Mi. 02.04.2025 07:00 19:00
Norwegian Joy Sa. 05.04.2025 07:00 18:00
Carnival Spirit Sa. 05.04.2025 07:00 16:00
Norwegian Encore So. 06.04.2025 07:00 18:00
Silver Moon Di. 08.04.2025 06:30 18:00
Silver Moon Mi. 09.04.2025 06:30 18:00
Norwegian Jade Do. 10.04.2025 07:00 18:00
Coral Princess Fr. 18.04.2025 07:00 19:00
Caribbean Princess Di. 22.04.2025 07:00 19:00
Celebrity Summit Fr. 25.04.2025 07:00 18:00
Carnival Legend Do. 01.05.2025 07:00 16:00
Island Princess Fr. 09.05.2025 07:00 19:00
MS Europa 2 Mi. 14.05.2025 8:00 19:00
Silver Shadow So. 18.05.2025 06:30 18:00
Island Princess So. 25.05.2025 07:00 19:00
Grand Princess Di. 23.09.2025 07:00 19:00
Serenade of the Seas Fr. 26.09.2025 12:30 20:00
Celebrity Summit Sa. 27.09.2025 08:00 18:00
Island Princess So. 28.09.2025 07:00 19:00
Queen Elizabeth Di. 07.10.2025 früh morgens abends
Caribbean Princess Mi. 08.10.2025 07:00 19:00
Radiance of the Seas So. 12.10.2025 08:00 18:00
Norwegian Joy Mo. 13.10.2025 07:00 20:00
Carnival Legend Di. 14.10.2025 09:00 18:00
Carnival Spirit Mo. 20.10.2025 07:00 18:00
Island Princess Do. 30.10.2025 07:00 19:00
Norwegian Encore Sa. 01.11.2025 07:00 18:00
Coral Princess Mi. 05.11.2025 07:00 19:00
Emerald Princess Mo. 10.11.2025 07:00 19:00
AIDAdiva Mo. 08.12.2025 08:00 18:00

Landausflüge in Puntarenas

Ausflüge mit Phoenix Reisen
ca. 4h

ca. 4 Std. 
Von Puntarenas fahren Sie etwa 1 Std. in den Carara-Nationalpark, ein 4.700 Hektar großes Mittelgebirgsgebiet, das fünf Vegetationszonen umfasst. Über teils gepflasterte und teil steinige Spazierwege erkunden Sie den Park etwa 1,5 Std. zu Fuß. Im Carara-Nationalpark sind über 110 Vogelarten beheimatet. Darunter gefährdete Arten wie scharlachrote Aras, gelbschnabelige Schmuckvögel oder Lachfalken. Außerdem mehrere Arten von Affen, beeindruckende Reptilien und Amphibien. Nach einer kurzen Pause fahren Sie zur Tarcoles-Brücke, wo Sie eine Population von Krokodilen beobachten können, die nur wenige Meter unterhalb der Brücke leben. Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Regen-, Mücken-, Sonnenschutz sowie festes Schuhwerk und Kopfbedeckung empfohlen. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

ca. 4-5h

ca. 4-5 Std.
Vielleicht haben Sie ja Freude daran, Land und Leute aus einer anderen Perspektive kennenzulernen, und zwar entspannt mit dem E-Bike und mit ausreichend Zwischenstopps. Sei es in Kombination mit Stopp in einer ursprünglichen Gaststätte fernab von touristischem Gedränge oder bei einer Stippvisite einer der "klassischen" Sehenswürdigkeiten der Region - seien Sie gewiss, dass Sie mit vielen neuen Eindrücken zurück an Bord kommen.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Über den genauen Tourenverlauf, Distanzen und zu erwartende Höhenmeter (immer in moderater Geschwindigkeit) informiert Sie Ihr E-Bike-Führer an Bord. Die Durchführung und Leitung erfolgt durch diesen deutschsprechenden, schiffsseitigen E-Bike-Führer. Helm und eine Wasserflasche werden gestellt. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Esparza und Mangrovenfahrt
ca. 5,5h

ca. 5,5 Std.
Nach kurzer Busfahrt erreichen Sie Esparza, eine der ältesten Städte Costa Ricas und eine der attraktivsten in der Pazifikregion des Landes. Der zentrale Park und Hauptplatz mit Kirche sind sehenswert. Sie werden in traditionellen Kostümen mit einer Folkloredarbietung begrüßt. Gelegenheit zum Einkauf handgefertigter Souvenirs. Landschaftlich reizvolle Fahrt zur Mündung des Tarcoles Flusses. Umstieg in ein überdachtes Ausflugsboot zu einer entspannten Fahrt durch das Mangrovengebiet. Das Flussdelta ist Lebensraum zahlreicher exotischer Vögel. Darunter Reiher, Pelikane oder Fregattvögel. Außerdem befindet sich hier die größte Kolonie an Krokodilen der Region. Nach der etwa einstündigen Bootsfahrt folgt eine kurze Erfrischungspause, bevor Sie wieder zum Schiff fahren.
Bitte beachten:  Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Festes Schuhwerk, lange Hose, Regen-, Mücken- und Sonnenschutz empfohlen. Fütterung der frei lebenden Tiere nicht erlaubt. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Landschaftsfahrt und Kaffeeplantage
ca. 7,5h mit Essen

ca. 7,5 Std. mit Essen
Eine landschaftlich reizvolle Fahrt führt Sie durch die Provinz von Puntarenas mit Farmland und üppigen Wäldern hinauf in die Bergwelt. Sie erreichen das Hochland von Alajuela, bekannt für qualitativ hochwertigen Kaffee, und besichtigen die Plantage Doka Estate, die auf einer Fläche von 250 ha feinsten Hochlandkaffee anbaut. Während einer Führung sehen Sie Kaffeepflanzen in den verschiedenen Wachstumsphasen sowie das Schälen, Selektieren, Trocknen, Lagern und Rösten der Bohnen. Kosten Sie frischen Costa Rica-Kaffee und nehmen Sie Ihr Mittagessen ein, bevor Sie nach Sarchí weiterfahren. Hier haben Sie Gelegenheit, den größten Ochsenkarren der Welt zu fotografieren, und besuchen eine traditionelle Werkstatt für die hölzernen, kunstvoll bemalten Ochsenkarren, die zu den Wahrzeichen Costa Ricas gehören. Anschließend Rückfahrt zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Knapp 2 Std. zu Fuß.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Naturschutzgebiet Natuwa
ca. 5h

ca. 5 Std.
Etwa einstündige Fahrt zum Natuwa Schutzgebiet in El Manantial. Es handelt sich um eine costa-ricanische Naturschutzorganisation, die sich für die Rettung und den Schutz gefährdeter Arten einsetzt. Schwerpunkt des Projektes ist die Erhaltung der vom Aussterben bedrohten Ara Macao (Hellroter Ara) und Ara Ambigua (Großer Soldatenara). Die Tiere werden gezüchtet, um sie dann der freien Wildbahn zuzuführen. Aber nicht nur Aras sind hier beheimatet. So wurden im November 2014 drei Jaguar-Jungtiere in das Schutzgebiet gebracht, deren Mutter getötet wurde. Die drei Jaguare leben hier, da sie - von Menschen aufgezogen - nicht die Überlebensfähigkeit für ein Leben in Freiheit erlernen konnten. Natuwa arbeitet weiterhin mit Faultieren, Jaguaren, Tapiren und einer großen Vielfalt der einheimischen Fauna Costa Ricas. Etwa 2,5 Std. Aufenthalt und nach einer kleinen Erfrischungspause fahren Sie wieder zurück zum Schiff.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Etwa 2,5 Std. zu Fuß.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Nebelwald und Hängebrücken
ca. 7,5h

ca. 7,5 Std.
Gut 2-stündige Busfahrt nach Monteverde zum Sky Adventures Park, in einem der bekanntesten und schönsten Nebelwälder gelegen. Der Park bietet seinen Besuchern die Möglichkeit, die eindrucksvolle Umgebung hautnah zu erleben. Mit einer Schwebebahn fahren Sie etwa 15 Minuten auf eine Aussichtsplattform und genießen von hier den weitläufigen Ausblick. Ihr Reiseführer informiert Sie über die Besonderheiten von Flora und Fauna dieser Region (Aufenthalt etwa 15 Min.). Nach der Rückfahrt mit der Schwebebahn folgt ein etwa 1-stündiger geführter Spaziergang über Wanderwege und vier Hängebrücken. Sie gelangen bis auf die Höhe der Baumkronen und erleben den Nebelwald aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive. Nach diesen besonderen Natureindrücken erwartet Sie ein Mittagsbuffet im costa-ricanischen Stil, bevor Sie frisch gestärkt in knapp 2 Std. Fahrt zum Schiff zurückkehren. 
Bitte beachten: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.  Mitnahme vom Regenschutz und leichter Jacke empfohlen. Knapp 2 Std. zu Fuß.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis. (Stand: August 2024)

Schmetterlingspark und Botanischer Garten
ca. 3,5h

ca. 3,5 Std. 
Etwa 30-minütige Busfahrt zum Schmetterlingsgarten in Monteverde. Während Ihres Besuchs im geschlossenen Schmetterlingsobservatorium sehen Sie eine Vielzahl von Schmetterlingen in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung. Erfahren Sie Wissenswertes über Ihren Lebenszyklus, ihre Bedeutung im Ökosystem und ihre Beziehung zu Pflanzen. Bei einem anschließendem geführten Rundgang durch den Botanischen Garten können Sie mit etwas Glück Schmetterlinge in der freien Natur sehen und tauchen in die farbenprächtige Welt der tropischen Pflanzen ein. Nach etwa 2-Stunden Aufenthalt und einer Kostprobe tropischer Früchte fahren Sie zum Schiff zurück.
Bitte beachten: Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Tortuga Bay und Strandaufenthalt
ca. 7,5h

ca. 7,5 Std.
Nach einem kurzen Transfer zur Bootsanlegestelle startet Ihre etwa 90-minütige Bootsfahrt durch das Archipel mit seinen kontrastreichen, kleinen charmanten Inseln, die den Golf von Nicoya schmücken. Inmitten dieses Archpels liegt Tortugal Island. Etwa 12 Seemeilen von Puntarenas entfernt gelegen, hat Tortuga Island eine Fläche von 120 Hektar, hauptsächlich Wald, der seit mehr als fünf Jahren mit dem Umweltzeichen "Blaue Flagge" ausgezeichnet ist. Geniessen Sie während Ihres etwa 4-stündigen Aufenthaltes das klare türkisfarbene Wasser. Mittagessen vor Ort. Im Anschluss an Ihren Aufenthalt fahren Sie wieder etwa 90 Minuten zurück zum Bootsanleger, wo Ihr Transferbus zum Schiff bereits auf Sie wartet.
Bitte beachten: Sehr begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Badesachen, Handtuch, Sonnenschutz nicht vergessen.
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Über Hängebrücken durch den Nebelwald
ca. 6h mit Essen

ca. 6 Std. mit Essen
Ein Ausflug für sportliche Gäste. Gut 1,5 stündige Busfahrt in den schönen dichten Nebelwald Costa Ricas. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Primärwald, dessen Ursprünglichkeit erhalten ist. Vögel, Schmetterlinge, Brüllaffen und viele andere Tiere haben hier ihren Lebensraum. Sie spazieren etwa 1,5 Stunden durch den Wald, über Hängebrücken und auf Pfaden, die durch die üppige Vegetation des Nebelwaldes führen. Unterwegs sehen Sie eine Kolibristation. Ihr ortskundiger Reiseleiter informiert Sie über die Flora und Fauna. Erholungspause bei einem landestypischen Mittagessen und tropischem Fruchtsaft, bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückkehren.
Bitte beachten:  Für Gäste mit eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit nicht geeignet. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Unebene Wege und hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit. Rutschfestes Schuhwerk, Sonnenschutz, Mückenschutz, Fernglas und Regenjacke empfohlen. 
Vorbehaltlich Änderungen Programm/Preis (Stand: August 2024)

Ausflüge mit Norwegian
A Real Coffee Tour
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 2
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 76€

A comfortable ride will take you through the pastoral countryside of the province of Puntarenas and a wide variety of landscapes that include rich farmlands, lush forests and mountain views, as you approach the highlands of Atenas, a charming town located in the Occidental Valley of the country. It is recognized for having the “best climate and purest air in the world” and for being one of the production areas with the best coffee crops in the country. The characteristics offered by the privileged climate of the zone, the careful selection of the beans by our producers and a rigorous quality control, in compliance with international certifications, allows us to offer the best Costa Rican coffee to the entire world.

A great team of tour guides will join you through every stage of the production process of this fine gourmet coffee. During your visit to the plantation and processing plant, you will have the opportunity to live with us the experience behind a delicious cup of coffee. Learn, along with our experts, how we process and roast coffee from our producer´s farms, in harmony with the environment, and how COOPEATENAS benefits more than 1300 producers, their families, and the community.

Before return to the ship a visit to El Jardín Souvenir Market, here you will have plenty of opportunities to browse around their shop, sample a delicious tropical fruit.

A Real Coffee, Chocolate & Sarchi Experience
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
6 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 85€ / Kinder ab 85€

Coffee and Cacao production in Costa Rica has always played a key role in the country's history and still very important for the country's economy today. This enjoyable and educational guided excursion starts with a delightful ride through rustic countryside, passing a variety of landscapes including rich farmland, lush forests, (please insert a comma) and mountain views as you approach the highlands of Naranjo, The Espiritu Santo coffee plantation comprises 640 acres of prime coffee plantation, here the secrets of a real cup of coffee and cacao is turned into chocolate will be revealed to you. Begin with a nursery demonstration to observe the different stages of the coffee plant during its first year. The coffee is dried under the sun, using century's old methods to produce a first quality coffee. During your visit to the plantation and processing plant, you might see workers picking from the plants the cherries, other workers taking care of the final process of preparing and packing the coffee for exporting purposes. Visit an old, yet authentic replica of a Costa Rican laborer house, where your tour guide will explain how coffee used to be brewed, and why, after over 50 years, people still use a handmade "chorreador" instead of an electric coffee maker, then stop at our chocolate station to see how cacao was toasted, grinded and turn into delicious chocolate by our ancestors, sample the chocolate covered coffee beans, they are delicious! Spend a few minutes browsing the gift shop before boarding your transportation for Sarchi, famous for producing Costa Rica’s traditional hand-painted oxcarts, see artisans at work, enjoy a hearty typical lunch buffet a browse for mementos before returning to port.

Aerial Tram & Rainforest Adventure
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 2
7 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 169€ / Kinder ab 143€

Embark on an open-air gondola ride and safely glide through a living backdrop of giant trees, hanging gardens, waterfalls and lush green landscapes. Panoramic ocean views and common sightings of wildlife that thrive in the canopy will introduce you to this unique transitional forest. This is also one of the few areas in Costa Rica where you can occasionally see spectacular scarlet macaws majestically soaring above the treetops or sitting in one of the trees.

To complete your Tropical experience, visit the Butterfly Garden,a medicinal plant Garden and Heliconias Gallery. Enjoy a delicious lunch before returning to your ship.

Aerial Tram & Zipline Adventure
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 2
8 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 163€ / Kinder ab 143€

Experience the thrill of a zipline canopy tour without missing out on the Tropical forest’s rich wildlife. This innovative ‘Tranopy’ tour combines the in-depth forest view of an aerial tram with the excitement of a canopy tour. Your naturalist guide will accompany you to point out some of the secrets of the primary and secondary Tropical forest that surrounds you. Your Tranopy tour starts with a ride on the famous tram where you’ll experience all the different layers of the Tropical rainforest, from the floor up to the treetops.

Silently glide through the colorful, complex beauty of the Tropical forest canopy. The 30 minute tram ride will bring you through the forest, over tumbling cascades and to the beginning of your canopy adventure. You’ll experience canopying though ten cables – five of which are over 200 meters long. To your right, you’ll find the dense Tropical forest, and to your left is an extensive view of the valley all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Over 1.5 kilometers of cables will take you through everything from the rich Tropical forest ecosystems to sweeping views high above the forest floor.

Aerial Tram, River Cruise & Lunch
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 2
7 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 221€ / Kinder ab 201€

Enjoy the most exciting adventure in the natural wonderland of Costa Rica. Board the Pacific Tropical Forest Aerial Tram and literally fly through the forest canopy and take an exhilarating jungle cruise on the Tarcoles River. The Pacific Tropical Forest Aerial Tram is the only tour that provides a unique exploration of the canopy in the Transitional Tropical dry Forest on Costa Rica’s mid-Pacific coastline. Dry upland forest meets humid coastal dry forest with unique species colonizing the treetops and the canopy in this 222-acre eco-tourism park, dedicated to conservation. Embark on a gondola designed for 9 passengers to safely glide through a living backdrop of giant trees, hanging gardens and lush green landscapes. Panoramic ocean views and sightings of exotic flora and fauna will introduce you to this unique transitional dry forest. Your experience includes a guided walk through the forest. A visit to the medicinal plant and Butterfly Garden will complement your walk. After your tram ride, enjoy a Costa Rican lunch at the park in a lush natural setting. You can also shop at Rainforest, where you can find a variety of local and handmade arts, crafts and designs as well as Costa Rican souvenirs before transferring to Tarcoles for a jungle river journey. Upon arrival at the Visitor Center you will board comfortable roof covered open boats to explore the world famous Tarcoles River. This river tour usually takes 1 hour. It will provide a great understanding of the life and death of the mangroves and swamps that constitute one of the most important ecosystems in Costa Rica. Noted for its mangrove forests, the Tarcoles River is a wonderful and crucial habitat for hundreds of species and a wide variety of sea and shore birds as well as colonies of the largest crocodiles in Central America. During the tour, our naturalist guide will help you identify a great variety of birds and wildlife. This habitat is also vital for the preservation of the endangered Scarlet Macaw. Tour sequence may vary.

Andalusian Horse Show & Countryside
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 1
5 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 114€

A comfortable air conditioned bus ride passing a variety of landscapes including mango and watermelon farmlands, lush forests and mountain views will take you to the highlands of Alajuela Province where the hacienda is located.

Rancho San Miguel is a school of high equestrian arts as they have been exhibiting horse fiestas for over 30 years and is famous throughout the Americas for their pure breed of Andalusian horses. Upon arrival to the ranch you will be greeted by a local expert who will introduce you to the equine world of mares and stallions.

The show combines training of the magnificent Andalusian horses with the mastering ability of the riders, a group of talented young ladies in acts that require many months of hard team-work, training and discipline. You will see the mares and their offspring, the hacienda carriage, the stallion, the long pole and the “equestrian fantasy”, a synchronized choreography of the mares.

Every act will be presented and explained by the expert while you also enjoy the sounds of the Spanish flamenco music in a spectacular amphitheater.

Afterwards, time will be allotted for some shopping.

Artisanal Craft Beer, Tasting & Lunch
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
6 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 114€

Emerge yourself and see first-hand how Costa Ricans have integrated their “Pura Vida” lifestyle into what has been considered one of the 100 best breweries in the world. See the process and learn how quality beer is developed. Above all enjoy a beer tasting session with these fine brews and complete your tour with a hearty lunch with food cooked and stewed in the beer itself. There is a short stop for shopping before you are returned to the ship.

Corobici River Raft - Floating Tour
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 3
7 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 182€ / Kinder ab 95€


Float down the mostly calm and meandering waters of the Corobici River on a raft while taking in the gorgeous scenery. A leisurely drive through the fertile Guanacaste flatlands will offer a hint of the natural beauty that lies ahead, but nothing rivals seeing it up close. The river lies in the shadow of the Palo Verde National Park and the foliage is dense, green and comes right to the river’s edge. After a briefing to ensure that you maximize the experience, you will ease into the water and begin floating downstream. Hundreds of species of tropical birds inhabit this area, so keep an eye out for species such as ospreys and kingfishers in the tree branches scanning the water for prey. Roseate spoonbills, white ibises and bare-throated tiger herons are often seen wading in the shallows. If you don’t see howler monkeys, chances are, you will hear them playfully screeching in the tree canopy.


• Enjoy a float trip down the winding Corobici River, whose waters are typically calm.
• Look for colorful birds flying overhead and wading birds in the shallows.
• Scan the tree canopy for howler monkeys and white-faced monkeys.
• Admire the endless natural beauty and serenity of the tropical setting.
• Dine at a riverfront restaurant before pausing to shop at a country store.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Bring a swimsuit, towel and sunscreen.
• Wear comfortable shoes that can be wet.

Costa Rica Traditions & Culinary Delights
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 1
8 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 134€ / Kinder ab 105€

Discover how coffee is processed at one of the country’s largest plantations and watch artisans hand-craft oxcarts, which have become a national symbol of Costa Rica. At the family-owned Doka Estate, you will observe the steps involved in producing premium coffee, including the use of the country’s oldest wet mill. The aroma of the roasting beans will whet your appetite for the coffee tasting and traditional lunch that follows. Deeper in the fertile Central Valley, you will find Sarchi, a town synonymous with fine arts and crafts, especially hand-painted oxcarts. Established in 1923, Eloy Alfaro remains the only factory in Costa Rica that still uses water-powered machinery to produce their iconic wooden oxcarts. The guide will elaborate on the production details and how traditional two-wheeled oxcarts were once used to transport crops and even as ambulances. The factory also created the world’s largest oxcart, an enormous two-ton version that you will behold in a nearby square.


  • See the steps involved in producing premium coffee while touring a sprawling plantation.
  • Visit a factory that uses traditional means to make brightly painted wooden oxcarts.
  • Witness the pride Costa Ricans take in producing coffee and oxcarts in the Central Valley.
  • Savor a sampling of coffee and a hearty lunch of Costa Rican dishes.


  • Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
  • Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Crocodile Safari & Traditional Dance
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 1
4 3/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 76€ / Kinder ab 56€

Cruise the mangrove-lined Tarcoles River to observe the countless crocodiles that inhabit the murky waters and then watch an entertaining dance performance.

After departing from the pier, you will enjoy a meandering drive into the countryside south of Puntarenas, where the Tarcoles River empties into the sea. You will then board a small boat and cruise into the surrounding protected wilderness.

The river supports an abundance of wildlife, including one of the world’s largest colonies of American crocodiles. There are literally dozens of crocodiles, which can typically be seen sunning on the riverbanks. They often keep their mouths open when sunning, a behavior known as “gaping,” which helps to regulate their body temperature.

Although ferocious-looking, crocodiles are actually shy and reclusive. They usually enter the water silently. If you spot one quickly splashing into the river, it is probably frightened, despite the fact that crocodiles are top predators that can grow up to 15 feet long.

The mangrove-lined shores of the river also provide safe haven for a large number of birds such as herons, egrets, and storks. You may see hummingbirds flitting about, vireos perching on the intertwined mangrove branches, and Panama flycatchers mournfully whistling, which is their distinctive call. You may also spot basilisks walking on water in a complex move that creates air pockets beneath their feet as they slap the surface of the water.

Following the river cruise, you will watch a folkloric dance performance while snacking on fresh fruit at El Jardin Market.

Forest Sky Walk & Shopping
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 2
4 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 82€ / Kinder ab 53€

The Sky Walk trails and suspended cable bridges will show you the wonders of the tropical forest. Located around national parks and protected lands, more than 80 species of birds have been identified as well as mammals such as the Kinkajou, Agoutis, Coatis and more. Your one hour downhill walk will offer you breathtaking views of the ocean and coastline, as well as its vegetation and waterways.

Board your coach to visit El Jardin, enjoy some fruit and water to replenish your energy here and you’ll be able to shop souvenirs in the well-stocked shop, before heading back to your ship.

Forest Sky Walk & Tarcoles Eco-Cruise
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 3
4 3/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 76€

Experience the wonders of the tropical forest, walk along suspended cable bridges and enjoy a motorboat ride on the Tarcoles River to enjoy one of the more diverse views of the protected areas of Costa Rica. The Sky Walk trails and suspended cable bridges are likely to show visitors the wonders of the tropical forest. Located around national parks and protected lands, more than 80 species of birds have been identified as well as mammals such as the Kinkajou, Agoutis, Coatis, and others. Your downhill walk will enable you to enjoy breathtaking views of the ocean and coastline, as well as its vegetation and waterways. Drive to your next destination to where the adventure awaits. Take a motorboat ride along the Tarcoles River, famous for its pristine mangrove forest and is a nesting site for the rare Scarlet Macaw. It also shelters a large variety of resident and migrant aquatic wildlife, iguanas and Jesus Christ lizards, the river is home of the largest crocodile population in the country. Your exploration is done using high above the water covered open-air motorized boats. Make sure you keep your eyes open and your camera ready. Listen to marimba music while enjoying a tropical fruit serving with fresh fruit juice, water and Costa Rican coffee before returning to your ship.

Jaguar & Macaw Sanctuary
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 95€

The Natuwa Sanctuary at El Manantial is a Costa Rican wildlife conservation charity working to save and protect endangered species from extinction, headquartered in Aranjuez de Puntarenas.

Natuwa works with some of the most endangered native birds of Costa Rica, focusing on the rarest species and the most fragile habitats. The main focus of the project is the Scarlet Macaw (Ara Macao) and the Great Green Macaw (Ara Ambigua), who once flew freely in many areas of Costa Rica.

At the Sanctuary, Great Green macaws and Scarlet macaws are not bred for the pet trade. They are strictly bred in order to release their young into the wild to be set free forever. In the sanctuary the birds fly unrestricted, enjoying the trees and the fruits they can find around this habitat. The local people from the village of Aranjuez care for and watch over the wild macaws.

In November 2014 three jaguar cubs were brought to the NATUWA Sanctuary, just a few days old. The Costa Rican government rescued them and brought them to NATUWA to be taken care of because they were orphaned. The three jaguar cubs Onka, Baguira, and Dinamú were able to survive thanks to the care they received at NATUWA. They did not have the opportunity to learn survival skills from their mother such as how to hunt and how to mark territory. They have been raised surrounded by humans and this leaves them vulnerable and unable to survive in the wild. They have no other option and must stay in captivity.

These felines will be Ambassadors for an environmental education program that involves schools and the general public. The main objective is to generate information so that visitors understand the vital role that animals play in the forest ecosystem.

Jaguar and Macaw Sanctuary
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 105€ / Kinder ab 85€

The Natuwa Sanctuary at El Manantial is a Costa Rican wildlife conservation charity working to save and protect endangered species from extinction, headquartered in Aranjuez de Puntarenas.

Natuwa works with some of the most endangered native birds of Costa Rica, focusing on the rarest species and the most fragile habitats. The main focus of the project is the Scarlet Macaw (Ara Macao) and the Great Green Macaw (Ara Ambigua), who once flew freely in many areas of Costa Rica.

At the Sanctuary, Great Green macaws and Scarlet macaws are not bred for the pet trade. They are strictly bred in order to release their young into the wild to be set free forever. In the sanctuary the birds fly unrestricted, enjoying the trees and the fruits they can find around this habitat. The local people from the village of Aranjuez care for and watch over the wild macaws.

In November 2014 three jaguar cubs were brought to the NATUWA Sanctuary, just a few days old. The Costa Rican government rescued them and brought them to NATUWA to be taken care of because they were orphaned. The three jaguar cubs Onka, Baguira, and Dinamú were able to survive thanks to the care they received at NATUWA. They did not have the opportunity to learn survival skills from their mother such as how to hunt and how to mark territory. They have been raised surrounded by humans and this leaves them vulnerable and unable to survive in the wild. They have no other option and must stay in captivity.

These felines will be Ambassadors for an environmental education program that involves schools and the general public. The main objective is to generate information so that visitors understand the vital role that animals play in the forest ecosystem.

Jungle & River Wagon Expedition
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 153€ / Kinder ab 124€

Get immersed in an incredible adventure of the tropical rainforest environment just 60 minutes from Puntarenas. Travel through luscious landscapes crossing the crystal waters of Tarcolitos River several times on a tractor-drawn wagon while your tour guide acquaints you with this unforgettable rainforest experience at the Villalapas Private Reserve.

As you ride, keep your camera ready and discover some curious inhabitants such as the colorful toucans, scarlet macaws, rare spiders whose cobwebs are compared to steel cables, lizards, howler and spider monkeys as well as exotic plants from ancient times.

During this adventures journey, you will have some time at leisure to enjoy the sounds of the nature, take pictures or even dip into the clear waters of this beautiful river if weather allows. Continue to Santa Lucia, a unique little town.

Newly constructed, architects were careful to use old building techniques and materials in order to show exactly how Costa Ricans lived in previous centuries. Here, you will be greeted with a tropical fruit buffet, and cold drinks that you enjoy as you wander around this small, old-style village.

La Paz Waterfall Gardens
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 3
8 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 124€

Walk through an expansive forested garden with several animal exhibits and a series of waterfalls that can be reached on a hike of about two miles. After departing from the pier, you will settle in for a leisurely and circuitous drive inland, passing through some of the most spectacularly scenic countryside in Costa Rica. In time, you will arrive at La Paz Waterfall Gardens, which lies between two national parks.

To reach the waterfall, you will hike about two miles along a nature trail that initially winds through an aviary, a serpentarium and exhibits devoted to indigenous animals such as jungle cats, hummingbirds and monkeys. The hike alone provides a fascinating introduction into the spectacular biodiversity within the surrounding rainforest and cloud forest.

You may encounter rainbow-billed toucans, capuchin monkeys, two-toed sloths and blue morpho butterflies. The animals within the exhibits have been rescued or rehabilitated but can’t be released back into the wild because of injury or not having the skills to survive on their own.

The trail continues along the river that is the source of the numerous cascades in the gardens, with La Paz being the last and highest waterfall. You will cross bridges, follow boardwalks and pause at lookouts that offer the most panoramic views of the river and beyond. It will be well worth the effort, as La Paz couldn’t be more naturally beautiful.

A hearty lunch at a restaurant within the gardens follows.

Puntarenas Scenic Ride, Folkloric Dances & Tarcoles River Eco Cruise
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 82€ / Kinder ab 62€


Watch an entertaining folkloric dance performance and observe crocodiles and other wildlife on a riverboat cruise. In both cases, all you have to do is sit back and enjoy. The dance show will be held in Esparza, which the Spaniards founded in 1575, making it the second-oldest city in Costa Rica. Cultural traditions flourish there and none is so celebrated as dance, as you will see firsthand. To the south, the Tárcoles River meanders through the jungle-like countryside on its way to the Gulf of Nicoya. The scenery will be extraordinarily picturesque as you cruise onboard a covered boat that offers uninterrupted views of the flora and fauna along the mangrove-lined riverbanks. You can expect to see plenty of colorful tropical birds and American crocodiles, as one of the country’s largest colonies of these primeval-looking reptiles lives there. Afterwards, you can listen to marimba music while enjoying local fruits and coffee.


• Watch brightly costumed dancers put on a folkloric show in the city of Esparza.
• Cruise the Tárcoles River, home to countless birds and a huge colony of crocodiles.
• Shop for handmade crafts that reflect the creativity of the local artists.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Sabana Adventure Safari
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 2
7 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 163€ / Kinder ab 134€

Take an adventurous safari into the tropical savanna, where you will see a variety of indigenous and exotic animals before relaxing at one waterfall in the surrounding jungle.

After departing from the pier, you will settle in for an immensely scenic drive into the lush Guanacaste Province. Near the regional capital of Liberia, known as the “White City” for its white-washed colonial architecture, you will enter Ponderosa Adventure Park.

The sprawling wildlife park is home to hundreds of animals, all protected and many of them indigenous to Africa. It’s the ideal setting for an adventurous safari into the surrounding grassy savanna. To maximize your experience, you will ride in a vehicle open on the sides for panoramic viewing and be given carrots to feed some of the animals.

You can expect to encounter giraffes, zebras, emus, ostriches and even camels. You can just imagine the thrill when a giraffe walks over, reaches down and gently plucks a carrot from your hand. You will see all sorts of other animals from a comfortable distance that allows you to view them completely undisturbed.

More adventures await you as you board a 4-wheel-drive, military-style vehicle and ride into the jungle-like countryside. Here, you will find —La Perla —where you can enjoy a refreshing swim. Afterwards, you will enjoy a hearty, buffet-style lunch before returning to the pier.

San Jose, National Theater, Sarchi & Lunch
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
7 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 114€ / Kinder ab 95€

Discover the wonders of San Jose on this full day adventure on this guided motorcoach tour in Costa Rica’s vibrant capital city, San Jose. Visit the famed National Theater which was constructed in the late 19th century. The front of the theatre features statues of Calderón de la Barca and Ludwig van Beethoven. There are several monuments by the entry walkway including Frédéric Chopin. The inside features the mural Allegory of Coffee and Bananas by Milanese artist Aleardo Villa, which is featured on the five colón bill.

Venture to the artist colony of Sarchi. This town offers more than 200 stores and small family-operated woodworking factories producing wooden bowls and other tableware, and a wide variety of kitschy items. The most popular items on sale are "carretas", elaborately painted oxcarts that traditionally carried coffee from the highlands down to the port on the Pacific coast. Lunch at a local restaurant completes your exciting day.

Scenic Costa Rica
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 1
3 1/4 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 48€ / Kinder ab 48€

Your sightseeing drive through rolling hills, high mountains, plains, valleys, and riverbeds is just part of the gorgeous landscape that will make you think of paradise. Costa Rica’s topography is one of the world’s most diverse. You’ll start by heading east to Esparza, a town that has become one of the most picturesque in Costa Rica’s Central Pacific region. The central park and its church are emblematic of Costa Rica’s hardworking rural towns.

Local dancers in colorful dresses will greet you at the park and you’ll enjoy masquerades and handmade souvenir exhibitions while you learn about their traditions. Your scenic drive includes some stretches along the Pacific Ocean passing by mango and cashew plantations, farming areas and most certainly seeing some birds along the way, all examples of sustainable living. Take the opportunity to capture unique pictures, while traveling down to sea level, admiring the most breathtaking views.

Sloth Sanctuary & Wildlife Rescue Center
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
5 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 124€ / Kinder ab 114€


Meander through the Costa Rica Animal Rescue Center and learn about this sanctuary for animals that have been orphaned, injured, abused or lost their habitats due to deforestation. You will enjoy a close-up look at sloths and other tropical creatures as they are rehabilitated in hopes of returning them to the wild. Sloths are the world’s slowest animals and spend nearly all day hanging upside down in trees, rarely traveling more than 125 feet. If their habitat is disturbed or destroyed, the sloths are at great risk. The guide will describe the habits of sloths in the wild and how they easily adapt to the sanctuary environment that replicates a tropical forest. You can also expect to see plenty of other rescued animals in various stages of rehabilitation. They include toucans, hawks, anteaters and lesser-known animals such as tamanduas, which like their anteater relatives are typically solitary.


• Observe animals being rehabilitated in a sanctuary that replicates their native habitats.
• See sloths – the world’s slowest animal – and learn about their characteristics and habits.
• Observe other creatures such as toucans, hawks, monkeys and anteaters.
• Gain insight into how the sanctuary follows its motto – Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release.”


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Tarcoles River Eco-Cruise Adventure
Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) / Costa Rica
Level: 1
4 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 82€ / Kinder ab 56€

This adventure tour takes place in the Guacalillo Estuary on the Tárcoles River that forms the northern border of the Carara Biological Reserve. It’s home to one of the world’s largest crocodile populations in the world with individuals up to 20 feet long that can live up to 60 years. In addition to the crocodiles, over 50 different bird species might be seen on site. This estuary is famous for its mangrove forests and is one of the nesting sites of the very rare scarlet macaw and a great variety of resident and migrant waterfowl, iguanas and Jesus Christ lizards. Your adventure begins with a confortable motor coach ride one on coastal and countryside roads, passing small towns en route to the premises of the Jungle Crocodile Safari created by the veterinarian Mr. Mario Orjuela in 1993. Using catamaran-style boats, cruise the Tárcoles River for a bit over an hour you’ll be able to observe these wild animals from a safe distance. A delicious tropical fruit serving will be waiting for you at your return with tropical fruit drinks and coffee. Ample time for purchasing crafts made by local artisans will be given.

Tortuga Island & Beach Break
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 2
7 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 211€ / Kinder ab 192€

After a short drive from the Puntarenas pier enjoy a 90 minute boat ride through the beautiful and small charming islands that adorn the Gulf of Nicoya.

In the Gulf of Nicoya, there is a heavenly archipelago of several islands with lush natural beauty and a sanctuary that is home to seabirds, white sandy beaches and the flora and fauna of our Central Pacific region. Tortuga Island is located in this beautiful archipelago. Situated 12 nautical miles from Puntarenas, Tortuga Island (called by local indigenous people “Tolinga”) has an area of 120 hectares and is maintained as a protected forest which has been awarded the Ecological Blue Flag for more than five years. This distinction is awarded to beaches in our country that have pollution-free waters. Due to its geographical features, Tortuga Island’s waters are clear turquoise, which are optimal for swimming.

A delicious lunch will be waiting for you. Explore the island and enjoy the beach, relax or play beach volleyball. Optional activities such as snorkeling and banana boat rides are available at an extra cost.

Tropical Butterflies And Gardens
Puntarenas / Costa Rica
Level: 2
3 1/2 Stunden
Erwachsene ab 143€ / Kinder ab 114€


Become immersed in the wonderful world of butterflies at an enclosed tropical garden that provides a multitude of habitats that butterflies find appealing. As you meander about the observatory, you will view a remarkable variety of butterflies that are indigenous to Costa Rica, including the brilliantly colored Blue Morpho. The guide, an avid lepidopterist, will describe the life cycles of the butterflies, their importance in the ecosystem and their symbiotic relationship with flowering plants. It will be an eye-opening look at butterflies that goes far beyond their natural beauty and elegance. You may see butterflies in their larval stages, emerging from their chrysalises and depositing eggs on host plants. You will also discover much about those plants and why they attract certain butterflies. Just for fun, be sure to snap your photo standing between the giant sculpted butterfly wings that will make you appear to be Blue Morpho. Juice and fresh fruits will be served afterwards.


• Stroll through a tropical garden with different species of plants that attract butterflies.
• See butterflies of various species in different stages of development.
• Learn about the remarkable life cycles of the butterflies.
• Enjoy a refreshing snack of fresh juice and fruits.


• Dress in weather-appropriate clothing.
• Wear flat comfortable walking shoes.

Ausflüge mit Silversea Cruises
A Walk in the Clouds
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 6.75 Stunden
Code: PUN-A

Discover the rich biodiversity of Costa Rica during this panoramic, half-day eco-trek in an exquisite cloud forest.

San Luis Park and Hummingbird Garden

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 1.75-hour drive to San Luis Park. Upon arrival, a comfort stop is made before starting your guided eco-trek through the lush, verdant trails of the cloud forest. Your journey begins with a short downhill walk leading into an open hummingbird garden, where many species of these tiny, vividly-coloured birds gather around and amaze you with their spectacular acrobatic aerial manoeuvers.

Guided Eco-Trek

After this beautiful experience, continue on to the first of four suspended bridges. Each of these bridges stretch between 95 and 253 feet (29 and 77 metres) in length, up to 126 feet (38 metres) above the ground and offer amazing bird's-eye views of the cloud forest. As you continue your way past rivers and cascades, take in spectacular panoramic vistas of your surrounds whilst your naturalist guide points out the most outstanding features of this misty forest. Included are diverse bird species, butterflies and small mammals, along with flora such as orchids, heliconias, ferns, bromeliads, and many other varieties of aerial plants and vegetation.

At the end of your nature walk, you will be able to taste the delicious 'agua dulce' (a traditional drink) with a hearty typical Costa Rican lunch.

Welcome Centre and El Jardin

After lunch, re-board the bus and start the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier. On the way stop at El Jardin where some time is made available to browse for souvenirs.

Please note: This tour involves an extensive amount of hiking for approximately 1.1 miles (about 1.8 kilometres), at times on uneven and gravel surfaces, with over 60 steps to negotiate. This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition, and is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, and a light sweater or jacket from the ship. Guests must be at least eight years old to participate on this tour. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions. Wildlife sightings cannot be guaranteed.

This tour involves an extensive amount of hiking for approximately 1.1 miles (about 1.8 kilometres), at times on uneven and gravel surfaces, with over 60 steps to negotiate. This tour is recommended for guests who are in good physical condition, and is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, and a light sweater or jacket from the ship. Guests must be at least eight years old to participate on this tour. Operation of this tour is subject to weather conditions.
Andalusian Horse Show
Classic - Optional Excursion
Dauer: 6.0 Stunden
Code: PUN-E

Experience the beauty and talent of purebred Andalusian horses during this captivating, full-day equestrian excursion to Rancho San Miguel.

Farmland, Forests and Mountains

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 1.5-hour drive to Rancho San Miguel. En route, pass by mango and watermelon farmlands and lush forests, then take in stunning mountain views on the approach to the highlands of Alajuela Province, where the hacienda is located.

Rancho San Miguel and Andalusian Show

A school of high equestrian arts, Rancho San Miguel has been exhibiting horse fiestas for over 30 years, and is now famous throughout the Americas for its purebred Andalusian horses. Upon arrival, learn about the equine world of mares and stallions. Afterward, take in an unforgettable show combining dressage training of the magnificent Andalusian horses with young Amazonian female riders performing masterfully choreographed equestrian exhibitions.

Orotina and Shopping

Next, re-board your coach and continue on to a private venue, Valle del Sol, for a Costa Rican-style buffet lunch. After lunch, your last stop is at El Jardin souvenir market in Orotina. Here, some free time is made available for you to browse the shop, sample their delicious fruits or simply relax with a Costa Rican cup of coffee. At the conclusion of your visit, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 30-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 109 yards (about 100 metres), on paved surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and insect repellent from the ship.

This tour involves a minimal amount of walking for approximately 109 yards (about 100 metres), on paved surfaces and inclines, with a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is suitable for guests with limited mobility, but is not wheelchair-accessible. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection and insect repellent from the ship.
Countryside and Coffee Tour
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.5 Stunden
Code: PUN-002

Discover the splendid countryside beauty, history, and traditions of Costa Rica during this scenic, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Puntarenas Province, Farmlands, Forest, Mountains, Naranjo Highlands

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 1.5-hour drive through the pastoral countryside of the Puntarenas Province. Traverse a wide variety of landscapes that include rich farmlands, lush forests, and mountain views as you approach the highlands of Naranjo, a site that is world-famous for the quality of its coffee. Your first stop is at the Espíritu Santo Coffee Plantation, which embodies the coffee traditions and history of Costa Rica.

Espíritu Santo Coffee Plantation, Historic House, Coffee Tour & Tasting, Sarchí, Oxcart Monument

Espíritu Santo comprises approximately 640 acres (about 259 hectares) of prime coffee plantation. Upon arrival, take a guided tour that explores every stage of the coffee production process. At the plantation and processing plant, see workers sweeping the coffee that lies in the sunlight and still has its parchment to make sure it dries evenly. A visit is also made to an old house for a glimpse into how Costa Ricans used to live in the past. Following your guided tour, enjoy a tasting of gourmet Costa Rican coffee, then re-board your coach and drive to the town of Sarchí for a photo stop at the Oxcart Monument, the largest oxcart in the world. This scenic town is considered the home of Costa Rica’s finest craftsmanship.


Eloy Alfaro Oxcart Factory, Shopping

Your final stop is at the Eloy Alfaro Oxcart Factory. The only oxcart factory left in the country, it is powered by a water wheel. During your guided tour, observe the work of skilled artisans making beautiful souvenirs and producing their world-renowned, handmade oxcarts, Costa Rica’s national symbol since 1986. In 2014, the Eloy Alfaro Oxcart Factory was declared part of Costa Rica’s national architectural heritage. Following your tour, stop by the gift shoppe to browse for a souvenir of your visit, then re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour, 40-minute drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.6 miles (about one kilometre), at times over uneven, gravel, and cobblestone surfaces, with four steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, a sweater or light jacket, an umbrella or raingear, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least eight years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The driving time between the pier and sites visited is approximately 1.5 hours in each direction. The tour sequence may vary.

Easy Cruise to the Eco Jungle
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.75 Stunden
Code: PUN-D

Explore the pristine natural beauty and abundant wildlife along the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica during this picturesque and relaxing eco-tour along the Guacalillo Estuary and Tarcoles River.

Guacalillo Estuary

Depart the pier for the scenic drive along Costa Rica's Pacific Coast en route to the Guacalillo Estuary, located near Carara National Park. Upon your arrival board your boat and start your mangrove riverboat adventure.

Mangroves are a group of unrelated woody plants that grow in protected tropical coasts and that provide a great habitat for many endemic birds like the cuckoo, hummingbirds, vireo, Panama flycatchers and many herons and egrets. These areas are also home to over 250 species of birds, mammals and insects, with the Tárcoles River's mouth to be considered as one of the richest sites for sea and shorebirds, mainly during their migration period between October and April.

Tarcoles River

The mouth of the Tárcoles River is considered by birdwatchers to be one of the richest sites for seabirds and shorebirds, especially during their migration from October to April. The osprey, gull, cormorant, pelican, and frigate birds are among the most common species in the delta. You will receive a birding guide which will help you to recognize them.

The river's shores are home to one of the largest crocodile colonies, with some specimens exceeding 9.8 feet (three meters) in length. Although Iguanas, Jesus Christ lizards and birds that include herons, egrets, ducks, spoonbills, and storks are sighted on the majority of these outings, their cooperation cannot be guaranteed. During your tour, learn about the mangrove, the species and wildlife it supports, and the importance of its preservation.

At El Jardin Market

On the way back to the ship, stop at El Jardín Market, where you can browse around souvenirs, sample delicious tropical fruit, taste a cup of freshly brewed Costa Rican coffee or an iced cold beer while the beautiful sounds of the marimba music plays.

Please note: This tour involves a minimal amount of walking and is suitable for guests with limited mobility and those who utilise a wheelchair. Guests will be required to embark/disembark the coach via the bus steps. Wear light-weight clothing, sun protection and insect repellent. Wildlife sightings cannot be guaranteed. A minimum number of guests per guide is required for operation of this tour. The sequence of the events might vary.

This tour involves a minimal amount of walking and is suitable for guests with limited mobility and those who utilise a wheelchair. Guests will be required to embark/disembark the coach via the bus steps. Wear light-weight clothing, sun protection and insect repellent. Wildlife sightings cannot be guaranteed.A minimum number of guests per guide is required for operation of this tour. The sequence of the events might vary.
Jungle and River Wagon
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 4.75 Stunden
Code: PUN-001

Indulge your senses with the exquisite flora and fauna of a tropical rainforest during this half-day, river sightseeing excursion.

Puntarenas, Villa Lapiz Private Reserve, Tropical Rainforest, River-Wagon-Ride, Tarcolitos River

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour drive to the Villa Lapiz Private Reserve. Upon arrival and after a comfort stop, receive your safety and tour instructions, board your river-wagon (tractor-drawn wagon) and begin your narrated, jungle and river-wagon adventure. Experience the excitement of traveling through lush landscapes whilst crossing the crystal waters of Tarcolitos River several times on your river-wagon, which has been specially designed to enable you to enjoy the scenic natural splendour of your surrounds.

Toucans, Macaws, Spiders, Lizards, Monkeys, Lush Flora, Exotic Plants, Free Time, Swimming

Along the way, keep your camera ready and learn about your abundant surrounds whilst searching for the curious inhabitants of the flora- and fauna-rich Villa Lapas Private Reserve. Some of the denizens you might see include colourful toucans, scarlet macaws, rare spiders whose cobwebs are compared to steel cables, lizards, howler and spider monkeys, as well as lush, tropical flora and exotic plants extant from ancient times. During your river-wagon adventure, some free time is made available to relax and enjoy breath-taking panoramic vistas in all directions, and/or take an optional dip in the crystal-clear waters of this beautiful river.

Santa Lucia Town, Tropical Fruit, Refreshments, Free Time, El Jardin Market, Shopping

Next, re-board your coach and continue on to the unique little town of Santa Lucia, newly-constructed utilising old building techniques and materials in order to show how Costa Ricans lived in previous centuries. Your arrival is greeted with a tropical fruit buffet and cold drinks, along with some free time to explore this small, old-style village. Afterward, re-board your coach and head for a final stop at the El Jardin Market. Upon arrival, some free time is made available to browse the market for wooden handicrafts, t-shirts, coffee, postcards, and other souvenirs of your visit. At the conclusion of your tour, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 219 yards (about 200 metres), at times over uneven, gravel, cobblestone, and natural surfaces, with five steps to negotiate to get on/off the bus and embark/disembark the river-wagon. The river-wagon-ride may be rough and uncomfortable at times, and guests will experience bumpy, jerking motions. This tour is not suitable for pregnant guests, guests with heart and/or respiratory conditions, guests with neck and/or back problems, guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, a sweater or light jacket, an umbrella or raingear, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests wishing to swim during the river-wagon-ride should wear a swimsuit under a cover-up, and bring a towel and change of clothing from the ship. Guests must be at least 18 years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The driving time between the pier and sites visited is approximately one hour in each direction. The tour sequence may vary.

Natuwa Rescue Centre
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 4.75 Stunden
Code: PUN-I

Explore the conservation efforts to save and protect endangered wildlife species in Costa Rica during this fascinating, half-day excursion to the Natuwa Rescue Centre.

Puntarenas, Aranjuez de Puntarenas, Natuwa Rescue Centre

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately one-hour drive to Aranjuez de Puntarenas. Upon arrival, visit the Natuwa Rescue Centre, a conservation charity with a mission to educate the public, and save and protect endangered wildlife species from extinction with the support of the local community. Under the direction of a group of specialists in wildlife management and under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica (MINAE), the sanctuary is considered a conservation tool to meet the needs of many of these animals that have been orphaned.

Guided Walking Tour, Sloths, Jaguars, Tapirs, Monkeys, Scarlet and Great Green Macaws, Fauna

After a comfort stop upon arrival, receive your instructions and begin your guided tour. The sanctuary has a designated area where animals thrive in the most natural environment possible. Your easy walk is narrated by an expert local guide who explains everything about these charismatic animals. Along the way, stop by the various observation stations to learn about the rare and endangered animal species that inhabit the sanctuary. Included are sloths, jaguars, tapirs, monkeys, scarlet macaws, and great green macaws, along with diverse native fauna and fragile habitats.

Seasonal Fruit, Shopping, Free Time

Following your guided tour, enjoy some seasonal fruit and some free time for shopping and independent exploration. At the conclusion of your visit to the sanctuary, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.6 miles (about one kilometre), at times over uneven, gravel, and natural surfaces, with four steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. Walking at the Natuwa Rescue Centre is at the discretion of each guest. This tour is not suitable for guests with allergies, guests with limited mobility and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, bottled water, and US$ or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Flash photography is not permitted when photographing wild animals. The tour sequence may vary.

Sarchi’s Oxcart Factory & Gardens
Classic - Selected Excursion
Dauer: 7.0 Stunden
Code: PUN-T

Explore the traditional artisan town of Sarchí, its oxcarts, and botanical gardens during this bespoke sightseeing tour with lunch.

Puntarenas, Sarchí Town

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 1.75-hour drive to Sarchí. Located in the western part of the Central Valley, the picturesque town of Sarchí is considered the home of Costa Rica’s best wooden crafts. It was here, more than a century ago, where local artists began painting and decorating their traditional oxcarts in intricate and colourful designs. A spirited, but good-natured competition arose amongst families to see who could create the most spectacular designs. These sturdy vehicles, hauled by pairs of oxen, soon became the primary means of transportation throughout the nation, bumping over rough roads and trails to carry elegantly dressed young ladies to festivals and dances in nearby villages.

Eloy Alfaro Oxcart Factory, Guided Tour, Water Wheel, Oxcart Production, Shopping

Your first stop is at the Eloy Alfaro Oxcart Factory. The only oxcart factory left in the country, it is powered by a water wheel. During your guided tour, observe the work of skilled artisans making beautiful souvenirs and producing their world-renowned, handmade oxcarts, Costa Rica’s national symbol since 1986. In 2014, the Eloy Alfaro Oxcart Factory was declared part of Costa Rica’s national architectural heritage. Following your tour, stop by the gift shoppe to browse for a souvenir of your visit.

Else Kientzler Botanical Gardens, Heliconias, Bromeliads, Succulents, Lunch, Shopping

Next, re-board your coach and head to the nearby Else Kientzler Botanical Gardens. Upon arrival, take a guided tour of these beautiful tropical gardens. Whilst strolling down the paths, see diverse gardens that feature heliconias, bromeliads, and succulents. At the greenhouse, plants are produced for sale and replanting in the garden. Following your visit, re-board your coach and proceed for a Costa Rican-style lunch at the nearby El Jardin Sarchi restaurant. After lunch, stop by the adjacent souvenir shoppe to browse for a memento of your visit. At the conclusion of your tour, re-board your coach and commence the approximately 1.75-hour drive back to the pier.

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 0.74 miles (about 1.2 kilometres), at times over uneven, gravel, and cobblestone surfaces, with four steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to motion sickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, a sweater or light jacket, an umbrella or raingear, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least eight years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The driving time between the pier and sites visited is approximately 1.75 hours in each direction. The tour sequence may vary.

Tropical Cruise & Cultural Experience
Classic - Included Excursion
Dauer: 5.5 Stunden
Code: PUN-S

Embrace the cultural traditions and natural splendour of Costa Rica during this immersive, half-day sightseeing excursion.

Puntarenas, Esparza, Central Park, Church, Colourfully Dressed Local Dancers, Masquerades

Depart the pier for the scenic, approximately 30-minute drive to Esparza. This town has become one of the most picturesque places in Costa Rica’s Central Pacific region. Its Central Park and church are emblematic of the country’s hardworking rural towns. Colourfully-dressed local dancers greet your arrival at the park, where you can you interact with the masquerades and learn about our traditions. In addition, stop by the park’s souvenir exhibitions to browse hand-made items for sale.

Tarcoles Estuary, Boat-Ride, Jungle, Mangroves, Birds, Crocodiles, Refreshments

Next, re-board your coach and head to the beautiful Tarcoles Estuary. Upon arrival, embark a pontoon-boat for a panoramic and relaxing ride through the jungle, an absolute must for nature lovers. This estuary shelters four different species of mangroves that are filled with exotic birds such as egrets, herons, pelicans, and frigate birds, some of the most common species of the delta. The river shores are also home to some of the largest crocodile colonies in the region. Afterward, disembark your boat and proceed for a comfort stop and tropical fruit refreshments at the main station.

El Jardin Market, Shopping

Leaving the Tarcoles Estuary, re-board your coach and continue on for a final stop at the El Jardin Market. Upon arrival, some free time is made available to browse the market for wooden handicrafts, t-shirts, coffee, postcards, and other souvenirs of your visit. At the conclusion of your tour, re-board your coach and commence the approximately one-hour drive back to the pier.  

Please note: This tour involves a moderate amount of walking for approximately 327 yards (about 300 metres), at times over uneven, gravel, cobblestone, and natural surfaces, with four steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and embark/disembark the boat. This tour is not suitable for guests prone to seasickness, guests with limited mobility, and guests who utilise a wheelchair. Guests are advised to wear lightweight, comfortable clothing with flat, closed-toe walking shoes, and bring sun protection, insect repellent, a sweater or light jacket, an umbrella or raingear, bottled water, and US Dollars or credit cards for purchases from the ship. Guests must be at least eight years old to participate on this tour; minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over 18 years old. Guests must be at least 18 years old to be served alcoholic beverages. The tour sequence may vary.

Ausflüge mit MSC
83€ Erw. / 58€ Kind
Ausflugscode: PAS08

Mangroven sind nicht nur üppig und schön, sondern beherbergen auch Hunderte von Vogel-, Säugetier- und Insektenarten. Wo könnte man sie besser sehen und die Strände erkunden, an denen sie wachsen, als entlang des Flusses Tárcoles in der Nähe des Carara-Nationalparks. Dieses Gebiet ist bekannt für seine Mangrovenwälder, die aus vier Arten bestehen: Teemangroven, schwarze, rote und weiße Mangroven. Sie sind die Heimat von Vögeln wie dem Kuckuck, Kolibris, Vireo, Panama-Fliegenschnäpper und vielen Reihern und Reihern. Die Mündung des Tárcoles-Flusses beherbergt außerdem über 250 Tierarten, die das Wasser, das Land und die Luft der Mangrovenwälder bewohnen. Fachkundige Führer werden alle Geheimnisse dieses einzigartigen Lebensraums enthüllen und erklären, warum er erhalten werden muss, da er eine Schlüsselrolle für die Erhaltung aller lebenden Arten auf der Erde spielt. Bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückkehren, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, auf dem lokalen Markt zu stöbern und Souvenirs zu kaufen, köstliche tropische Früchte zu probieren oder eine Tasse frisch gebrühten costaricanischen Kaffee zu kosten.

Bitte beachten Sie: Es wird empfohlen, dass die Gäste bequeme Schuhe, einen Hut, Insektenschutzmittel und Sonnencreme tragen. Gäste, die Mobilitätshilfen benutzen, müssen in der Lage sein, einige Stufen zu überwinden, um in den Bus und das Boot ein- und auszusteigen.

79€ Erw. / 55€ Kind
Ausflugscode: PAS03

Fahren Sie bequem durch die ländliche Gegend in der Provinz Puntarenas, wo Sie verschiedenste Landschaften erwarten: Auf Ihrem Weg zum Hochland von Naranjo, das für die Qualität seines Kaffees bekannt ist, fahren Sie durch üppiges Ackerland sowie dichte Wälder und können den Ausblick auf die Berge genießen. Die Kaffeeplantage Espiritu Santo steht sinnbildlich für die bemerkenswerten und puren Kaffeetraditionen von Costa Rica und seine Geschichte. Die Farm umfasst 260 Hektar Kaffeeplantage - jener Ort also, an dem das Geheimnis einer echten Tasse Kaffee entsteht. Gemeinsam mit unserem tollen Team aus Reiseleitern verfolgen Sie jeden Schritt im Herstellungsprozess dieses feinen Gourmet-Kaffees. Während Ihres Besuchs auf der Plantage und in der Verarbeitungsanlage können Sie die Arbeiter beobachten, wie Sie den in der Sonne liegenden Kaffee gleichstreichen. Pergament stellt hier sicher, dass der Kaffee gleichmäßig trocknet. Besuchen Sie dann ein altes Haus und erleben Sie, wie die Costa-Ricaner einst lebten. In der Stadt Sarchí können Sie ein unvergessliches Bild des weltweit größten Ochsenkarrens knipsen. Diese malerische Stadt gilt als die Stadt der besten Handwerker von Costa Rica. Auf der Rückfahrt zum Schiff legen Sie bei El Jardín einen Halt ein, um durch den Souvenirshop zu stöbern oder den traumhaft schön gepflegten Garten zu bewundern.

Hinweis: Die Anzahl von Reiseleitern mit anderen Sprachkenntnissen als Englisch ist eingeschränkt. Sollte für Ihre Sprache kein Reiseleiter zur Verfügung stehen, wird der Ausflug auf Englisch kommentiert.

98€ Erw. / 69€ Kind
Ausflugscode: PAS11

Begeben Sie sich am Pier auf eine kulinarische Entdeckungsreise, die Sie entlang der Pazifikküste von Costa Rica zu einem privaten Veranstaltungsort am zauberhaften Ufer des Flusses Tárcoles führt. An Ihrem Ziel werden Sie herzlich mit erfrischendem Kokoswasser begrüßt und beginnen dann Ihren eintägigen Kochkurs, bei dem Sie unter der fachmännischen Anleitung eines Kochs lernen, wie Sie authentische costa-ricanische Rezepte mit traditionellen Zutaten zubereiten - also ¿pura vida", wie es sein soll. Der Ausdruck ¿pura vida" bedeutet übersetzt nämlich ¿einfaches Leben", doch für die Costa Ricaner ist dieser Spruch mehr als nur leere Worte, sondern Sinnbild für ihre Lebensweise. Bereiten Sie Ihre neuen kulinarischen Entdeckungen zu und schlemmen Sie dann die Köstlichkeit aus grünem Salat, Kürbisragout, weißem Reis, Hühnchen oder Rindfleisch, gebratenen Kochbananen mit Bohnenpüree, Käse-Tortillas und Chili-Essig. Nach dem Kochkurs wartet ein köstliches Mittagessen mit Ihren zubereiteten Speisen auf Sie. Lassen Sie dabei die wunderbare Umgebung auf sich wirken und erfahren Sie, wie die Urahnen vieler Costa Ricaner Kaffee gebraut haben. Das Beste kommt ja bekanntlich zum Schluss: Runden Sie diesen Gourmet-Tag mit einem costa-ricanischen Dessert ab, bevor Sie zum Schiff zurückkehren. Dieser Kochkurs ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um neue Aromen zu entdecken, neue Rezepte für Ihre Familie zu lernen und Ihre Gäste demnächst kulinarisch zu beeindrucken!

Hinweis:  Wir empfehlen Ihnen, leichte Kleidung, bequeme Schuhe sowie eine Kopfbedeckung zu tragen und eine Sonnenbrille mitzubringen. Das Speiseangebot kann geändert werden. Das Mindestalter für die Teilnahme beträgt zwölf Jahre.Gäste mit Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten werden gebeten diese dem Ausflugsbüros mindestens zwei Tage vor der Einschiffung mitzuteilen. Die Anzahl von Reiseleitern mit anderen Sprachkenntnissen als Englisch ist eingeschränkt. Sollte für Ihre Sprache kein Reiseleiter zur Verfügung stehen, wird der Ausflug auf Englisch kommentiert. ¿

117€ Erw. / 82€ Kind
Ausflugscode: PAS07

Erleben Sie den unglaublichen ¿Wolkenwald", während Sie über die Pfade durch die üppige Vegetation, die sich vor Ihren Augen auftut, wandern. Die Tour beginnt mit einem kurzen Spaziergang hügelabwärts und führt Sie in einen offenen Kolibrigarten, wo verschiedene Arten dieser winzigen, farbenfrohen Vögel herumschwirren und auch Sie mit ihren spektakulären Flugmanövern verzaubern werden. Anschließend kommen Sie zur ersten von vier Hängebrücken, die sich über eine halbe Meile über dem Boden erstrecken und Ihnen einen atemberaubenden Blick aus der Vogelperspektive über den Wald bietet. Jede dieser Brücken ist zwischen 30 und 77 Meter lang und in einer Höhe von bis zu 38 Meter über dem Boden angebracht. Auf dem weiteren Weg entlang der Flüsse und Kaskaden erfreuen sich Ihre Sinne an den spektakulären Aussichten. Gleichzeitig zeigt Ihnen Ihr Naturführer die bemerkenswertesten Höhepunkte dieses nebligen Waldes und zeigt Ihnen verschiedene Vogelarten, Schmetterlinge und kleinere Säugetiere, die hier leben. Auch Pflanzen wie Orchideen, Helikonien, Farne, Bromelien und andere Pflanzen mit Luftwurzel machen diesen wunderschönen Ort aus. Freuen Sie sich auf einen leichten Snack und ein Erfrischungsgetränk, bevor Sie zu Ihrem Schiff zurückkehren.

Hinweis: Dieser Ausflug eignet sich auch nicht für schwangere Frauen und Personen mit Schwindelproblemen und Höhenangst. Gäste mit Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten werden gebeten diese dem Ausflugsbüros mindestens zwei Tage vor der Einschiffung mitzuteilen. Die Anzahl von Reiseleitern mit anderen Sprachkenntnissen als Englisch ist eingeschränkt. Sollte für Ihre Sprache kein Reiseleiter zur Verfügung stehen, wird der Ausflug auf Englisch kommentiert.

56€ Erw. / 39€ Kind
Ausflugscode: PAS01

Ihre landschaftlich reizvolle Fahrt führt Sie zunächst in Richtung Osten zu einer der malerischsten Städte in Costa Ricas zentraler Pazifikregion. Der zentrale Park und seine Kirche sind ein Symbol für die hart arbeitenden ländlichen Städte Costa Ricas. Einheimische Tänzerinnen und Tänzer in farbenfrohen Kostümen begrüßen Sie im Park zu einer kulturellen Vorführung, bei der Sie sich an den Maskeraden erfreuen und mehr über die lokalen Traditionen erfahren können. Außerdem haben Sie die Möglichkeit, nach handgefertigten Souvenirs zu stöbern. Die Fahrt führt Sie weiter entlang des Pazifiks und vorbei an Mango- und Cashew-Plantagen. Sie werden auch die Vögel beobachten können, die dank der hier angewandten nachhaltigen Praktiken in dieser Umgebung gut gedeihen. Ihre Reise geht weiter, wenn Sie sich auf Meereshöhe begeben und die weiten Ausblicke und grünen, mit Weideland bedeckten Hügel bewundern. Mit dem Meer in der Ferne sollten Sie unbedingt Ihre Kamera mitnehmen, um die einzigartige Aussicht festzuhalten. Unterwegs machen Sie einen kurzen Halt an den Obstständen, wo Sie verschiedene traditionelle Produkte wie frische tropische Früchte, Cashewkerne, "cajetas" und "cocadas" (traditionelle Süßigkeiten), Kochbananenchips, kalte Getränke und viele andere typische Snacks kaufen können, was Ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, mit freundlichen Einheimischen ins Gespräch zu kommen. Ihre Tour endet mit einem Einkaufsbummel auf dem Souvenirmarkt El Jardín, wo Sie die Gelegenheit haben, die köstlichen Früchte zu probieren und eine gute Tasse costaricanischen Kaffee zu genießen.

Bitte beachten Sie: Gäste mit Lebensmittelunverträglichkeiten jeglicher Art müssen dies dem Büro für Landausflüge mindestens zwei Tage vor dem Anruf mitteilen.

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